TAWAU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) reiterated Monday its stand of not joining fellow opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) but will continue co-operating with the latter as a colleague.
Its advisor, Datuk Mohd Noor Mansur, said he is only repeating what party President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee had said previously - that SAPP and PR can be friends but need not be married.
"We must remember that such situation had happened before during the Berjaya era when Usno and PBS united and defeated the Berjaya Government at that time," he said, in conjunction with the "SAPP Jelajah" programme to strengthen party machinery.
He said the discussion between SAPP and PR to fight the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next election is still being discussed.
However, he said this depended on the sincerity of PR component parties because the SAPP would not let itself be used by certain quarters just because of its status as a local opposition party.
Treasurer-General Dullie Marie, on the other hand, said the party is only interested to wrest the state from the Barisan and, thus, willing to pave the way for PR to contest parliamentary seats in Sabah.
The party has identified 40 out of 60 state seats it would be contesting but that it is still waiting for the outcome of the discussion with the PR.
SAPP is not greedy on the issue of seat determination...so long as Sabah autonomy rights are not affected, we are willing to provide room for other parties to discuss with us," he said.
Nevertheless, SAPP hoped to contest the seats one-to-one with the BN, he said, to ensure victory for the opposition.
He said there is positive development in the matter even though some of the statements issued by leaders in the PR have hurt the feelings of SAPP leadership.
Noor Mansor ni maseh relevant dalam politik ka?Bagus pencen saja lah pasal orang sudah bosan dengan muka macam ni.Waktu Berjaya dia sibuk kasi kaya diri sendiri dan keluarga jadi tidak ada 'special'dalam kepimpinan beliau dan jangan rakyat sekali-kali percaya.Semua temberang.
ReplyDeleteSAPP tidak mungkin akan mengikuti PR, mereka mahukan semua kuasa untuk diri mereka sendiri.
ReplyDeleteBiarlah rakyat yang menentukan nasib mereka semua. PRU-13 akan menjadi penentu.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSAPP tidak mungkin akan mengikuti PR, mereka mahukan semua kuasa untuk diri mereka sendiri.
DAP penang pun TAMAHAK. Mereka mahu semua kuasa di pulau penang.
Apa salah SAPP sebagai parti local menakbir Sabah? Perangai kamu ini tidak beza dari umno @ pembelot!
Sapp tidak akan menyertai PR, apa tah lagi DAP berada di dalam PR.
ReplyDeleteapa pun, terpulanglah kepada Sapp untuk menentukan pendirian mereka sendiri.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat not even a formally registered party. To register an alliance, you need at least 7 parties.
ReplyDeletePR is ILLEGAL. Why SAPP need to join them?
SAPP dan Pakatan mmg tak serasi.
ReplyDeletebiarlah SAPP dan Pakatan dgn haluan mereka sendiri.
ReplyDeletekalau sapp join Pakatan, confirm terpaksa ikut telunjuk anwar..
ReplyDeleteI think it is a good decision for not joining Pakatan.. but I don't think sapp can cooperate with them especially dap..
ReplyDeleteSabah Progressive Party (SAPP) reiterated Monday its stand of not joining fellow opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) but will continue co-operating with the latter as a colleague.
ReplyDeleteGood enough if you are good. stop talking !!
Do U think you can win UMNO ?
ya.maybe SAPP and PR can't cooperate but they can be friends.
ReplyDeletehow about UBF and SAPP? apa sudah cerita?
ReplyDeleteI doubt whether SAPP alone can defeat BN.
ReplyDeleteKita tengok PRU 13 nanti kalau di saat2 akhir SAPP dan PR bekerjasama ataupun tidak.
ReplyDeletebut now DAP is not happy with SAPP...how to co-operate?
ReplyDeleteadalah lebih baik lagi SAPP tidak bekerjasama dengan PR dalam apa2 bentuk..
ReplyDeleteSAPP said they will cooperate and be a political vehicle for UBF...then how is it now? any news?
ReplyDeleteikut haluan masing2 la..lagi senang cerita..
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that there will be a 3 or 4 corner fight this coming election.
ReplyDeleteneway, all the best to sapp.
ReplyDeletetiada pendirian...mcmna mau menang...
ReplyDeletewait and see...apa jadi nnti...
