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Friday, December 23, 2011

Shahrizat: Tell me which Umno leader is not corrupted?

Tell me, which Umno leader does not have problem, asks Shahrizat as MACC begins probe

Amid signs that Prime Minister Najib Razak's Umno party was fast unraveling, hit by massive graft and infighting amongst its top leadership, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has announced that a special team would be formed to investigate claims that Umno minister Shahrizat Jalil's family had squandered public funds allocated to the RM250 million NFC cattle livestock project on personal items and luxurious assets.

However, instead of appeasing public anger, all eyes are now on the drama at play in Umno. While Shahrizat has hinted she was ready to quit, it is unlikely that she will allow herself to be railroaded or be made an easy scapegoat of by her own party mates.

All eyes are now on how Najib, himself the subject of a probe by the French government over allegations of having taken a RM570 million kickback from French arms giant DCN, will deal with the NFC issue. Najib is also the Umno president.

“Tell me, which Umno leader does not have problem?” was Shahrizat's sharp retort when asked to comment whether she would heed the growing calls to resign, as recently reported in the Sin Chew newspaper.

The Umno-MACC 'sandiwara'

Indeed, public cynicism is inevitable given that the MACC had previously passed the buck to the police despite receiving reports from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

The Najib administration lost further credibility when Deputy Inspector General of Police Khalid Bakar publicly declared there were no elements of criminal breach of trust during the recent Umno annual assembly. Often called a stooge for the Umno-led government, Khalid was accused of 'play-acting' in a bid to save the party from embarrassment.

"We have acted accordingly by collecting evidence and statements since the issue was reported in the Auditor-General's Report. A large part of the issues brought up in the latest complaint (against NFC) had already been acted upon,” MACC investigations director Mustafar Ali said in a statement released on Thursday.

The MACC was also quick to stress it could not divulge details of investigations as stipulated under Section 29(4) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009. “We call on the parties to give their full co-operation by not politicising the issues which could affect our investigation,” Mustafar added.

Given the defensive tone of the statement, it was clear to political watchers that the MACC was not going to do much to uncover the dirt in NFC or National Feedlot Centre, a project aimed to raise local supply of beef to up to 40% of consumption and keep prices affordable.

The project was awarded to Shahrizat's husband, Salleh Ismail, and her children in 2006 by the then Agriculture minister Muhyiddin Yassin on the prodding of Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, the son-in-law of former premier Abdullah Badawi. Najib, then the deputy prime minister, also played a part in approving the project to Shahrizat's family.

Take the blame and save the rest of us, colleagues tell Shahrizat

This is believed to be the latest 'sandiwara' or drama enacted by Umno to tell Shahrizat to quit her Cabinet post and take the blame before snap general elections are held next year.

No one is expecting any major change in the attitude of the top Umno leaders, who are renowned for their corruption-tainted records - as Shahrizat herself alluded to.

"Both Shahrizat and Umno are shameless. The issue is why such a loan was given to her family when she was holding the position of a Cabinet minister. It is impossible they could have got the loan if she were not a minister. She and her family have deprived needy and hardworking Malaysians from the benefit of the fund (meant to supply everyday Malaysians with a cheap source of beef)," PKR vice president N Surendran told Malaysia Chronicle.

"It is also pointless to blame Shahrizat alone. Umno bears the biggest blame. Benefiting cronies and families from public funds is a central part of Umno's political culture."

Victim of the Mahathir legacy of corruption?

Furthermore, those who have called on her to quit before she is "chased out" include former premier Mahathir Mohamad, notorious for defining and expanding Umno's feudal system of politics where the ruling elite have carte blanche over almost every aspect of economic and political life in Malaysia.

In the recently released Global Financial Integrity report, Malaysia was identified as the 4th most corrupt nation in the world, losing a total of US$338 billion (RM1.08 trillion) in illicit outflows over the first decade of the century.

GFI also said the Malaysian increase was “at a scale seen in few Asian countries.” In January, it had reported that RM930 billion flowed out of Malaysia from 2000 to 2008, growing to RM218 billion per year from an initial RM71 billion in that period.

“This report should be a wake-up call to world leaders that more must be done to address these harmful outflows,” GFI director Raymond Baker said in a press release.

Upon release of the GFI's report in January, it was telling that one of the first Umno leaders to cast doubt on the renowned Washington-based body was Mukhriz Mahathir, the youngest son of the former PM.

Now 86, Mahathir ruled Malaysia for 22 years and is widely believed to be the leader who has salted away the biggest fortune at taxpayers' expense.

Written by  Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Tell me which leader in the world is not corrupt??? No country, no party, nor leader in the world is not corrupt.

  2. Not even opposition leaders are free of corruption, they are humans too, they are no saints.

  3. rasuah boleh berlaku di mana2 sahaja.

  4. selagi ada kuasa selagi tu ada korup.

  5. jangan kita banyak cakap,kita ubah kerajaan malaysia pada PRU 13 ini supaya cerita Rasuah boleh dikurangkan.....

  6. UMNO/BN sudah terlalu lama memerintah secara solo iaitu 54 tahun!

    Jadi para pemimpinnya sudah terbudaya dengan perbuatan rasuah.

    Macam negara2 Arab yang terlalu lama di dominasi oleh party tunggal, maka rasuah telah menjadi cara hidup pemerintah. Sama seperti di Malaysia!

    Mahathir 22 tahun! Semua anaknya kaya raya!
    Taib Mahmud, 32 tahun= sudah jadikan Sarawak negeri termiskin tapi keluarganya= menguasai 83 buah syarikat milik keluarga dalam dan luar negeri!

