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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tengku Adnan oblivious to Sabah's needs

KOTA KINABALU, Jan 31, 2012: Umno Secretary General Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor is a dangerous man living high on top of an ivory tower in Putrajaya and known to be completely oblivious about Sabah.

He completely ignored Sabahans' genuine grievances like poverty, illegals, crime and security, legitimate claim for a fair share of our own oil and gas resources, cabotage policy, high costs of living and so on," said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee.

"Tengku Adnan was the one who sent spies to Sabah in June 2008 to check if his Umno MPs can be trusted or not.

"He also insulted Sabahans by saying that Sabahans' unhappiness is like children complaining to their father (Kuala Lumpur).

"He considered Sabahans as subservient to KL, a father to Sabah. KL is not the father to Sabah. In fact, without Sabah and Sarawak, there is no Malaysia," he said.

Yong said Tengku Adnan must make sure that KL does not marginalise Sabah by allowing MAS to cancel international direct flights to the state.

Tengku Adnan should also make sure that the politics of divide and rule by KL against the people of Sabah is stopped.

Nonetheless, Yong said, "it is a blessing for Malaysia that with him running the Umno machinery, the downfall of BN-Umno will be made easier and faster."


  1. As usual, UMNO leaders always talk without using their brain. Talk cock!

    1. Satu contoh yang baik bahawa mentaliti PENJAJAH yang subur dikalangan pemimpin BN UMNO MALAYA.Sabah sepatutnya dilayan sebagai rakankongsi bukannya JAJAHAN TAKLUK.

      Kalau perkara yakni cara berfikiran ini berterusan tidak mustahil satu masa nanti Sabah akan keluar dari PERSEKUTUAN MALAYSIA ini.

      Retak menunggu belah.


  2. Rakyat perlulah pandai menilai antara pemimpin yang ikhlas memimpin Sabah dan juga pemimpin yang hanya ingin memperalat Sabah untuk kebaikan diri.

    1. Only local leaders knows what's best for their state.

    2. Betul tu, pemimpin tempatan lebih memahami rakyat.

    3. setiap pemimpin harus berusaha untuk menjaga kepentingan rakyat.

  3. Harap pemimpin kita akan mengeluarkan kenyataan dengan berhati-hati supaya tidak menyinggung perasaan rakyat.

    1. sebagai pemimpin ia perlu tahu apa yang patut diperkatakan atau tidak.

    2. That's why the leaders have to be professional. More serious problems need to be solved rather than attacking your rival.

  4. "As usual, UMNO leaders always talk without using their brain. Talk cock!"

    A very relevant comment for ultimate irresponsible leadership in Malaysia as government too.


    -**Many doubt who this Ibrahim Ali is wheteher a malaysian need to comply with nation's pledge to respect other malaysian and also the status of Perkasa with ROC.Noted because as per said:'they have not nothing to do with government'!!!So who's job suppose to be for malaysian live in harmony without racial issues?

    -No wonder so often many like PTI like to stay illegal easily escape laws or corrupted enforcement and Project IC case is so common.

    -Many unsolved tragedy or dead events and conspiracy.

    Because of the above denial or incompetent leadership who are irresponsible or with no capable common sense while making any statement.

    In fact,a good leader should be very determined to tell off Ibrahim Ali or Ak Kow by saying:'with me as XX no business for you to keep raising such racial issue on other with no respect'!

    We feel sad and surely not this type of leadership we want to admire or elect.

  5. pemimpin perlu serius dalam memperjuangkan hak2 dan kepentingan rakyat.

    1. Indeed. A good leader must be well aware of the situation of the people. Their voice, aspiration as well as plight must be attended to.

    2. So for those politicians who are interested to contest in this coming election, make sure they are capable to carry such responsibilities. It's not all about power and money. Rakyat first.

    3. ya..usaha untuk menjaga kepentingan rakyat perlu dibuat sepanjang masa.

  6. BN's publicity & information bureau must be prepared to counter the opposition’s lies and allegations so that the people will not be cheated by those who are desperate to topple the government.

  7. The Social Welfare Services Department practises an open approach on the admission of senior citizens to 31 old folks' homes in the State. any Malaysian citizens in Sabah who are eligible for the facility can submit their applications to the welfare offices for consideration.

    1. Selagi boleh jaga kedua ibu bapa kita, jagalah mereka.

  8. KOTA KINABALU: Assistant Minister of Local Government and Housing Datuk Edward Yong Oui Fah said the State Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman is very concerned with all the house prices in the state.

    And the government wants to find out how to lower down the house prices so that the younger generation can have the opportunity to own a house, he said.
    “Now even if you have RM3,000 salary a month, you are still unable to take up a loan of RM200,000 and even to service a loan of RM150,000 is not easy,” he said on the governments move to implement the 30 per cent of affordable housing policy in the state.

