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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Native farmers left out again - association

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Bumiputera Farmers and Rearers Association (Petanah) described the 2012 Budget unveiled by the Prime Minister on Friday as a huge slap on the faces of native farmers in Sabah and Sarawak.

Petanah president Gaibin Ransoi, in a statement here, said he was shocked that despite the numerous packages offered to Malaysians, the Prime Minister had totally forgotten the poverty-stricken farmers in the two Borneo states.

"It's the same case, year after year, with the national budget," Ransoi said.

"There are incentives, gifts and additional benefits given to public servants and those already earning good salaries, but those who have no salary and struggling in poverty like the farmers are forgotten and neglected.

"At least the fishermen have been promised with the Special Housing Fund to build and refurbish houses. But for the native farmers it is another slao in the face because while all those around them get wage increases, financial reliefs and assistance, they continue to slide down economically," Ransoi added.

"This is because while their farm productions remain the same, they have to face higher and higher living and working costs such as for groceries, transport and schooling expenses for their children, as well as for farming equipment, fertilizers and weed killers," he lamented.

He said that the government forgets that news about bonuses, increases in salaries and the reduction of taxes are all heartbreaks to the poor native farmers who cannot enjoy all these.

"Why can't the government have any feeling for the native farmers who form the poorest population but contribute hugely to the nation in terms of food production?" Ransoi asked.

"The fishermen have been given a monthly allowance of RM200, free boats, engines, nets and petrol discounts. But there is almost nothing for the poor farmers in the hills.

"Petanah suggests that all farmers be given RM300 per month - RM100 more than the fishermen because farmers have to toil the land for a long time to produce food and to compensate for their not receiving boats, engines and petrol like the fishermen," Ransoi pointed out.

He said, most farmers in Sabah are living below the poverty line and many are hardly able to support themselves with almost no cash in the house.

"Many live in decrepit houses without basic amenities and their children are hardly clothed," he said.

"And the worst thing is that many of them are being chased out of the NCR lands because their lands have been given to big companies. And sadly, some politicians who got voted into office by the poor farmers are siding with these companies!"

He suggested that the government come up with a comprehensive plan to help the native villagers improve their economic standing by offering them ore farming and stock breeding incentives.


  1. Dear Mr Gaibin of Petanah. I sincerely believed that you are fighting for the wellfare of poor farmers throughout of Sabah.To the very fact that Petanah members are the votersre more in numbers than Police personnells.

    Mr Gaibin please bear in mind that the concerned minister and his deputy simply do not bother with the poor farmers.

    All Petanah are known to be Dusun,Bajau,Bisayah,Murut,Rungus,Tabilung but not PATI [Indons or Philippines].

    BN state government only favours those of Indons and Philippines.

    You been fighting a gallant but losed battle.

  2. Hope that those natives will not be left out from any developments.

  3. Sabahan Natives should stand up for their rights, don't let yourselves be sidelined.

  4. Left out again? since when?

  5. Well the association should play a big role to fight on behalf of the native farmer.

  6. Fight if you are in a right side.

  7. Fight for your right man.

  8. keperluan semua rakyat harus sentiasa diambilberat dan dipenuhi..

  9. harap bajet yang dibentangkan akan dilakasanakan dengan baik agar semua mendapat faedahnya.

  10. kepentingan rakyat perlu sentiasa dijaga malah dimajukan lagi.

  11. "Petanah suggests that all farmers be given RM300 per month - RM100 more than the fishermen because farmers have to toil the land for a long time to produce food and to compensate for their not receiving boats, engines and petrol like the fishermen,"

    Semoga permintaan peruntukan untuk pekebun diberi perhatian dan dikaji.

  12. Bukan senang bujet 2012 untuk memenuhi semua golongan. Saya pasti kerajaan akan memberi bantuan kepada golongan yang betul-betul memerlukannya. Cuma, sedikit masa diperlukannya.

  13. "And the worst thing is that many of them are being chased out of the NCR lands because their lands have been given to big companies. And sadly, some politicians who got voted into office by the poor farmers are siding with these companies!"

    Masalah tanah NCR seharus diambil tindakan yang lebih berkesan, tanah yang dirampas akan mendatangkan kesan sampingan yang amat negatif sebab ada golongan diantaranya bergantung sepenuhnya diatas tanah untuk mendapatkan pndapatan.

