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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bersih: RCI should be chaired by Sabahan of high integrity

Bersih Sabah calls on the government to allow views from civil society to be considered in the formation of the Royal Commision of Inquiry (RCI) and the drafting of the Terms of Reference (TOR).

KOTA KINABALU - According to Bersih Sabah spokesperson Andrew Ambrose (also known as Atama), "While we welcome the announcement, we also wish that the government would listen to its own people. We want to contribute and help the government in its effort in establishing a comprehensive and all-encompassing RCI."

The issue of undocumented migrants and "new citizens" is a hotly debated topic among politicians and locals alike in Sabah. According to replies provided in Parliament last year, Sabah’s population was 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980 the state’s population rose by a staggering 1.5 million people, thus reaching 2,468,246 by 2000.

The issue of forming a RCI is nothing new, as it has been called on by several politicians in the state as far back as in year 2008. Earlier this year, high-profile Sabah BN leaders had claimed that cabinet had approved the establishment of the much anticipated RCI on Feb 8. But the people of Sabah were yet again disappointed as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak chose to remain mum on the issue.

It was only 4 months later, on the 1st of June, the RCI was announced, minus further information on the TOR and its members. And now after over 2 months of more anxious waiting, we are finally rewarded with the announcement by our Prime Minister that the establishment of RCI and that  the TOR of the same has been finalised and will be announced next Saturday, 11 August 2012.

On that note, Bersih Sabah would like to remind the government that it should be a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". Bersih calls for transparency in the administration and not keep the people in the dark.

Andrew stressed further that "We Sabahans have been inundated with too many announcements, with too little action taken taken. It's time that the government step up with real and impactful actions and solutions to solidify the promises they have made to the people."

As such, Bersih Sabah recommends a number of points that should be taken into consideration when drafting the TOR.

Amongst the points recommended was that the RCI must cover the issues of foreigners being made citizens of Malaysia (Project IC); the presence of illegal aliens within the boundaries of this country especially in Sabah; as well as the issue of stateless people within Sabah.

Bersih Sabah also firmly believes that the culprits must be charged in court and punishable by law, and also allowing amnesty for witnesses to protect those who testify in court.

The RCI should also, most importantly, be chaired by a Sabahan of high integrity. The Bersih Sabah committee suggests the best person for the job should be the Right Honourable Chief Judge in the Court of Sabah and Sarawak. In addition, Bersih Sabah welcomes international and impartial observers in the RCI to ensure better transparency, and also because the RCI involves investigation of foreigners granted citizenship.

On a related note, Andrew further emphasised that as concerned members of the public, Bersih Sabah would like to see the 8 Demands of Bersih to be fulfilled - including the cleaning up the electoral roll, usage of indelible ink, free and fair access to the media, postal voting, the setting of minimum campaign period of 21 days, and strengthening public institutions such as the Election Commission to function independently of government.


  1. Whose money was washed down the drain to grant mykads to all these undeserving? And now whose coffer is going the way of dodo again to konon RCI them?
    Sabahans muster your courage. Reinstate your DNA to its optimum.

    1. Illegal Immigrants should be drive out from Sabah.

    2. We have been reinstated our DNA. So what's the matter with you?

    3. PATI is sickening. Enough is enough.


  2. With or without RCI, the people of Malaysia knows what has happened or happening....

    1. Hopefully with the RCI, the illegal immigrant and project IC issue can be resolved finally.

    2. I'm awaiting Najib to touch down on KK on Aug 11.

    3. So that you could carry his balls and lick his ass right ......

    4. We want to see actions on RCI!

    5. RCI must be implemented as soon as possible..

    6. Let hope RCI can carry out a good work to identify PATI issue.

  3. RCI for Sabah only political gimmick because PM calling for PRU-13 in Sept. 2012 so must come and announce RCI on 11 Aug. If no announcement, Pairin will pullout PBS from BN otherwise huguan lose face threaten if PTI not resolved by 2012. So announce RCI in Aug and PRU-13 in Sept and promise will solve PTI problems. After PRU-13 all forgotten.
    RCI only sandiwara. How to disclose everything in RCI when many places say even MA, SA, YH, KG, Ak and so many Umno people from KL like ex-PM, AI, AZH, MJ involved? RCI or no RCI nothing will happen and only thing will happen is Sabah terus menjadi PTIland and fixed deposit.

    1. we don't know how is it till we try it..

    2. Belum cuba, belum tahu. Cubalah dulu baru kata ia tidak berguna.

    3. How do you Pairin will pullout? I didn't hear anything about that so I think let's just see what will happen later on.

    4. As long as it would not end up like TBH case.

    5. It will take months for RCI to be concluded by that time PRU13 is over.... If PM are sincere they should have started the RCI and conclude it before PRU13. Of course dare not do so as the result will not be good for BN image or rather they will not take any action of whatever is recommended.