    “So affordable house means that ‘you can buy it’ even though if you have more than RM3000-RM5000 of disposable income but cannot even afford to service a loan of RM150,000 that is not affordable,” stated Edward.

    “So the prices is there already but the mechanism of how to go about it with the bank and financial institutes, that is the one we have to look into it,” he said.
    He said this after jointly launching the Palm Condominium show unit together with WSG Development Sdn Bhd, managing director Datuk Susan Wong Siew Guen and other guests in conjunction with a Chinese New Year luncheon.

    “Of course, the house prices are contributed by the inflated land cost in the city and urban areas.
    “But the house prices could be lowered in the suburban areas such as Kinarut, Kawang and Papar as the land cost are not that expensive and the building materials such as sand and stones can be obtained from nearby.

    “So the prices can go down, we have to look into the developer how to actually lower down the price to benefit the people,” he said.
    Edward concurred with the suggestion made by Susan, who is the president of the Sabah Housing and Real Estate Developers Association that they could work out a scheme for example if developers have projects in the city centre; they are allowed to fulfill the 30 per cent affordable house quota in the outskirt areas such as Kinarut or Tuaran.
    This is because of land scarcity in the city now what more to build affordable housing price between RM150,000 to RM250,000.

    Furthermore, Edward said it will be unfair to ask developers to meet the 30 per cent affordable housing requirement in the city which is not profitable.
    “So one of the options is to ask developers to just compensate it and how to do it, I think we have to work it out with Shareda as to how to go about it so that we can come up with a win-win solution for the benefit of the future generation,” he stated.
    Beside the private developers, Edward said the government through the Town and Housing Development Board should also identify suitable areas to build houses below the cost of RM150,000 for the low income group.

    On top of that, he said the federal government will also carry out the people housing project with three rooms for those who cannot afford to buy a house and only receiving a salary enough to pay for the monthly rental of between RM150 and RM160.
    “The government is trying their best to help the people otherwise the young generation will lose out. That is why we thanked Shareda led by Datuk Susan Wong for working closely with the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to address the problems,” said Edward.

    1. The prices might be cheaper if the houses are built in rural areas but it will be difficult for those who are working in KK town. The roads need to upgraded to lessen down the traffic congestion besides promoting car pooling.

    2. harap kerajaan akan dapat membantu golongan berpendapatan rendah untuk memiliki rumah sendiri..

    3. harap kerajaan akan dapat mencari alternatif terbaik bagi memastikan rakyat mampu untuk memiliki rumah.

    4. Not only the roads must be improved, but it would be good if the public transport is improved as well.

  9. cabotage policy is the way forward for sabah.

    1. ianya harus dimansuhkan...polisi ini membebankan hidup rakyat sabah..

    2. Agree that cabotage policy should be abolished as it brought no good to the people but burdening them instead.

  10. aaadeh..!! Barang Naik sana-sini terutama sekali di luar bandar.
    BN sana BN sini... macam mana penduduk tidak miskin...!!! apa-apa pun BN...

    inflasi tetap meningkat (kalau saya melabur di skim SARA-1M pun keuntungannya tetap bersamaan nflasi X5 tahun.) = 0%

    kita hidup di sabah pakai kain rumbingan barangan lelong dan makanan 2nd hand.

    apapun hidup harus diteruskan....

  11. The people of Sabah know what is best for the state.

  12. Leaders should be serious in fighting for the interests of the people.

  13. Good leaders should be conscious and be aware of the situations/affairs of the people.

  14. Hope our leaders will issue a reality, being careful not to offend the people.

  15. True…leaders have to be more professionals.

  16. Sebagai seorang wakil rakyat atau pemimpin perlulah melakuka kerja dengan baik dan bersungguh-sungguh.

    1. It is the leader's duty and responsibility to serve the people, if they could not do the job well, might as well step down and allow someone else to take over.

  17. Yang terbaik adalah pemimpin yang benar-benar mampu menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah penduduk.

    1. namun pemimpin yang benar2 mampu ini sukar dicari...pemimpin yang pentingkan diri ramai..

    2. pemimpin harus sentiasa berusaha untuk melaksanakan tugas dengan sebaiknya,..

  18. Apa yang rakyat harapkan ialah pemimpin yang benar2 dapat membantu rakyat untuk selesaikan masalah mereka.

    1. itulah yang diharapkan oleh rakyat..rakyat bukannya seperti anak kecil yang merengek-merengek tetapi ianya adalah hak dan kepentingan mereka..

  19. Berhati-hati dengan apa yang hendak disampaikan.Takut nanti rakyat salah sangka.

  20. He shouldn't interfere.

  21. setiap pemimpin harus terus berusaha untuk membangunkan negeri ini dan menjaga kepentingan rakyat.

  22. just bring it to the court since the 'father' didn't take care of he 'children'..

  23. I think he should just focus on his territory.

  24. I don't really care what he thinks by the way. He's not even Sabahan.

  25. Apapun, Sabah harus berusaha ke arah lebih baik.
