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Monday, April 4, 2011

‘Musa cannot behave as a dictator in BN’

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has much to gain from the ouster of Sabah Barisan Nasional's most loyal ally, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

KOTA KINABALU:  Sabah Chief Minister Musa  Aman has once again come under criticism from within the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition for behaving like a dictator much like his predecessors who were overthrown.
Musa was reminded that he is obliged to look after the interest of all the BN component parties when exercising his prerogative power.

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leader VK Liew said the political situation in the state has evolved into an environment where no single party or chief minister can do as it or he pleases unlike in the past.

He said that unlike in the past where the state was ruled by a single political party such as Usno, Berjaya and PBS, the current state government is made up of component parties from BN since 1994.

He was replying to a recent statement by PBS president cum Deputy Chief Minister, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, that Musa had the prerogative power to choose who he pleases in his cabinet.

“In this respect, the power is not absolute and Pairin is therefore incorrect,” said Liew who is also the MP for Sandakan and a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

“It is no longer one party’s rule in Sabah, no thanks to Pairin,” Liew said taking a poke at Pairin who is seen as instrumental in allowing the state to be ruled by peninsular-based political parties.

Liew disclosed this to reporters at his monthly’s ‘Bringing Service To the People’ at the Medium cost Flat, Taman Recreation, Kg. Sim-Sim, in Sandakan, yesterday.

His party is troubled that Musa has moved to put his party out in the cold and used former state political powerhouse PBS to nullify its influence in the government.

“When exercising such prerogative power as the Chief Minister of Sabah and chairman of BN in Sabah, the only consideration should be that of the interest of BN,” Liew argued.

“The chief minister cannot be influenced by any extenuating circumstances, whether personal or otherwise.

“To do so, will make any decision bad and may lead to many dissatisfaction and criticisms as it now shows,” he said.

PBS to gain

LDP has been voicing out its dissatisfaction over the recent reshuffle of the state cabinet which saw the appointment of PBS deputy president cum State Resource Development and Information Technology Minister, Dr Yee Moh Chai as the Deputy Chief Minister, replacing Peter Pang En Yin who joined Gerakan on March 16.

Pang was a former LDP member who quit the party in September last year, in protest against LDP’s disagreement with Musa’s style of leadership and was rewarded by the chief minister who retained him in his cabinet.

Liew described Musa’s decision to appoint Yee as the Deputy Chief Minister as a “wrong choice” and a “bad precedent”, arguing that by convention, the chief minister should appoint three different component party representatives as his three deputy chief ministers, with each representing the three main communities in Sabah – the Kadazandusun, the Muslim Bumiputera and the Chinese.

Liew stressed that the only “reasonable” and “fair” solution was to appoint someone from LDP to the post, as it was the only local-based Chinese-dominated party within the state BN.

LDP under Musa has now been reduced to having only one representative in the state cabinet with its vice-president cum Merotai state assemblyman, Pang Yuk Ming. He is the Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development.

Peter Pang’s departure also left LDP with only two elected state representatives namely Yuk Ming and its secretary-general, Teo Chee Kang who is the state assemblyman for Tanjung Kapor.

Talk is rife among political pundits in the state that if LDP continues to be hostile and critical of Musa, it may lose all its three remaining seats in the coming general election.

PBS stands to gain from the ouster of LDP.

Dictatorial approach

Moves by Musa has given the impression to many that the state government does not consider the Chinese vote as important as PBS’ non-Bumiputera electorate.

PBS has 12 state seats under its control while the other BN component parties such as Upko has six seats, Gerakan Sabah (3), and PBRS (1) and Sabah Umno control of 32 state seats.

According to analysts, Musa sees the political equation as an easy win for BN even without the LDP and the Chinese vote.

The political scenario under Musa appears to be taking a leaf out of the book of previous state governments with a dictatorial approach to governance much like Usno’s Mustapha Harun, Berjaya’s Harris Salleh and PBS’ Pairin, according to analysts.

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his book ‘Doctor in the House’ remarked on this phenomenon in Sabah but added that all of them had subsequently paid the price by being removed from power. Queville To


  1. How can a pakistanese can be Sabah CM? What about our majority Sabah native like the KDM? No qualify or only puppet?

    No wonder these few years I can see so many pakistanese illegal immigrants doing business in Sabah without any restriction from the authority. Most of the pakistanese married the KDM sumandak and can get free IC, free bumiputra status and free Sumandak.

    Sabah is like a cowboy place running by assssno dogs.

  2. How sweet having KDM virgin sumandak. The "big and long" thingggg pakistanese really lucky.

  3. LDP masih belum happy lagi.

  4. Kalau LDP masih ada maruah, jangan cakap lagi, keluar saja dari BN.

  5. Its all started when DAP messing around.

  6. Musa bersikap adil dan terbuka, tetapi LDP yang enggan berunding dgn cara baik.

  7. Kalau musang bin tidak aman sudah berunding sama LDP, mustahil LDP buat bising lagi kan?

    Bisalah kaki pengampu syaitan aaaassssno. Bos suruh makan tahi, mereka sanggup makan juga. Ops!!!

  8. perlantikan dibuat berdasarkan kemampuan sesorang itu.