  14. Semoga kerajaan memahami keadaan sebenar para pekebun, perancangan yang terperinci untuk membantu golongan pekebun amat diperlukan. Ada diantaranya masih dalam kesusahan dan kemiskinan.

  15. Banyak lagi golongan yang memerlukan bantuan. Bagi sikit masa kepada kerajaan untuk memahami keadaan golongan ini, mengkaji perancangan yang lebih berkesan untuk membantu. Jika semua pihak menyeru untuk peruntukan, ini akan menambahkan beban kepada kerajaan juga. Maka, perlu mengkaji kaedah yang lebih memanfaatkan semua pihak berbanding dengan peruntukan mata wang dari kerajaan.

  16. diharap kerajaan akan memberi perhatian kepada para petani/peladang bagi membantu mereka untuk terus berkembang maju.

  17. Bukan mudah untuk menyenangkan hati semua pihak. Oleh itu setiap perancangan harus diteliti sebaik-baiknya dan mengutamakan mereka yang benar2 memerlukannya dan bukan keuntungan peribadi semata-mata.

  18. Be realistic. We can't do everything in a blink of eyes.

  19. Rampasan tanah peladang akan menyebabakan golongan ini mengalami masalah amat besar. Semoga pihak kerajaan mencari jalan keluar agar para pekebun tidak mengalami masalah tanah NCR, jika tidak, pendapat harian golongan ini juga diancam.

  20. "Petanah suggests that all farmers be given RM300 per month - RM100 more than the fishermen because farmers have to toil the land for a long time to produce food and to compensate for their not receiving boats, engines and petrol like the fishermen,"

    Lebih baik jika pekebun mengguna cara sendiri untuk mendapat pendapatan yang lebih lumayan jika berbanding dengan bergantung kepada peruntukan kerajaan. Rakyat seharus berdikari agar tidak membebankan kerajaan.

  21. Berbanding dengan peruntukan, lebih baik kerajaan menjalankan projek pembangunan dan sistem pengairan dan infrastrutur yang lebih bermanfaatkan kepada semua pekebun, peladang dll.

  22. Cadangan peruntukan untuk pekebun seharus dikaji dan dilaksanakan agar golongan ini dapat perhatian dan bantuan yang diperlukannya.

  23. Harap masalah NCR diselesai dengan berkesan, jika tidak, makin banyak pekebun akan mengalami masalah kehilangan tanah yang diterokainya. Ini merupakan kes yang amat serius and harus diberi perhatian dan bantuan sewajarnya.

  24. kalau tidak mampu memberikan sebarang bentuk insentif atau elaun kepada pekebun, baik tarik balik insentif atau elaun dari para nelayan.. cara ini lebih adil dan mampu menggalakkan mereka untuk lebih berdikari serta berdaya saing..

  25. Saya cadangkan agar kemukakan di saluran yang betul.

  26. muka said...

    Saya cadangkan agar kemukakan di saluran yang betul.
    October 11, 2011 3:12 PM

    Exactly , so your needs and wants will be heard accordingly.

  27. Kesiannya... kenapalah perkara seperti ni berlaku?? huhu

  28. Kerajaan harus fikirkan cara terbaik utk bantu para penduduk. Jangan biarkan golongan ini terasa dipinggirkan.

  29. Semoga luahan Petanah ini mendapat perhatian. Walaupun bajet dah dibentang saya yakin pasti ada cara lain untuk tanggani hal ini.

  30. Saya tak tahu nak komen apa. saya cuma harap bajet yang dibentangkan dapat dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin.

  31. Segala kekurangan yang berlaku, harap dapat diatasi dengan baik demi menjamin kebajikan rakyat.

  32. The farmers are living a hard life. Hope there will be changes.

  33. the govt should remember them. They are very important too.

  34. Without them, we have nothing. They must be remembered.

  35. tahulah kerajaan ada byk projek kena handle, tapi harap dapat menyelesaikan perkara ini dulu.

  36. Kesian orang Sabah balik-balik masalah tanah saja berlaku. Harap mereka mendapat hak mereka kembali.

  37. Ask help from Koperasi Pembangunan Desa or Pertanian Sabah...they will give appropriate help...
