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Friday, August 31, 2012

Merdeka is about rights - Sabah Merdeka 49

Crowd of over thousand gathered in KK City Park on 31 August
Jeswan Kaur

The 'Janji Ditepati' theme has left the people confused, wondering why Merdeka Day is being misused to achieve objectives that go against the grain of 'independence'.

There is nothing more precious than “independence”, be it that of a nation or of self. In this respect, Malaysia has yet to savour both, as evident from events of not too long ago.

The 55 years of Merdeka or freedom from British rule have yet to teach the leaders of this country a thing or two about not taking independence for granted.

The theme for this year’s independence day celebration is “Janji Ditepati”, one which has been condemned by the opposition and even the public as it gives no hint of the significance of Aug 31, the date when seven chants of “Merdeka” reverberated at the city’s Royal Selangor Club field in 1957.

As far as the thinking person is concerned, this year’s theme smacks of a political agenda, a harbinger of the coming general election. The “Janji Ditepati” theme has also left the people confused, wondering why Merdeka Day is being misused to achieve objectives that go against the grain of independence.

In the face of such frustrations, the Barisan Nasional government celebrates Merdeka Day today, hardly fazed that its trickeries have left the people unhappy.

If that is the fate that has befallen Aug 31, why then blame the people for hitherto not being enthusiastically patriotic in commemorating the country’s independence day?

Can the BN leaders give the people a reason to believe in “Merdeka” and why Aug 31 deserves their utmost attention, instead of being looked forward to merely for its PH (public holiday) status?

The date for the next general election has yet to be determined by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s administration, but the desperation in wanting to win big time in the 13th general election has left BN attempting desperate measures, the latest being the “Janji Ditepati” propaganda.

The move to drag political pursuits into a historical event has earned the BN government brickbats but as always, BN refused to pay heed to the rakyat’s dissatisfaction.

Seen from a bigger picture, Merdeka Day is lost in a political cesspool created by BN. A sad day indeed when Malaysia’s independence is remembered through the “lip services” paid by the federal government.

Five decades later, the people are left wondering just for whom the Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day are meant for. Promises unkept, the plight of the poor and needy dismissed and fundamental rights of the people not respected – this is far from what Merdeka stands for.

From Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak, the helping hand of the BN government has failed to reach those crying for aid. In fact, Najib has no shown no interest in recognising the native customary rights (NCR) land of the indigenous people of Sarawak.

Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Noh Amar, in his capacity as the Selangor Umno deputy chief, had chided urban voters for being ungrateful for the initiatives implemented by the BN government, as seen from their refusal to vote for BN in the Sarawak state polls held on April 16, 2011.

In August 2011, Sarawak State Land Development Minister James Masing, labelled the Penan NCR landowners as thieves, accusing them of stealing oil palm fruit bunches from four major government-linked oil palm plantations, costing the Land Custody Development Authority (LCDA) and its joint-venture partners some RM33.6 million in losses.

Masing further humiliated the Penans by tagging them as “good story tellers” when the Penan women and girls cried rape at the hands of timber loggers.

The people of Sabah are just as heartbroken with the empty promises made by the federal government. With its “poorest state” status, there is no reason for Sabahans to rejoice vis-à-vis the Merdeka Day or Malaysia Day that was formed on Sept 16 and the abstruse “Janji Ditepati” theme.

To Chua Soon Bui, the Tawau MP, the federal government has a lot of explaining to do.

“What promises have been fulfilled in Sabah when, despite being an equal partner of the Federation of Malaysia and once the richest state in Malaysia, with rich natural resources including oil and gas, it has been reduced to the poorest state in Malaysia?

“What promises have been fulfilled for Sabah in term of 20-Point Agreement when Malaysia was formed on Sept 16, 1963, 49 years ago?

“It is a shame that Sabah is the most impoverished state in Malaysia today, with poverty rate of 19.7% as compared to Perlis – the second poorest state with a poverty rate of 6%. Sabah is 5.5 times poorer compared to the national poverty average of 3.6%,” she lamented.

What does today hold for the marginalised communties whose plight the Najib-led government is far from listening to, what more reaching out to them.

An annual forum held for the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders last year took a severe beating after it was declared illegal by the authorities. Seksualiti Merdeka’s sexuality rights programme came under attack by the BN government which alleged that the event was a deviationist activity that could destroy the practice of religious freedom in the country.

Star organised Sabah Merdeka 49 tahun in Keningau
In December 2009, Immigration Department director-general Abdul Rahim Othman said a Malaysian transsexual fighting deportation from Britain would be punished for bringing “great shame” to Malaysia.

