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Monday, November 26, 2012

Najib: GE could be in Dec, or next year

Najib, who is also Umno president, however, did not rule out the possibility that the election would be held next year if it is not held next month.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said the 13th general election can be held in December, even though the country will be facing the monsoon at that time.

He was confident that despite the monsoon season, the machinery of the political parties contesting in the election could face any eventuality.

“If it rains or a flood occurs, (then we) can use the boat,” he said in jest when asked whether the GE would be held in the near future or Parliament would dissolve on its own on the expiry of the current mandate.

He said this in an interview with editors of Bernama and Utusan Group in conjunction with the Umno General Assembly 2012 at his office in Parliament House, recently.

Najib, who is also Umno president, however, did not rule out the possibility that the election would be held next year if it is not held next month.

“If there is no election in December, then it will be held next year,” he said.

Najib has up to April 28 next year to dissolve Parliament to make way for the 13th general election before the Parliament dissolves on its own, and the Election Commission is compelled to set a date for the general election within two months of the dissolution of Parliament.

- Bernama


  1. trpulang pada Najib nak adakan PRU pada bulan Disember atau tidak.

  2. PRU tak lama lagi, semua kena bersedia untuk menghadapinya.

  3. BN kena perkuatkan jentera untk menghadapi PRU.

  4. Parti kena jalankan jentera dengan lebih aktif.

  5. Rakyat yang layak mengundi sudah mendaftar??

  6. Ada lebih kurang 4 bulan lagi. bersiap sedialah.
