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Friday, December 23, 2011

UBF : Datuk Patrick Sindu Appointed as Chairman of Malaysia Agreement Review Panel

“Datuk Patrick Sindu has been appointed as Chairman of the Malaysia Agreement Review Panel (MARP) which is entrusted to undertake a review and to seek a legal interpretation of the Malaysia Agreement, 1963” announced UBF founder, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan in a press statement released today.

Pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement, 1963 signed in London on 09 July 1963 and amended by an Amending Agreement 1963 signed in Singapore on 27 August 1963, the independent nations of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah (then North Borneo) came together and formed the new nation known as the Federation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 which was and is known as Malaysia Day.

Sabah was the last of the four nations to be granted independence on 31 August 1963.  This fact was recognized by the late Father of Independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman al-Haj who was quoted in the Sabah Times on 30 August 1963 as stating “The granting of self-government too would enable Sabah to stand on its own feet as equal with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore.”

Fundamental to the on-going controversy on the Federal-State relationship is the existence of the Malaysia Agreement, 1963 as well as the undertakings, assurances and recommendations leading to the signing of the said Agreement.

Of particular importance is Article VIII of the Agreement which reads:

“The Governments of the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak will take such legislative, executive or other action as may be required to implement the assurances, undertakings and recommendations contained in Chapter 3 of, and Annexes A and B to, the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee signed on 27th February, 1963, in so far as they are not implemented by express provision of the Constitution of Malaysia.”

For Sabahans, the ideal of Malaysia was aptly put by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman who said:
“The important aspect, of the Malaysia Ideal as I see it, is that it will enable the Borneo territories to transform their present colonial status to self-government for themselves and absolute independence in Malaysia simultaneously.”

However, there has been a series of violations of the Malaysia Agreement including failure to implement Article VIII of the Agreement and the demotion of Sabah and Sarawak from equal partners status to being the 12th and 13th States leading the to the questioning of the legality of the Malaysia Agreement by many parties.  The departure of Singapore from the Federation in 1965 has further fueled the controversy on the validity and legality of the Malaysia Agreement.

The terms of reference of the MARP includes:-
(1) Research on the status of the Malaysia Agreement, 1963;
(2) Coordination and discussions with legal and consititutional law experts on the Malaysia Agreement, 1963 and related documents;
(3) Instituting legal court case, internationally and or locally, to determine the validity of the Malaysia Agreement, 1963;
(4) Any or other matters related or arising from the Malaysia Agreement, 1963.

It is hoped that the MARP will assist in seeking a conclusive end to the on-going controversy and enable Malaysia and its components to restore the parties involved to the right path and progress from there.

By Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan, Chairman, UNITED BORNEO FRONT


  1. Hope that Datuk Patrick Sindu will be able to fulfill his responsibility as the Chairman of the Malaysia Agreement Review Panal. All the best.

  2. UBF and MARP must do their best to fight for the people's rights.

  3. Harap yang terbaik untuk Sabah, sekiranya boleh memberi kebaikan kepada Sabah, sudah tentu disokong oleh rakyat Sabah.

  4. tahniah kepada datuk Patrick Sindu, laksanakan tanggungawab yang diberikan dgn penuh amanah.

  5. lakukan yang terbaik.. sokonga diberikan kepada patrick.

  6. Congrats and all the best! Looking forward to see the positive outcomes.

  7. Hope our State will be more better year by year.

  8. Hope he will lead a good-watch with team in MARP like watching the price hikes!

  9. Patrick Sindu again?

  10. Departure of Singapore from the Federation in 1965 has further fueled the controversy on the validity and legality of the Malaysia Agreement.??

    So Malaysia does not exist? then what ?

  11. why there are so much contr0vercy at this time on this issue ? bec of the coming of general election ?

  12. Nampak sudah 'taring' JK keluar sedikit-sedikit untuk memecah belah rakyat.

  13. Wow, this time must crunch a hard time yo.

  14. Well good luck to Sabahan.

  15. Apa pun semoga anda akan dihargai.

  16. We should hope for the better future ahead.

  17. Sebagai rakyat saya sememangnya mengharapkan yang terbaik:)

  18. Walaupun usaha UBF ini nampak baik, namun saya yakin ramai yang masih meragui kesungguhan DJK.

  19. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa yang berlaku nanti.

  20. Politik sukar diramal... Apa-apapun boleh berlaku jadi layan sajalah...

  21. Yang paenting, kita sebagai rakyat tahu apa yang patut dilakukan.

  22. nampaknya Datuk Patrik Sindu bersedia untuk memikul tanggungjawab ini.

  23. sama ada beliau mampu atau tidak melaksanakan tugas ini..tunggu dan lihat sajalah.

  24. kita tengok adakah ini akan mendapat sambutan atau tidak.

  25. tunggu dan lihat apa yang beliau dapat sumbangkan.

  26. dalam politik macam-macam ada..rakyat pandai-pandailah menilai.

  27. All the best to Patrick.

  28. UBF seems to be serious in fighting for the people right.. keep up the effort.

  29. balik2 dia review pasal Malaysia agreement, tapi begitu2 juga.. anyway, good luck to Patrick and JK..

  30. Hope more relevant/authorised people will assist in solving the problems.

    Hopefully the states of Sabah and Sarawak will have a better share of the cake.

  31. Hope he can perform his task well. Good luck!

  32. Harus bersikap positif terhadap beliau. Semoga beliau membawa perubahan dan perkembangan kepada ekonomi di Sabah.

  33. Semoga MARP bertanggung jawab dan memperjuangkan hak milk dan kepentingan orang Sabahan.

  34. Yang penting pembangunan negeri Sabah diteruskan.

  35. Im sure UBF can strike more for the people. The efforts shall continuous.

  36. Yang penting menjalankan tugas dengan amanah.

  37. Kami menantikan sejauh mana beliau berkhidmat dan apakah perubahan yang beliau boleh dimajukan.

  38. Hak dan kepentingan orang Sabahan harus diteruskan perjuangannya.

  39. Nampaknya perjanjian Malaysia ini cuba untuk dibawa berbincangan ke London. Semoga mendapat khabar berita yang baik.