Mohamed Fazdil Min Bahari, a pre-operative transsexual known as Fatine, married a British man in a civil ceremony but was refused permanent visa on technical grounds.
Is Merdeka exclusively for a certain strata of society instead of all regardless of their backgrounds?

If yes, how then does the Najib administration go on claiming that it has “kept its promises” or “janji ditepati” so much so that Aug 31 has been given a connotation so misleading, all because BN has much at stake come the 13th general election?

If BN claims otherwise, then can it give the rakyat reasons to believe in “Merdeka”?

Jeswan Kaur is a freelance writer and a FMT columnist.


  1. No one wrong by looking at Merdeka from perspective of your states or Sabah or Sarawak.
    Just could happen to a big family with all members having individual birthday at 21 or due respect to different birth date or year.But please do positively as elderly uncles or fathers of young generation express the correct fact to the succeeding young to clear the doubt and love as big family.

    In conclusion,the comment today is 55 should not be years for Sabah,Sarawak yet it is just right for those from Malaya states to cheer.No one could be blamed or doing wrong except Merdeka 55 years must be accepted as mistakes to accord to Sabah & Sarawak!

    Also, it is important to stress Sabah,Sarawak joining Malaya in 1963 as equal partner to form Malaysia.History facts should be corrected on this.

    Lastly,by observation All Sabahan and their leaders should support in action getting every home and shop to put up at least the "Sabah Flag even you discard Malaysia Jalur Gemilang during Sabah Merdeka 49 rather than shout and say only!

    Look around wherever or whenever you are in any places.Have you seen many "Sabah Flag" is flying in this Merdeka time or today?Ask yourself as leaders or a patriotic sabahan for Sabah!

    May we not to repeat anymore mistakes of "Tidak" attitude just like some after 49 years!



      Malayan friend why complain?

      Is it not enough that politically we already Malayan colonial subjects AND Sabah is Malaya's debit deposit/investment bank?

      First it was a great show of Sabah Unity for the people to rally for Sabah Independence Day.Sabah patriotism. Flag or no flag.

      Historically the chosen independence date was not coincidental that it is also on 31 August. This reflected the original Malayan hegemonic idea to make Sabah and Sarawak have the same date as Malaya.


      In Sabah Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan leader of one the leading opposition parties said “"Stop misleading the people on Independence Day and History of Sabah and Sarawak”

      He said Malaya (in the name of the Federal Government) should stop imposing its will on the people of Sabah and Sarawak and fooling them to celebrate Malayan independence 55 years ago and calling it Malaysian independence”

      “How could these leaders continue to twist history to suit their political interests without consideration of our feelings and the truth?”

      “How could they insist us to celebrate Malayan independence which has no relevance to Sabah and Sarawak?” asked Dr. Jeffrey.


      He said what is important and relevant to Sabah and Sarawak are their own independence, 22nd July 1963 for Sarawak and 31st August 1963 for Sabah, and that of Malaysia Day or the formation of Malaysia on 16th September 1963.


      Ms. Chua Soon Bui, the Tawau MP, Sabah said this year’s National Day theme ‘Janji Ditepati’ (Promises Fulfilled) is a “cruel joke” and an insult to Sabah and its people.

      She said it was regrettable that the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture has chosen such a “misleading-and-self-glorifying” theme for this year’s National Day’s celebration, when Sabah is currently the poorest state in Malaysia.

      “What promises have been fulfilled in Sabah when despite being an equal partner of the Federation of Malaysia, and once the richest state in Malaysia, with rich natural resources including oil and gas, Sabah has been reduced to the poorest state in Malaysia?”

      (cont'd Part 2)


      In Sarawak similar views are expressed about flag waving and hungry stomachs. Where got energy to wave flag?

      For your information there were not many flags in KL either!

      A reporter Joseph Tawie referring to Sarawak's dire poverty situation in the website paper Hornbill Unleashed wrote “Perhaps there’s just no reason to rejoice when you still have no clean water and electricity decades after independence”

      Observers here have pinned the “cool” reception to the Aug 31 Merdeka celebrations on rising awareness of Sarawak real political history and Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and his Barisan Nasional government’s long list of unfulfilled promises in the state.


      Oil- and timber-rich Sarawak is among the poorest states in Malaysia. Accusations of land grabs, corruption and power abuse are rife in the state.

      Asked about the lack of celebrative air, Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian said: “Perhaps it is because they have no reason to rejoice when their immediate concerns are their own survival.


      “Flying the flag may not be a priority when the state and country have failed to protect their interests and to provide basic amenities such as clean water and electricity, healthcare, education and housing.