    6. PM calling for 13GE in sept 2012? is it official or just a speculation?

  4. Sabtu n Najib akan datang Sabah dan tunggulah pengumuman tentanmg RCIdaripada beliau.

    1. Diharapkan beliau akan mengumumkan pelaksanaan RCI di Sabah tidak lama lagi.

    2. Wait and see.

    3. Sekian lama menunggu perkembangan RCI, mudah-mudahan tidak mengecewakan.

    4. kita tunggu dan lihat sabtu ni...

    5. RCI akan diumumkan. jadi ia akan dilaksanakan tak lama lagi.

    6. Kan PM sudah berjanji, pasti RCI akan di tubuhkan.

    7. kami menantikan perkembangan pertubuhan RCI. BN harus membuktikan keikhlasan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati.

  5. Hope that Sabahan will be given the chance to chair the RCI panel.

    1. Sabahan SHOULD be the Chairman.

    2. sabahan should be the chairman and the committee member of the RCI..

    3. we need those Sabahans to take part.

    4. NRC controlled by Federal, without their cooperation, the secret will be as tight as a virgin.

    5. Masalah Sabah cuma rakyat Sabah sendiri dapat uruskan dengan baik, sebab golongan Sabah memahami keperluan dan masalah di Sabah.

  6. Selama ini pemimpin dan rakyat Sabah ada mencadangkan idea untuk TOR, harap ada yang dipertimbangkann dan dimasukkan dalam TOR yang bakal diumumkan.

    1. mudah-mudahan cadangan TOR dari rakyat sabah akan diterima pakai..

    2. harap sebarang cadangan yang baik akan dipertimbangkan sebagai TOR nanti.

    3. Pasti akan di terima cadangan TOR yang di buat oleh rakyat Sabah.

    4. TOR sudaj mencapai peringkat yang terakhir?

  7. UMNO BN tidak akan melaksanakan penguatkuasaan RCI.Bila dia buat dia [UMNO BN] akan mati sendiri akibat senjata makan tuan,bila dia tidak buat Rakyat Sabah sudah pasti tidak percaya cakap MALAYA tentang RCI.

    Najib ini PENIPU dan PENDUSTA macam juga Tun Razak dulu.Siapa yang paksa kerajaan Berjaya Sabah meluluskan perjanjian Petronal 5 peratus dulu? Bila Tun Fuad Donald meninggal ,Tun Razak bulldozed perjanjian Petronal dengan Harris Salleh.

    Kota Belud

    1. itu si harris yang sain kan...kita salahkan harris..

    2. Na mana si Harris tu....dia punya pasal la semua ini.

    3. Tengok la nanti sama ada Najib akan laksnakan RCI atau tidak..

    4. Pasti ada RCI juga tu.

    5. Kan PM sudah berjanji, takkn lah beliau tidak mau tunaikan, jangan percaya dengan tuduhan-tuduhan pembangkang.

    6. Kami tunggu perkembangan selanjutnya sama ada kerajaan akan menunaikan janjinya.

  8. The secret of Sabah explosive population growth will be kept unknown unless there is a change in administration, principally the government. One cannot expect a person to spike his own face. This RCI had been long drawn, with Dompok resigning from such committee as in earlier enquiry. Things will not & never change, unless Sabahans had the will to change its government. Your move, Sabahans!

  9. Orang macam c atama tu tidak payah la masuk campur pasal RCI.

    1. Atama hanya membawa influence negatif saja.

    2. budaya yang dibawa oleh bersih memang tidk disokong oleh ramai orang.

    3. Sepatutnya tidak perlu buat sebarang perhimpunan, budaya bersih tidak di terima di Sabah.

  10. Pasti kerajaan akan mengumumkan dengan rasmi pelaksanaan RCI.

    1. Najib akan menunaikan perjanjian terhadap rakyat di Sabah.

  11. sehingga kini semua menanti perlaksanaan RCI.

  12. RCI memang menjadi harapan rakyat Sabah untuk mengatasi masalah pati yang sudah lama berlaku.

    1. jika masalah PATI selesai, Sabah pasti akan menjadi aman.

  13. harap RCI akan cepat ditubuhkan agar masalah pati cepat selesai.

  14. Memang masalah Pati membawa banyak beban kepada rakyat Sabah.. kerajaan pun telah berusaha untuk menghalau mereka balik..Namun harap dengan adanya pengumuman RCI ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah pati sepenuhnya.

  15. Pemilihan ahli jawatan amat penting juga supaya rakyat juga berkeyakinan dengan siasatan RCI yang benar-benar adil dan amanah.

    1. Harap PM bijak mengendalikan pertubuhan RCI supaya jawatan kuasa dapat menjalankan siasatan yang berpatutan.

  16. Kes PATI tidak harus ditangguhkan lagi.

  17. Pemilihan jawatan kuasa juga menentukan kejayaan pertubuhan RCI terhadap kes PATI.