    Awang Adik, mita duit dari kontraktor masuk akaun peribadi, dua orang di JPM mengambil wang zakat untuk membayar kesalahan jenayah mereka, Khir Toyo didapati bersalah rasuah Mahligai curi, dan ribuan lagi yg sedang diselongkar!

    Orang2 bank dan lain2 agensi kerajaan sekarang sedang bekerjasama dengan PR untuk membocorkan semua penipuan UMNO BN selama ini!

    Kes rasuah TBH RM 2,500=SPRM bunuh
    Kes rm250,000,000. Izat Sapi tiada unsur2 rasuah!(Pada mulanya) sekarang sdh tukar fikiran, Tubuh Special Team!
    JOKE OF THE Year!
    Tukar kerajaan untuk mengurangkan gejala rasuah!

  7. Salah satu kekuatan UMNO selain mendapat sokongan majoriti PATI, ia juga menjadi kuat kerana semua ahli bekerjasama untuk melindungi sesiapa sahaja pemimpin atau ahli mereka yang terlibat rasuah.

    Ini kerana rasuah sudah menjadi budaya dan cara hidup UMNO=PATI.
    Jadi warganegarapun rasuah!

  8. Saying that others are also corrupt is like a child crying not fair when got caught doing something wrong. What is wrong is wrong. The fact that everyone else is doing it doesn't make it less wrong. I have seen school children who have more principle her.

  9. are we sure that by changed the government, corruption will be decrease?

  10. What a thoughtful Q:"How many Sahrizats out there?" for zero-corruption under 1Malaysia?

    Coming common campaign motto for all parties....

  11. Corruption happened anywhere & anytime.

  12. UMNO has been around for too long and they can get scot-free if not caught with their pants down.

    To rid Umno is also to rid corruption which has been rooted in Umno's rule and their politics, election bribery and the sorts.

    Changing the government will give rise to a renewal or review of the various corruption practices that needs pure transparency.

  13. Spill out the names with evidence. You got stuck and you wanna drag the others? Corruption happens all the time but some people still lucky since they are not yet get caught.

  14. She is telling all UMNO leaders. Who are UMNO leaders and I believe everyone of us here knew it.

    UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah!

  15. Ini sudah SAH UMNO BN semua korupsi.UMNO BN itu sudah busuk hingga ke TENAHI.UMNO rotten to the core.Tanya Sharizal dan guru dia Mahathir (MAHA KARUN)


  16. Hahaha! Eh! Kau ni Gonzales, bukan Maha Karun bogia. Maha Tamaha dan Pombuyuk Bah!

    Kalau si Taib Mahmud lagi?
    Si Najis Altantuya Kapal Selam?
    Rosmahcincin? Dan..dan..dan... semua orang BN/UMNO...Rasuah sudah jadi budaya hidup mereka!

    Vote them out come the GE13!

  17. Wah Anak Petagas, kalau kau anak Sabah yg asli, what say you tentang perkara ini?

    Tontolou kau tersepitkan, palangayat!
    Melayukan! rasuahkan! beragama islam lagi!

    Kalau saya, saya tidak mahu berkawan dengan orang Islam yg rasuah! Kalau yg bukan islam tapi baik hati saya mahu berkawan dan menghormatinya sebagai umat Tuhan!

    Macam si Akjan, walaupun Pengerusi PEKIDA tapi telah melakukan jenayah besar di Sabah maka saya benci dia sebab islamnya tidak diterima Allah!

    orang asal Sabah yg beragama islam macam kami tidak perlu mengalah pada orang islam PATI yg menganiaya kami.

    Patutkah PATI macam Akjan yg telah melakukan jenayah besar di Sabah dilayan macam tuandan dijadikan pengerusi PEKIDA?

    PEKIDA adalah salurannya untuk terus melakukan jenayah di Sabah dengan bertopengkan agama, lalu tunjuk besar kepala di Sabah.

    Akkjan, you are not wanted here in Sabah! This is not your homeland!

  18. Our first duty is to get rid of Umno from Sabah!

  19. kita harus bersama banteras rasuah.

  20. sesuatu isu yang berlaku harus diselesaikan dengan segera agar ianya tidak berpanjangan.

  21. harap isu ini akan diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.

  22. Nasib Shahrizat akan diketahui juga nanti, sama ada dia digugurkan atau tidak itu terserah kepada najib. Tapi yang pasti ini akan mengugatkan politik dia.

  23. siapa boleh bagi jaminan bahawa Anwar tidak pernah terlibat dengan rasuah dan tidak mempunyai kroni??

  24. Ini cuma mainan politik pembangkang. Nasihat kepada pemimpin BN yang alin supaya berhati-hati dengan pihak pembangkang yang sedang mencari kelemahan setiap pemimpin BN yang berpengaruh.

  25. @Batresiah
    Shahrizat tu pembangkang ke org umno??

  26. Rasuah dan Fitnah jadi budaya mereka

  27. Batresiah @ Batman@ Keluangman=Bodoh!=BNUMNO!

  28. Ya, Batresiah tak baca buku ye?

    Kasian Delo!

    Satu dunia dah tahu oh, Ketua audit negara yang mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang rasuah NFC melibatkan keluarga Sharizat!

    Hahaha! palui kau Batresia! Cubalah rujuk Malaysiakini NFC Shahrizat Youtube, baru kau faham!

    EEEhhh! Bodoh!

  29. ada guru agung rasuah dalam umno yang bukan saja telah mengayakan anak anak dan ahli keluarga juga kepada kuncu kuncunya..jika tidak kenapa begitu banyak rasuah yang sedikit demi sedikit dibongkar, dinyatakan dan dibuktikan..






