The new 'Borneo Agenda' alliance, born of Jeffrey Kitingan, has consigned the one party for all concept to the dustbins of Sabah.
KOTA KINABALU: The entry of the Sarawak Reform Party (STAR) into Sabah through the membership of maverick politician Jeffrey Kitingan and his allies has opened the door to yet another multi-racial coalition in Sabah.
On the heels of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat, STAR’s link up with Jeffrey’s United Borneo Front (UBF) along with the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), Usno and the Sabah People Front (SPF) may be seen as the new-coalition-kid-on-the-block battling for the hearts and minds of Sabahans.
It’s an indication of how politics in this state is shaping up after decades of apparent social unity that was shown through competition within single, multi-racial parties such as Usno, Berjaya and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).
All this went out the window in 1994 with the overthrow of PBS by the Umno-led BN coalition which has ruled ever since.
The new ‘Borneo Agenda’ alliance parties of STAR-UBF, SAPP, Usno and perhaps SPF, points to the fact that the old idea of one party fitting all has been consigned to the dustbin of history in Sabah.
But does this also mean that the various communities in the state no longer trust each other or is it for political expediency?
All four of the new alliance are in fact multi-racial parties like Pakatan Rakyat and indeed many in the BN, with the exception of Umno, MCA, MIC and Upko.
If last Friday’s roll out of the new Borneo opposition alliance is a sign of the times ahead of the 13th general election expected to call anytime now, STAR-UBF will be gunning for the Sabah native (KDM) votes leaving the rest of the pie to SAPP (Chinese), Usno and SPF (Muslim-Bumiputra).
SAPP deputy president Amdee Sidik who is proud of his party’s multi-racial roots, showed some concern of the anomaly and stressed political unity over and above race and religion.
Commenting on his speech during UBF’s first anniversary gathering attended by several hundred people on Dec 16 he said: “SAPP’s struggle is for all Sabahans and the state of Sabah. We’re not partitioned based on race and religion.
“I’m not going backward … the way forward for Sabah in particular and Malaysia in general is to get out of the communal outlook. We can’t afford to turn the clock back.
“I believe time has come that our state and country must be looked after by able leaders not because of his race and tribe. Gone is the old school (of race-based politics),” he said.
Usno’s return
Meanwhile, an observer who called himself Ahmad Ali said the thinking behind the new coalition was obviously an attempt to unite a diverse group of people who would not necessarily support a single party.
He sees the re-appearance of Usno, led by its pro-tem president Baharudin Datu Mustapha as adding spice to political activities in the state given that Usno was always jealous of surrendering any of the state’s rights.
Baharudin, who was also present at the function said that his group wants to hammer out a pact with Jeffrey’s UBF and also hopes that the Register of Society will approve the registration of Usno soon.
As for SPF, the other newly arrived party, headed by Bahaman Anggap and which is said to be on the verge of bagging Lajim Ukin, the Federal Deputy Minister of Industry, they are also there to look after the Muslim bumiputera.
Suppose Borneon now wanted to launch their 'look EAST policy' no place for WEST, ABU just like what had been done in '80-'90 by Tun M look east no more west laa!
ReplyDeleteOne thing why this Sabahan son try to bring in STAR to Sabah,for what or hasn't he got confident to Sabah local parties like SAPP?
'のバカ野郎' beware sabahan!
Sabah or Sarawak parties are the same as long as no more party malaya because we are borneon!
ReplyDeletePolitik seperti ini lahir dari fikiran yang cetik yang hanya ingin membawa ketidakstabilan keadaan.Menyedih sekali rakyat Sabah terperangkap dengan daya dan usaha pembangkang untuk merosakkan harmoni di kalangan kita.
ReplyDeleteKalau di lihat hampir kesemua pemimpin ini adalah 'orpportunists' yang mengambil kesempatan dengan kehangatan p/raya yang sudah dekat.Mereka tahu dalam masa sekarang ini publisiti yang mereka dapat adalah meluas dan hangat.Mereka ambil kesempatan untuk juga memperbesarkan isu-isu semasa dengan harapan rakyat Sabah akan terpedaya dan terpengaruh oleh antik mereka.Mereka lupa ini Sabah di mana rakyat mahukan keamanan dan kestabilan politik dan tidak berniat untuk menimbulkan huruhara.
Rakyat mesti tabah dengan BN/UMNO kerana parti ini telah terbukti dengan kemesraaan nya dengan rakyat.Kita mesti teguh di belakang kerajaan di bawah kepimpinan Datuk Musa Aman kerana beliau banyak berjasa kepada rakyat dan di bawah kepimpinan beliau Sabah telah melonjak kearah kemajuan yang pesat.Beliau tidak ada tolak banding.Siapa kah pemimpin pembangkang yang boleh menandingi Datuk Musa Aman.Mahu kah kita serahkan masa depan kita di tangan mereka?Mahu kah kita memperjudikan masa depan anak-anak kita di tangan JK atau YTL?
Rakyat harus berfikir dengan mendalam dan jangan sekali mengikut emosi kerana itu lah sedang di permainkan oleh pembangkang.
Pembangkang hanya pandai meludah kelangit tapi lupa jatuhnya ke muka sendiri.
