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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Former US envoy predicts GE13 to be 'dirtiest ever'

The 13th general election will be the “dirtiest” ever as corrupt Umno leaders and its supporters will do anything possible to cling to power, says former US ambassador John R Malott.

In a commentary article in the Wall Street Journal today, Malott (left) wrote that although Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak now enjoys a political boost from Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II acquittal, his administration is widely seen as corrupt.

“The public sees corruption on the rise and feels that Umno supporters increasingly believe making money from government contracts is business as usual.

“Many Malaysians now use the word ‘kleptocracy’ to describe their ruling class,” wrote Malott, who was US ambassador to Malaysia between 1995 and 1998.

Malott said public perception was that no Umno leader wanted to crack down on such practices, most recently seen in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal.

“This perception is compounded by the fact that Najib has remained largely silent on the latest scandal,” he said.

Mahathir-style tactics may come back

He warns that Umno fears losing power and will not go down without a fight because its supporters in the bureaucracy, media and business fear losing access to the government gravy train.

“Because of the high stakes, those who benefit from corruption will make an all-out effort to keep the opposition from coming to power.

“A return to Mahathir-style strong-arm tactics should not be ruled out,” he warns. “All this will make the coming election the most important in Malaysia’s history - and also its dirtiest.”

Thus Malott urged the international community to hold Najib (left) to his promise of political and electoral reform, adding that Anwar’s acquittal was only the beginning of the country’s fight against political abuse and corruption.

He noted that thus far, none of the proposals by the parliamentary select committee on electoral reform have been formally carried out.

He warned that should Umno fumble on electoral reform, it would squander its newly-earned goodwill and make opposition Pakatan Rakyat stronger.



  1. ye I fully support John R M's view as he speaks his mind(heart) always!

    Malaysian must really think for the past many years WHO are those had hindered the nation to compete with its today status include wasting our efforts at their expenses.

    Let's join hands and bring all these culprits to face its final judgement day soon!


  2. OMG...Mallot said.“All this will make the coming election the most important in Malaysia’s history - and also its dirtiest.”<<<----- so what say you people..??
    aaalamak... come what may, i'm sure umno will be NO um after this. no, no ,no to UMNO/BN.
    marilah kita berkempen dengan kekuatan perpaduan atas nama cintakasih antara kita untuk menghapuskan samasekali iblis korupsi dan diskriminasi pemimpin dan kepimpinan neraka ini.

  3. well said sir. another slap on d face of the umno/bn hardline supporters. what now? bother to comment? if not, just bury ur shortcircuited head on sand. forever!!!

  4. Selepas perhimpunan bersih, penggunaan dakwat kekal, penyiasatan pendaftaran pengundi, tapi masih lagi kotor?

  5. Jadi, semua usaha daripada Bersih dan PSC tiada guna langsung?

    1. The suggestions made by PSC should be implemented in this 13th GE.

  6. Ah yes...and the United States was "spot on" last time when they justified their action of liberating Iraq on ground that the Saddam regime has a huge cash of weapons of mass destruction...

    My question is this: You (The United States Of America) were wrong about the Weapons of mass destruction in can your predictions be accurate regarding our nations upcoming GE?

  7. As Mohd Ishak has stated above regarding efforts being carried out by EC, the recent NOT guilty verdict of Anwar (which was free from any influence or interference from the executive branch)...all points out to the contrary of this claims made by the former ambassador.

  8. agaknya pendapat John R Mallot ni tidak dipengaruhi oleh mana2 pihak dan pendapat melalui pemerhatiannya sendiri?

  9. but I hope GE-13 will be the 'cleanest' and 'abuse free' ever.

    1. Memang UMNO BN susah nak lepaskan kuasa pemerintahan Malaysia,UMNO berpaut tangan,kaki,kukuh dan jari jika perlu lagi gigi.

      Siapa tidak kenal UMNO BN ini? Cuma masalah sekarang UMNO BN ini sudah keluarkan "fatwah" bahawa UMNO itu untuk ISLAM dan ISLAM itu untuk UMNO.
      Bagi orang Bumiputera Islam yang kolot dan bodoh ini mereka ini beranggapan UMNO ini adalah Agama dan Rasul mereka.Bukan kah BODOH?

      UMNO cukup girang dengan keadaan ini.Mereka tidak tahu bahawa UMNO selama ini menipu mereka.Tan Sri Rashid (Ex SPR) menegaskan dia diarah untuk BERBOHONG

      Cukuplah berbuat DOSA nanti tidak tertanggung diAkhirat.

    2. Agama dan bangsa tidak seharusnya dipolitikkan. Rakyat kena bijak menilai perjuangan parti pilihan mereka.

  10. ..for me, my point is to help those sabahans the real citizens of Malaysia in Sabah exclude "PATI and legallised PATI from the back door. We must get rid of this discrimination and corrupt practice by the current government of Malaysia. what is RM100, RM500 and netbooks if not for buying votes. what i needed most is a better future for my family.

  11. tak perlulah nak dgr kata orang luar..

  12. Harap PRU13 akan menjadi PRU yang bersih dan keputusan yang adil

  13. Sir you are right again.

    UMNO specially their youth will start to burn flag again may be as they really silly to understand go weired just like hating Al Gore last time...wkaka!

    Doubt they can accept new government if ousting out BN totally in next election!

  14. pendapat orang luar tidak perlulah didengar sangat.

    1. kita harus mendengar dan menerima kenyataan dari luar kerana hanya dari luarlah penilaian sesuatu itu yang terbaik lebih lagi dari orang yang professional seperti orang Amerika. kalau hanya dari dalam saja pendapat itu didengar, masalah dalamab tidak dapat dilihat dengan baik terutama sekali umno uang penuh dengan rasuah dan kejahatan.

  15. apa pun usaha penambahbaikan yang dibuat pasti ada saja yang mengkritik.

  16. yang penting, usaha untuk melakukan penambahbaikan perlu dibuat dari masa ke masa.

  17. Kerajaan telah pun banyak bersetuju dengan pemintaan PR untuk memastikan PRU dapat dijalankan dengan baik. Tidak perlulah kita dengar sangat pendapat pihak US ini. Yang penting kerajaan telah pun mencuba untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  18. by saying that the next GE will be the dirtiest ever is a dirty tactic as well..
