KOTA KINABALU: The Kampung Sukau people were disappointed with the Federal Court on 21.02.2012 for refusing to invoke their inherent powers under rule 137 of the Federal Court Rules 1995 to set aside a court order obtained by Campo Sdn Bhd to evict them.
They were represented by Ken Yong, a practising lawyer, outspoken on NCR and land rights and Borneonisation cases, he is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Supreme Councillor (picture - second from left)
They were represented by Ken Yong, a practising lawyer, outspoken on NCR and land rights and Borneonisation cases, he is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Supreme Councillor (picture - second from left)
Campo Sdn Bhd whose director is Nasir Yeo, a well known crony of Musa Aman claimed to have purchased the land where Kampung Sukau is located from a group of land applicants (picture - group from Kg Sukau at the KK High Court accompanied by SAPP members).
The company then obtained a court order from the High Court to evict the Kampung Sukau people from the land where they have cultivated and lived for more than 20 years.
However, the Kampung Sukau people discovered later that the land applications by the said group of land applicants had actually been rejected by the Lands and Survey Department. Some of the applicants from the said group had even passed away and their descendants claimed to inherit the 'land applications' as heirs.
The sale and purchase agreements entered into between the original applicants or heirs and Campo Sdn Bhd stated that Campo Sdn Bhd bought their 'land applications' and not the title.
It was also discovered that the so-called heirs did not even apply from the Syariah Court for letters of administration to claim their inheritance over the 'land applications'.
With all the questionable facts happening in the case, the Kampung Sukau people who entered the land with the permission and knowledge of the assistant collector of the Kinabatangan land office after applying for the land from the State Government believed that the company managed to get hold of the title and claimed ownership because of the political abuse of Nasir Yeo and the Sabah State Government.
The land has been charged to banks for millions of ringgit and some tycoons have now lodged a caveat over the Kampung Sukau land presumably in the process of transferring the said land from Campo Sdn Bhd to them.
The company then obtained a court order from the High Court to evict the Kampung Sukau people from the land where they have cultivated and lived for more than 20 years.
However, the Kampung Sukau people discovered later that the land applications by the said group of land applicants had actually been rejected by the Lands and Survey Department. Some of the applicants from the said group had even passed away and their descendants claimed to inherit the 'land applications' as heirs.
The sale and purchase agreements entered into between the original applicants or heirs and Campo Sdn Bhd stated that Campo Sdn Bhd bought their 'land applications' and not the title.
It was also discovered that the so-called heirs did not even apply from the Syariah Court for letters of administration to claim their inheritance over the 'land applications'.
With all the questionable facts happening in the case, the Kampung Sukau people who entered the land with the permission and knowledge of the assistant collector of the Kinabatangan land office after applying for the land from the State Government believed that the company managed to get hold of the title and claimed ownership because of the political abuse of Nasir Yeo and the Sabah State Government.
The land has been charged to banks for millions of ringgit and some tycoons have now lodged a caveat over the Kampung Sukau land presumably in the process of transferring the said land from Campo Sdn Bhd to them.
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It is deep in our hearts that land grabs are common with the collaboration of the BN state government with companies --- their quests for riches without regard for the common people. That is how the BN works to impoverish you and enriching them.
ReplyDeletePeople will be easily blinded by their greediness, no matter whether they are BN or not.
DeleteMasalah tanah masih tiada penyelesaian? Tanah penduduk sering ditindas dan diambil kesempatan.
ReplyDeleteMungkin penduduk sendiri yang curi-curi menjual tanah kepada syarikat tapi hendak salahkan orang pula.
Delete"The sale and purchase agreements entered into between the original applicants or heirs and Campo Sdn Bhd stated that Campo Sdn Bhd bought their 'land applications' and not the title."
ReplyDeleteSiasatan harus dibuat supaya tiada pihak menyalah guna kuasa dan bertindas terhadap tanah milik penduduk.
The land has been charged to banks for millions of ringgit and some tycoons have now lodged a caveat over the Kampung Sukau land presumably in the process of transferring the said land from Campo Sdn Bhd to them.