      “How can we ask them to show patriotism and love of the country by flying the flag when the state is party to land grabs and the country does not speak up against the abuse of power?.

      “Honestly, I cannot blame them for their lack of interest…”

      “Why is it that the rakyat have to be reminded, urged, prodded and cajoled to fly the flag?

      “Patriotism shouldn’t be forced on people. Politicians are eager to advise people to value our independence.

      “But many people are confused between anger against certain political leaders and anger against the country”.


      Keruah Usit a Sarawak human rights activists commented that “Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak are separated, it seems, by a greater gulf than the mere expanse of the South China Sea.”

      For Malaya it has been 55 years and Sabah and Sarawak 49 years of unfulfilled or broken promises.

    3. Sum up your above written facts you should ask why to your past heroes who had been with Federal kowtow for 49 years.
      As said if you hate to fly jalur gemilang or least to respect your identity as Malaysian then better surrender your malaysian ID or mycard and leave the nation called Malaysia.
      Noted your statement:"anger against the country"!
      You yourself hope you were or not a MP otherwise not fit to be or even to cast your vote as voter for coming PRU.
      In patriotism,you are a very silly malaysian not fit to be who may ruin your nation Malaysia.

    4. The truth about Sabah dan Malaysia history should be known to all Malaysians.

  2. Pak Am,

    "SA??? Merdeka 49" atau apa ini?
    Hairan melihat apa jenis lambang bendera dikibarkan?Untuk Parti atau Sabah?

    Ini fakta sejarah yang dikata-katakan?

    1. ya la...dalam gambar nampak hanya bendera2 parti politik dikibarkan...

    2. Ini hanya untuk kepentingan politik parti pembangkang sahaja, bukan betul mereka mau memperjuangkan nasib rakyat Sabah.

    3. isu kemerdekaan memang dijadikan isu politik semata2.

  3. Menyambut merdeka atau sekadar main politik saja tu. Mengambil kesempatan saja.

    1. Sama juga sambut Hari Kemerdekaan macam tahun yang lalu, tapi buat macam SAPP yang mulakan dulu di Sabah.

    2. sambutan kemerdekaan dah dijadikan bahan politik.

    3. sy ingat lagi negara kita mementingkan keharmoniaan,hari kemerdeka tidak lagi tenang dna gembira,disebaliknya telah jadi kecoh....huru hara sekarang.

    4. Merdeka harus di sambut dengan lebih bersemangat, bukannya mau buat kecoh.. pembangkang bikin susah sahaja.

    5. sambutan bukan meriah tapi nampak lebih berserabut dengan demo2 macam ni.

  4. Political gimmick from Star and SAPP.

    1. Saja untuk mendapat publisiti untuk parti mereka, PRU sudah hampir.

    2. Buat gimik banyak mana pun takkan Star dan SAPP menang juga.

    3. Publisiti murahan daripada Star dan Sapp.. gimik yang tidak menjadi.

    4. lebih baik kedua2 parti ni bergabung bagi mendapat lebih kekuatan.

  5. Hari merdeka nampak macam Sabah=SAPP=Sabah barangkali!

  6. Diharapkan kerajaan BN akan memastikan semua janji kepada rakyat sentiasa ditepati.

    1. kerajaan akan sentiasa menepati janji mereka..

    2. penuhi janji sebagaimana tema kemerdekaan tahun ni 'janji ditepati.


  7. Merdeka, or the way Malaysians had always commemorated it, isn't thoroughly oozing with singular patriotism any more. In parallel observations this year, on the eve and on the day itself, cynicism, resentment and hatred were distilled to make us gasp in disbelief at the dastardly attempts to sour Merdeka Day.It isn't growing pains for Malaysia but has long gone past it. It isn't teething pains because growth, prosperity and world-class success have become antidotes.


  8. Whatever quarrels or issues the axis of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, DAP and Pas have with each other and the Barisan Nasional Federal Government (coup d'etat by party hopping, hudud, Islamic state) surely the idea of a Malaysian state calls for a singular celebration -- the recognition of the end of 150 years of British rule.Call it polls schizophrenia: what was once cordial and engaging is now brewing in toxicity.