Sesal dulu pendapatan sesal kemudian tidak berguna.Waspada lah dan ambil jalan selamat dan bijak dengan berada di samping BN/UMNO.
Ni terserah kepada rakyat mahu undi parti mana. harap2 penubuhan parti ni dapat2 la membantu rakyat.
ReplyDeleteHope the agendas firstly for rakyat sake.
ReplyDeleteSabah selama ini berada dalam keadaan ba, penduduknya bersatu, namun dilihat kini ada usaha pihak2 tertentu untuk memecah belah kan penduduk Sabah. isu2 sensitif mula dimainkan di Sabah. kita sebagai penduduk Sabah jgn mudah terpedaya dgn isu2 yang dimainkan, kita harus kekalkan keharmonian di Sabah.
ReplyDeletekita perlukan parti yang dapat menyatupadukan penduduk. kita harus bijak dalam membuat pilihan. bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh.
ReplyDeletei support whatever party who's fight for Sabahan rights.
ReplyDeletegood luck for the new ‘Borneo Agenda’ alliance parties.
ReplyDelete1 parti untuk semua perlulah dikekalkan, harap UBF akan mengambil keputusan yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteTeruskan usaha memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteWho ever can feel the heart beat of the Rakyat will win the general election.
ReplyDeleteterserah kepada setiap rakyat untuk memilih parti yang mereka rasakan terbaik.
ReplyDeleterakyat perlu bijak menilai dan membuat pilihan.
ReplyDeleteTerserah kepada rakyat siapa yang mereka sokong..
ReplyDeleteSokong Parti yg mempertahankan hak rakyat..
ReplyDeleteUtamakan kepentingan rakyat...
ReplyDeleteLet us see how far this alliance can go.
ReplyDeletemasa depan Sabah dan Sarawak hanya akan cerah jika kerajaan negeri tidak perlu merujuk kepada kerajaan persekutuan.. jika kerajaan persekutuan masih dipegang oleh parti Malaya, hasilnya tetap sama..
ReplyDeleteSemestinya kita nampak JK telah mengatur sesuatu perancangan untuk menarik sokongan dari parti dan pihak lain. Apa pun JK seharusnya lebih mengutamakan apa yang perlu untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeleteYang penting berkhidmat untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSatu saingan bagi parti lain.
ReplyDeleteRakyat harus peka dan pandai menilai. Parti apakah yang sanggup memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSama-sama kami melihat sejauh manakah parti ini boleh pergi.
ReplyDeleteParti Borneo harus lebih memaham keperluan orang di Sabah. Semoga parti ini dapat memperjuangkan hak milik kami.
ReplyDeleteAnother party coming in to join the crowd. Hope they don't forget their responsibility to the people.
ReplyDeleteBorbeo agenda party will attract more attention especially the people in Sabah lost their rights.
ReplyDeleteAdakah parti baru ini diterima oleh rakyat dan sanggup memberi tiket undian kepadanya? Harap2 rakyat pandai menilai.
ReplyDeleteSemoga parti ini bercorak lebih kepada berbilang kaum. Semua kaum diberi keutamaan juga.
ReplyDeleteIf this causes Sabah to be upset, then i think it's better to stop this. However, it's hard.
ReplyDeletePut the people first.
ReplyDeletePity these Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteRakyat kena membuat pilihan yang baik, ini adalah kesan daripada pilihan yang salah.
ReplyDeleteits going to be tough for sabahans to vote when election comes.
ReplyDeleteEveryone must evaluate each party wisely and vote for the best party .
ReplyDeleteWith various parties existing in sabah, i hope there are here in sabah to help and fight for the people rights.
ReplyDeleteBN/UMNO better buck up their performance. Don't always think that sabah is your fixed deposit.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to ‘Borneo Agenda’ alliance parties. Show us what you got!Prove to us that you are worth voting.
ReplyDeleteSaya mahu lihat juga sejauh mana DJK mampu pergi...
ReplyDeleteWalaupun perjuangannya adalah tertumpu pada hak rakyat namun bukan mudah utk rakyat mempercayainya lagi.
ReplyDeleteMungkin kalaulah b/graound politiknya tidak ada masalah pasti DJK akan mendapat sokongan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteBgaimanapun, semuanya terpulang pada penilaian rakyat sendiri. Rakyat harus buat pilihan yang tepat.
ReplyDeleteJangan menyesal kemudian hari, nanti kita juga yang susah.
ReplyDeletekita tunggu dan lihat sahaja apa akan berlaku.
ReplyDeletejgn takut utk berubah....berpandangan jauh sgt menguntungkan.jgn cpat merasa selesa dgn keadaan kita skg..yg ptg masa dpan generasi seterusnya.harus kita fikir mengapa org dari seberang bersusah payah dtg memerintah kita kalau tiada habuan yg hendak diambil??cubalah kalau negeri kita ini miskin dgn sumber asli??anda fikir sanggupkah mereka yg bergelar pemimpin ini melihat kita??modal mereka saudara seagama dan masih satu rumpun!ttp sejauh mana ikhlasnya kata2 ini???fikirlah sendiri wahai anak2 watan borneo..!!kita bukan membenci org2 malaya...ttp mereka seringkali merasa superior drp kita walaupun hakikatnya kita lbh baik!