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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Student group challenges Tawau politicians to debate

KOTA KINABALU - Solidariti Anak Muda Sabah (SAMS) is challenging members from various political parties in Tawau such as PBS, LDP, DAP, SAPP to a debate, entitled “What is the best way to develop Tawau?”

The debate is scheduled to be held on 25th August 2012, Saturday, 7-10pm.

SAMS is a group consisting of students from various institutions of higher learning in Sabah, who have been actively involved in various programmes aimed at raising awareness on political issues in Sabah. In spite of their youth, they are very concerned with the state of affairs in their home state, involving themselves in the recent multi-corner debate with several political parties in Kota Kinabalu organised by Demokrasi Sabah (DESAH), as well as organising a forum on 20 points.

DESAH, headed by retired State Secretary and ex-Suhakam Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, is an organisation that promotes 1-to-1 contests for the upcoming 13th General Elections. The fairly new NGO was formed in view of the numerous multi-cornered fights in the last 2 general elections, which ends up with a distorted result that is not reflective of what the voters truly want.

GBBM is a NGO recognized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports as a youth organization. A healthy platform for youths and received overwhelming support from all social and political parties.

According to Jan Chow, organiser of the Tawau debate on behalf of DESAH and GBBM, personal invitations have been extended to all the above-mentioned parties but to no avail, in spite of meeting various requirements and responding to their numerous questions in order to address their concerns.

All of the politicians have rejected their invitation, except for the MP of Tawau, Y.B. Datuk Chua Soon Bui of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).

Among reasons cited by the other politicians included health reasons, wanting to only debate with elected representatives, and even declaring the debate as an illegal gathering as DESAH is an unregistered organisation.

“It is a very frustrating ordeal, having to deal with all these difficult people”, according to Jan. She then responded to the politician, questioning how can a public event organised by an individual be considered illegal in Malaysia.

The reply received was that it was inappropriate for political parties to participate, advising others to not attend the debate as well.

Jan firmly believes that debate culture should be encouraged in Malaysia especially in Sabah, naming several instances where the people of Sabah are forever complaining about their loss of rights, but not taking the necessary steps in real, affirmative action.

“We should train ourselves to speak up and dare to ask for what we want.  In the United States of America, a democratic country, the president has to face questions from the public weekly.”

Jan further stressed “Why can I not speak to a YB or MP and question their duty to Malaysian citizens, being in also a so-called democratic country?”

Jan wishes to remind all politicians that mere members of the public, like herself and many others, are willing to spend a lot of time and effort to organize debates, which in the end, can only benefit the politicians themselves through  improving their image in the public eye. However it seems that such actions and efforts are unappreciated and most politicians are unfortunately bound by fear.

“If you dare not face the public nor the other politician. How can Sabah count on you to claim our rights in the parliament or even DUN?”


  1. banar tuk..saya sukung kamu urang muda.kamulah harapan kami bah. inilah masa tanam itu semangat cintakan negara, mana tahu kamu jadi urg penting satu hari nanti.skrg YB semua ayam.panakut bah.depan paper saja banyak cakap tapi didepan rakyat pijak semutpun tak mati. bah,anak2, kamu pulitik-pulitik juga tapi balajar-balajar juga kio.kalian harapan bangsa Sabah.

    1. Sekarang saja bising2, lepas tu nanti diam saja bila pareti yang taja mereka ni kalah dalam PRU nanti.

    2. balik2 debat saja...lepas debat apa jadi? tiada apa2 kan...jadi buat debat ni hanya untuk membuang masa saja..

    3. sekarang ni sikit2 debat, tapi tak ada nampak pun hasil dari debat tersebut.

    4. pastikan debat ada manfaatnya buat rakyat dan bukan sekadar debat kosong yang tiada hasilnya.

    5. Tidak ada guna Debat rasanya. Kerana ini cuma untuk mencari kesalahan dan bukannya penyelesaian.

    6. Tiada guna debat-debat ni..buang masa sahaja.

    7. Good to exchange experience and idea via debate.

    8. Kalau ikhlas untuk berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman, memang baik dianjurkan.

  2. I think it would also be good that this debate is open to all aspiring youngsters in Tawau to debate on the best way to develop Tawau, I'm sure they all have good ideas.

  3. We should wait and see if PBS, LDP, DAP, SAPP are willing to participate in this debate on the 25th August 2012. Just wait and see.

  4. They reject the invitation by declaring the debate as an illegal gathering as DESAH is an unregistered organization, perhaps DESAH should think of getting themselves registered?

  5. umno dan dap penakut. Semua cakap di kedai kopi No.1 tapi takut berdebat.

    parti DAP dan UMNO SABAH hanya menerima ahli yang bodoh dan PTI sebab senang di manupulasikan. Tanya lah itu Pilak umno sekong shamsudin yahya seorang yang bodoh dan dap jimmy wong kadazan palsu kedua2nya 2 x 5!

    1. ada RCI sudah. harap2 tu masalah PATI dapat diselesaikan.