  9. tidak perlulah menjadikan isu ini berpanjangan. masih banyak lagi isu lain yang memerlukan perhatian dan lebih memberikan kepentingan kepada rakyat.

  10. musa sentiasa terbuka untuk berunding dgn LDP, tapi adakah LDP sedia untuk berunding? pelantikan Datuk Yee adalah atas kemampuannya. beliau mmg layak untuk memegang jawatan tersebut, tak perlulah nak pertikaikan.

  11. Isu sini musang bin tidak aman tak pernah runding sama LDP sebelum pelantikan. Walaupun kemampuan dari LDP tidak seorang pun qualify, mereka kena berunding dulu.

    Sudah bukti Musang bin tidak aman tak hormat sama LDP. Buat apa lagi LDP dalam barisan najis? Semua sampah sarap!

  12. Why playing with the racial sentiment just like those peninsularian?

    It doesnt matter who become the CM or the deputy, as long as he or she can give the best to the people of Sabah, his or her race is not a problems to me la...

  13. kepimpinan LDP juga sebelum ini yang mengatakan mereka tak ingin bekerjasama lagi dgn Musa. bagaimana Musa nak berunding jika begitu sikap LDP?

  14. LDP should just leave BN if they are not satisfied.

  15. The decision is based to appoint a DCM is based on that person qualification and experience.

  16. I think Dr.Yee deserve the position as DCM. I can't think of anyone better than him. All the best to him!

  17. All the more reason LDP should leave BN.The longer they stay the more embarassment they will face and the more ill-treatment they will receive.LDP is a political party with good support from the people so why let yourself be bullied and patronised by BN?Are they waiting for the GE13 when they will be allocated only one seat to make a decision?Stand up and let your party be counted and not being dumped in the back alley of politics.If LDP continue to bark but afraid to make a stand then I am afraid their supporters will slowly sway away from the party and they will be in the end like a general without an army.Shame on you LDP!No guts.

  18. make your stand now LDP..stay or leave..

  19. does musa behave as a dictator?

  20. dr.yee is the best candidate for the DCM post..

  21. well LDP, its up to you..its time for you to stop being so childish..

  22. OH common LDP, just accept that you not good enough for the DCM position. Move on already!

  23. MA appointed Dr.Yee due to his competency, qualification and years of experience.

  24. LDP does not have the guts to leave BN.

  25. All they do is talk, talk, talk. But they don't dare to get out of BN.

  26. Are you guys from umno sure the government choosing criteria based on meritocracy?

    Why so many so called muslim bumiputra worked in all the GLC in Sabah AND MAJORITY OF THEM ARE BUGIS and JAVA.

    Are you telling us the Sabahans NONE OF THE NON-Bumiputra are qualify?

    FCUK OFF you racist scumbag umno pigs!

  27. LDP must leave BN if they want to save their dignity.

  28. Come on LDP, this thing should put in rest.

  29. Adakah LDP akan terus mengurung diri seperti itu?

  30. Mana satu lebih penting? Kerjaya politk atau masalah rakyat?

  31. Musng bin tidak aman is a FAILED CM. He has been CM for 8 years but when we visit to Sandakan, still like a kampung with full of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTs loitering around the street like southern phillipine.

    CKK only CM for 2 years but had developed Kudat rapidly.

    Musang bin tidak aman should RESIGN immediately and GET LOST!

  32. For me, what the CM decision is good for selected Datuk Yee be the Deputy Chief miniter. What he looking for is the person character..

  33. LDP seperti parti yang gilakan kuasa. Apa salahnya jika LDP berusaha lebih untuk rakyat. Berjasa untuk rakyat tidak mustahil akan terpilih menjadi TKM. Jika asyik bertengkar bagaimana rakyat mahu percayakan parti tersebut.

  34. Musa Aman memilih atas dasar kebolehan seseorang dan bukan atas dasar kawan. Jadi LDP harus terima kerana Datuk Yee lebih berkebolehan bagi memimpin rakyat.

  35. musa hanya suka seorang pak turut macam yee sebagai DCM. Walaupun musa suruh makan tahi dia, mereka akan cakap wangi pula.

    Apa salah bila LDP mengudarakan kelemahan kerajaan terus dianggap lawan bos? kelakuan begini adalah dipanggil dictatorship.

    Jilat jangan tak jilat bandat asssno kaki pengampu asssno.

  36. Tidak sedar ka rakyat Sabah yang sekarang ini Sabah diperintah olih UMNO dan Gerakan.UMNO=5 Gerakan=2.Total 7 full Ministers from Peninsular based party.PBS=2 LDP=0 UPKO=0 PBRS=0.Correct me if I'm wrong.Ops!MCA=0.

  37. Ada segelintir orang kita asyik kuat jilat bandat orang malaya dan sanggup gadai maruah mereka. parti dari semenanjung lebih baik balik malaya lah.

  38. musa sesuai rupa bentuk stalin bukan hilter

  39. yang timbulkan masalah ini siapa? LDP.. yang minta masalah ini diselesaikan siapa? LDP juga.. bila masalah tidak selesai dituduhnya siapa? komponen parti lain relek ja.. LDP saja yang macam kena histeria menuntut itu ini..

  40. Musa had already made the decision. LDP should just move on. Better luck next time.