  9. The trouble is, the toxicity isn't satiating at all if the incendiary incidents in the last 48 hours are to be considered:MILITANTS replaced the Thai flag with a Jalur Gemilang after launching coordinated attacks in four southern Thai provinces that left soldiers injured;HOOLIGANS dressed in Bersih's uniform stamping arrogantly on the portrait of the prime minister and his wife at Dataran Merdeka in a video that has gone viral; A GROUP of pro-opposition supporters unfurling what is supposed to be the flag replacing the Jalur Gemilang, should BN lose Putrajaya; and,

  10. THE Selangor Pakatan government's refusal to invite the Sultan of Selangor to their exclusive Merdeka celebrations on grounds that it was not the protocol where the simple courtesy to extend an invitation was all too appropriate. As for the southern Thailand terrorist attacks, let's get this straight: it is the Thai natives' aggrievement against what they perceive as an unjust and brutal Thai government. It is their thing, not ours.

  11. It never was Malaysia's war and it will never be one in any foreseeable future. The flag-swapping incident was so amateurish that it was plainly a contemptuous set-up to frame the Federal Government to look bad.The question is, could there have been a Malaysian who slyly whispered the notion to the militants? Why it is set up now is obviously because of desperation to prop up polls figures.

  12. As for the uncivilised acts, Malaysians were never this uncouth. Yes, they protested about things and issues they found grating, even voted out BN state governments, but never to the point of the kurang ajar idiocy of stamping on portraits or the perfidy of brazenly unfurling a new flag.The insanity, no matter how it is justified or explained, can only originate from that one man still fantasising about wresting Putrajaya, now of course with the idea that he, knowing that he is losing steam with the electorate, will just about commit any ghoulish act to stay relevant or, in his current survival mode, to stay above water.

  13. That's what makes him a national health hazard. Knowing that he can't possibly win the general election, he is now busting his political chops to drag down the nation with him in the name of his sullied reputation. To be sure, Merdeka's sanctity is still pure, but not any more for these ruffians. Now, the twisted ideology for them hurtling in the stream of unadulterated hate for the establishment is that they will taint everything that is good about Malaysia to mirror their rage. Nothing will be sacred or respectful any more.

  14. Sambut merde4ka tidak payah la bah tu bendera politik. Neutral la sikit.

    1. Bendera politik pembangkang yang bikin kacau hari merdeka sahaja.. menyusahkan betul.

    2. Jangan ada lagi macam ni waktu 16 September nanti.

  15. All agreed that Sabah merdeka for 49 Years.

  16. Malaya should know how to count!

  17. Kontroversi mengenai tarikh kemerdekaan sebenar antara Malaysia dan Sabah yang hangat dipersoalkan pihak tertentu seharusnya tidak lagi menjadi isu yang perlu dipertikaikan.

    Pembantu Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan berkata, isu tersebut seharusnya tidak lagi wujud pada masa kini kerana apa yang lebih penting ialah cara untuk terus mengekalkan kemerdekaan kini.

    1. ada pihak yang sengaja menimbulkan isu tersebut dan mempolitikkannya untuk kepentingan politik mereka..

    2. Isu kemerdekaan pun mau kasih jadi isu politik juga..apa yang paling penting, kita sudah merdeka.

    3. ya, mengekalkan kemerdekaan adalah lebih penting.

  18. Like in the US, some states joined the union after the country's independence such as Hawaii and Alaska. But they never bothered with the date of their joining the States in forming the US. Therefore, no need to politicize the Independence Day.

    1. pembangkang saja bah tu mahu buat gimik..cari sokongan kan...entah apa lagi yang pembangkang akan buat...mengelirukan rakyat saja.

    2. mereka mau popular saja bah ini..dulu2 tidak pula wujud ini isu.

    3. Whether or not Hawaii and Alaska joined United States as new member, US already formed the basis of Federation.

      If Sabah and Sarawak did not join the Federation, do you think Malaysia ever exist? Let us not wave the Malaysia flag too.

  19. State Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang En Yin said we must all appreciate the peace and harmony enjoyed in the country today. It is therefore vital for Malaysians in Sabah to remain united behind Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman for the country and Sabah to ensure we will also continue to progress and see more positive developments.

    1. kita harus menghargai keamanan yang dimiliki sekarang ini.

  20. kalau bertujuan sambut hari kemerdekaan, tidak payahlah kibarkan bendera parti...dalam gambar, bendera SAPP dan Star pula dikibarkan...adakah ini bukan mengelirukan rakyat?

    1. itu tandanya sambutan merdeka oleh parti pembangkang Sabah bermotifkan politik..

    2. mereka mengibarkan bendera parti menunjukkan mereka melakukan ini untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

  21. its true that Sabah merdeka 49.. but how about Malaysia? why Sabah opposition not mention about Malaysia? do they really think that Sabah already pull out from federation??

  22. isu ini digunakan oleh pembangkang untuk kepentingan mereka.