    2. jangan kau risau...tu RCI ada sudah mahu siasat diorang..


  6. All of the politicians have rejected their invitation, except for the MP of Tawau, Y.B. Datuk Chua Soon Bui of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).


    1. Tiada orang lain mahu berdebat dengan SAPP pun tiada guna juga.

    2. Boleh apa? Boleh blah...hehehe. SAPP SAPP lama2 jadi SOUP saja la

    3. memang lah..sebab tu SAPP mahu cari undi sekarang...belum pernah SAPP bertanding atas tiket sendiri...

  7. Utamakan pelajaran dulu.

    1. Inilah apa terjadi bila pelajar dibenarkan berpolitik.

    2. Bah saya kasi kamu info kalau mahu berdebat dengan ahli politik :
      1) kenapa ada perbezaan harga barang disabah dan bagaimana mahu mengatasinya.
      2) kenapa kita rakyaat sabah kalau ingin menjual barang kepada kerajaan Murah berbanding di malaya dan serawak sedangkan jika beli barang Mahal berbanding dengan serawak dan malaya dan apa "selutionnya"
      3) Kenapa perlu ada cukai jualan kelapa sawit kepada pekebun diSabah.
      4) kenapa kerajaan susah meluluskan pembinaan kilang disabah.

      bah saya sokong kamu kalau betul-betul ingin berdebat dengan pemimpin politik tapi kalau kamu hanya seperti tin kosong saja baik habiskan dulu pelajaran kamu sekarang.

    3. Mereka ni jadi kuda2 parti politik tertentu saja bah..

    4. daripada pelajar2 ni sibuk pasal mahu bangunkan tawau, kenapa bukan untuk bangunkan sistem pendidikan negara?

    5. tidak payah lah mahu sibuk2...tumpukan perhatian pada pelajaran...jangan jadi kuda tunggangan pihak2 tertentu..

    6. lepas habis sekolah barulah ba mau berpolitik.

    7. Entah siapa suruh durang buat gini, bagus pigi belajar dulu.. sibuk badan saja.

  8. “We should train ourselves to speak up and dare to ask for what we want. In the United States of America, a democratic country, the president has to face questions from the public weekly.”

    Itu saaana US. Kita ni di Malaysia.

  9. habiskan dulu belajar.. baru boleh menyibuk pasal politik..

  10. cukup banyak sudah parti politik di Sabah.. biar mereka saja yang ambil tahu kerja2 memajukan Tawau.. anak2 muda yang masih belajar fokuskan saja pelajaran..

  11. ni budak2 ni apa tahu? bagus fokus sama pelajaran kamurang...lepas habis, dapat keputusan baik, baru kamu buat debat...

    1. Inilah ba pengaruh pembangkang ni..

    2. Politik tidak harus dikaitkan dengan pembelajaran juga.

    3. Memang pengaruh pembangkang, sikit-sikit demo, sikit-sikit debat.

    4. Pembelajaran harus diutamakan.

  12. baik belajar dulu, nnti gagal kerana politk baru tau.

  13. Tidak perlulah bertindak seperti itu, ada wakil rakyat yang dapat menyampaikan apa yang dikehendaki.

    1. apa pun yang dibuat biarlah dengan cara profesional.

  14. Jangan burukkan lagi keadaan dan jangan contohi mana2 tindakan yang tidak relevan.

  15. Apa signifikan mereka buat begini? Sudah ada debate, lepas tu apa? Jika tiada tindakan seterusnya, debate ini sia2 saja.

    1. lebih baik sumbangkan idea daripada hanya mengajak debat.

  16. If the students in tawau are challenging the politicians then i suggest they take up the debate.

    1. bagus juga untuk mengetahui apakah pemikiran pelajar-pelajar. Melalui debate sebegini, kerajaan berkemungkinan boleh membuat dengan lebih baik lagi.

  17. It is a good idea for the tawau politicians to consider the debate.

  18. They better debate for something new to take place and not just in vain.

  19. We will have to wait and see what happens next.

  20. No need to debate in no change is going to take place.

  21. macam sudah jadi tred pula, sikit-sikit ajak debat.

  22. apa pun, tunggu dan lihat apakah ini akan berlangsung atau tidak..

  23. berdebat ni hanya mencari pemenang saja. baik jika mereka adakan dialog untuk berkongsi cadangan atau pandangan.

    1. RCI sudah ada, jadi tidak la mahu berdebat. buang masa.

    2. Ini lah ini, RCI sudah mau di tubuhkan, tapi masih juga tidak berpuas hati. Ada sahaja isu yang mau di panaskan.

  24. RCI pasti akan menyiasat isu PATI secara menyeluruh.

  25. Student already involve in politics, should or should not?

  26. No harm to debate, let see how they think especially the younger generation.

  27. Buang masa sahaja.. banyak lagi jalan penyelesaian boleh di buat.

  28. I don agree the student too early to involve in politics.

  29. Apakah tujuan debate tersebut?

  30. Jika langsung, harus debate secara professional.