ReplyDeleteMana-mana sajalah... Join atau tak, biarlah dorang tentukan sendiri.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah pada rakyat untuk menilai hal ini. Susah juga mahu komen sebab lain orang lain pandangannya.
ReplyDeleteApapun, kita lihat sajalah perkembangan mereka seterusnya.
ReplyDeleteSAPP fighting for Sabah autonomy but Sabah PR is fighting for 2 party system. There are totally two difference struggles.
ReplyDeleteSAPP can co-operate with PR but not join them.
PR focus on malaya, SAPP focus on Sabah! We send umno back to malaya.
PR's component parties couldn't even work together.
ReplyDeleteIt is impossible that SAPP would join Pakatan, they both have completely different struggles.
ReplyDeleteBaguslah kalau SAPP telah membuat keputusa untuk tidak bersama dengan pakatan.
ReplyDeleteIt up to SAPP wanna join Pakatan or not. YTL need to make decision for joining Pakatan.
ReplyDeleteAll the party import from malaya UMNO and PR should pack their bags and get their boats back to malaya.
ReplyDelete"He said the discussion between SAPP and PR to fight the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next election is still being discussed."
ReplyDeleteIf both have different mission to achieve, not a good idea to join together. But, may be a good idea to find a way to co-operate. Hope their discussion resulting good.
Apakah perkembangan SAPP vs UBF? Proposal untuk bekerja-sama, apa dah terjadi?
ReplyDelete"SAPP is not greedy on the issue of seat determination...so long as Sabah autonomy rights are not affected, we are willing to provide room for other parties to discuss with us," he said."
ReplyDeletePengagihan kerusi harus dibawa bincang agar tiada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan. Persefahaman antara parti amat penting untuk mencapai kemenangan.
Masing-masing perlu mengetepikan kepentingan sendiri jika berhasrat untuk mencapai kemenangan. PRU13 merupakan persaingan giat untuk semua parti khas untuk BN.
ReplyDeleteSemua masalah dapat juga diselesaikan dengan perbincangan dan persefahaman diantaranya. Kalau masing-masing berkebolehan mengetepikan perkara buruk yang berlalu, bukan tidak mungkin untuk bekerja-sama. Cuma perlu mengkaji kaedah "win-win" sahaja.
ReplyDeleteDu tulung Wa dan Wa tulung Du bah!
ReplyDeleteBoth have difference mission, not easy to work together.
ReplyDeleteMasing-masing mementingkan manfaat sendiri, tidak mungkin untuk bekerja sama. Kalau bekerja sama pun tidak dapat kekal lama.
ReplyDeleteSemua parti ini tidak dapat kekal kerja sama. Sekejab kerja sama, sekejab berpecah belah. Masing-masing tidak bersefahaman, memang susah untuk sebulat suara untuk menentang pesaing.
ReplyDeleteSAPP sentiasa mencari peluang untuk bekerja-sama, apakah tujuannya? Adakah SAPP kurang berkeupayaan tetapi memerlukan sokongan dan bantuan parti lain untuk memperkuatkan teamnya? Semoga SAPP berjaya mendapat sokongan dari parti lain.
ReplyDeleteAgree to Moi Moi, what happen to UBS & SAPP?
ReplyDeleteSAPP ni kedekut kerusi untuk di lepaskan kepada Pakatan kerana dia mahu tanding semua kerusi Dewan Negeri.Dia ingat dia sudah cukup kuat tapi YTL sendiri kalah di Batu Sapi.Nafsu saja besar tapi kekuatan tidak ada.Ingat rakyat Sabah bodoh ka mahu sokong dia.Mimpi sedih.
ReplyDeleteSudah pun Sabah PR pernah bertanding semua kerusi dalam 2004 dan 2008 di Sabah tetapi masih makan telur. Kenapa ya?
ReplyDeleteWhy some of the news say SAPP is having alliance with Pakatan?
ReplyDeleteSusah nak cakap.
ReplyDeletecubaan yg tetap akan gagal jg..SAPP tidak akan mendapat sokongan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteNo point also to join.
ReplyDeleteSAPP has nothing much to offer Pakatan too..
ReplyDeleteWho knows SAPP will change its mind too.
ReplyDeleteWalau bagaimanapun, SAPP tetap SAPP.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's a single chance.