ReplyDeleteKalau benar ini berlaku, tindakan undang-undang harus diambil.
Rich gets richer, poor gets poorer?
DeleteHarap undang-undang akan mempertahankan hak tanah rakyat Sabah terutamanya anak Sabah dan tanah adat.
DeleteKenapa Musa sering dikaitkan dengan kes perampasan tanah? Adakah betul Musa dan kroninya terlibat? SPRM harus bertindak untuk menyelesaikan masalah juga.
ReplyDeleteSeorang yang menjadi ketua pasti akan dikaitkan segala masalah.
Deleteapa bukti Musa berkaitan dgn kes ini. tak perlu buat kaitan jika tak ada bukti. Musa begitu serius dalam membela tanah2 penduduk.
DeleteIf only they can show the evidence with its allegation.
DeleteSiasatan perlu di buat, agar tau apa punya masalah ini.
DeleteTiada bukti yang mengatakan datuk Musa terlibat dalam hal ini. hanya cakap kosong sahaja.
Deleteisu ini dipolitikan oleh sesetengah pihak...
DeleteKeputusan mahkamah addalah muktamad.
ReplyDeletemahkamah dah buat keputusan, kena terimanya, keputusan mahkamah pasti dilakukan dgn adil.
DeleteYou need a solid proof to win.
DeleteKeputusan telah di berikan, terima dengan hati terbuka.
Deletedalam mahkamah bukti yang kukuh adalah penting untuk menang.
DeleteTidak mungkin Datuk Musa terlibat kerana beliau berjuang untuk memberikan status tanah kepada penduduk yang layak untuk mendapatkan hak tanah.
ReplyDeleteMusa begitu serius dalam memperjuangkan tanah2 penduduk. dia pasti takkan biarkan tanah penduduk dirampas.
DeleteKM Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, Kerajaan Negeri megalu-alukan sebarang inisiatif yang boleh membantu usaha meningkatkan kebajikan rakyat dan memperkukuhkan program tanahnya
Datuk Musa pasti akan memperjuangkan hak tanah penduduk. Beliau tidak akan membiarkan tanah penduduk di rampas.
Deletebiasalah isu seperti ini akan digunakan oleh sesetengah pihak untuk dapatkan sokongan.
Deletemana sudah Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia?? kenapa tidak mainkan peranan??
ReplyDeletekalau tanah itu benar2 milik penduduk kampung disokong dengan bukti2 kukuh, jangan risau la.. tetap dapat balik juga tu..
ReplyDeleteya..penyelesaian pasti dapat dicari jika semua berusaha mendapatkannya.
DeleteThere must be something that caused the land goes to other party.
ReplyDeleteHak penduduk harus di jaga, jika betul tananh ini milik penduduk, pasti akan di kembalikan.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Negeri dibawah Kepimpinan Datuk Musa Aman sedang cuba untuk menyelesaikan masalah rampasan tanah ini. Namun kita tidak boleh menuduh Datuk Musa menyuruh kroninya. Kerana kita tidak ada bukti yang kukuh mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteya..tidak boleh menuduh tanpa bukti..lebih baik bantu cari penyelesaian dan bukannya tuduh menuduh pula.
DeleteKita sendiri sudah maklum bahawa kerajaan memandang serius mengenai rampasan tanah ini. Sekarang kerajaan dalam perbincangan dengan kabinet dan juga pemimpin BN yang lain untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeletebaguslah jika semua pemimpin memandang serius terhadap isu ini..harap ianya akan dapat diselesaikan.
DeleteKerajaan akan membincangkan cara penyelesaian bagi isu ini bersama kabinet Sabah dan parti komponen.
Deletetidak perlulah saling menyalahkan..bukankah lebih baik jika semua bersama-sama berusaha mencari penyelesaian..
ReplyDeleteTidak mungkin jika masing-masing hanya mementingkan kebaikan sendiri sahaja.
DeleteTidak tahu beberapa ratus ekar tanah diberikan kepada Kroni SAPP masa Yong menjadi KM. Hanya Yong dan kroni saja yang tahu.