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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Our struggle is for the people and the state

BEAUFORT, November 21, 2012: Sabah Progressive Party(SAPP) isn't created just for General Election nor for fanciful participation in politics, said its Deputy President, Hj Amde Sidik last night at their South Zone meeting held at SAPP Beaufort's Office.

The SAPP South Zone comprises of eight DUN areas, namely, Kawang, Pantai Manis, Bongawan, Membakut, Kuala Penyu, Klias, Lumadan and Sindumin, whilst Parliamentary areas are Papar, Kimanis, Beaufort and Sipitang.

Amde remarked that in as far as the party is concerned we all know our directions, we all know what to do and we all know what to expect in as far as facing our opponents as well facing with fellow oppositions.
"Very fluid in some areas, yes, none must confuse, it doesn't matter whether we have candidate at the moment for that particular areas or not, we shall do our work in similar way, we help and inspire each other, maintain the discipline. People are watching what differences we have compared with other parties.

"This could be the winning formula, for examples, the way we smile, the way we talk and explain, the way we present ourselves, even the way dress up are being scrutinised by people," he said.

"So far people like our presentation, SAPP struggle is for the people and for the State, there is no more truer than this, easy for people to understand.

Among the Supreme Council members who attended the meeting were, Edward Dagul who is also SAPP Youth Chief, Jamain Sarudin, Deputy Youth Chief, and Jaafar Ismail, Bongawan CLC Chief and the rest of CLC Chiefs from respective constituencies.


  1. the people of Sabah can see clearly that SAPP struggle in two years is only for cronies.. in only two years, SAPP approved timber licenses to 265 companies/cronies covering the size of 5 times bigger than singapore (300000 hectares).

  2. don't dream la.. you already given a chance.. Sabah almost bankrupt during YTL tenure as chief minister of Sabah..

    1. YTL adalah liabiliti.

    2. Jika tiada YTL pun, SAPP tetap tidak di terima rakyat.

  3. presentation and action is different.. people like sapp presentation, but it doesn't mean they like sapp and wanted this party to be the next state government..

  4. Timbalan Ketua Umno Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak hari ini mencabar Umno Sepanggar supaya berusaha bersungguh-sungguh mengembalikan kerusi Parlimen kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang bagi memastikan kedua-dua kerusi negeri, Karambunai dan Inanam, kekal dengan parti gabungan itu.

  5. Karambunai dan Inanam kekal sebagai kubu kuat BN dengan Datuk Jainab Ahmad dari Umno dan Datuk Johnny Goh dari Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) sebagai wakil yang dipilih.

    1. Wakil rakyat Inanam dan Karambunai akan kekal mendapat sokongan rakyat.

  6. menjadi tugas yang mudah untuk merampas Sepanggar jika anggota Umno memberikan sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi kepada calon BN dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.

  7. Perjuangan yang berpihak kepada rakyat pasti mendapat sambutan. Benarkah rakyat percayakan SAPP?

    1. Parti yang mengutamakan rakyat pasti menjadi pilihan rakyat.

    2. Pemimpin Bn harus bersatu hati, dan sentiasa menyokong antara satu sama lain.

    3. Kerajaan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat.

  8. SAPP membuat janjian kepada rakyat. Entah-entah rakyat masih menaruh harapan kepada YTL?

  9. Kami menantikan sama ada SAPPberjaya menambat hati rakyat.

    1. SAPP hanya bagi kosong kepada rakyat, time mau PRU saja baru ada bunyi.

  10. A vote for ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) in Malaysia's upcoming general election is a vote for peace and stability.

    1. Barisan aimed to bring peace, stability and prosperity to the country and urged the people to support the government, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said.


    2. In his rallying call to the people, Najib said the government would not gamble away the future of the country and would work towards becoming a developed nation.

    3. "The Opposition only thinks about chaos. A vote for them is a vote for riots, disturbances and demonstrations," he said during his opening speech of the 1Malaysia Veteran Recognition Programme.


    4. Najib said Barisan was united and had good leadership and experiences to bring the country forward.

    5. "Have faith and trust in us. What Barisan promised, we will fulfil," he said.

    6. Najib also attended the wedding reception of Youth and Sports Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek's eldest daughter at the Bukit Kiara Sports Complex in Kuala Lumpur, news agency Bernama reported.


    7. Accompanied by his daughter Nooryana Najwa, Najib spent an hour at the wedding mingling with guests and posing for photographs with the bride and groom Nurkhalida Ahmad Shabery and Qaiyum Hasnul.

    8. There were about 4,000 guests, including former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Cabinet ministers and deputy ministers, as well as National Sports Council director-general Zolkples Embong.

    9. Meanwhile, Najib extended his deepest condolences to the families of victims killed in the Friday mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school in the United States.

    10. "It's a tragic incident and Malaysia stands by your side," the PM said in his tweet.

  11. The country's encouraging economic growth has enabled the government to implement development programmes and channel aid to the people. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak said that was the reason why the Barisan Nasional (BN) had made it a priority to do its best in managing the country especially with regard to economic growth.

    He said BN could manage the country well currently although other countries were facing problems."We have managed the country well while countries in Europe were being saddled with debts, the United States (US) is facing problems due to its political clashes while countries in the Middle East were undergoing uprisings.

    "Malaysia, on the contrary, is recording economic growth that has received praise from the international community," he said at a Gathering With The People in the Batu Sapi Parliamentary Constituency and the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Kampung Lupak Meluas Mosque. Upon completion, the new mosque built at a cost of RM5 million would become the biggest in Batu Sapi and located beside the Public Housing Project area where 180 housing units are now under construction.

    According to Najib, the country's economic growth rate also received praise from the Chairman of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde whom he had met recently."We have achieved good economic growth, and when the country's revenue increases, the economy improves and we distribute this wealth to the people," he said.

    "That's the principle that I hold on to in the aspect of social justice. The 1Malaysia concept was introduced not merely as a slogan but it has principles and comprehensiveness," he said.Najib said the government implemented the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) due to the strong national economic revenue and it is being continued for BR1M 2.0 next year.

    The opposition, on the contrary, organised riots and demonstrations through the Bersih 1.0 and 2.0 gatherings to the extent of attacking members of the security force and damaging police vehicles, he said.Even worse, Najib said, the leader of the opposition party sought assistance from the developed nations to intervene in the country's general election.

    "Fortunately, the Australian people know that the democracy in our country was the right that was decided by the people of Malaysia themselves."They did not want to intervene because they knew that in the general election in Malaysia previously, we (BN) won in a fair and clean manner," Najib pointed out.

  12. he country's encouraging economic growth has enabled the government to implement development programmes and channel aid to the people.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak said that was the reason why the Barisan Nasional (BN) had made it a priority to do its best in managing the country especially with regard to economic growth.

    He said BN could manage the country well currently although other countries were facing problems.

    "We have managed the country well while countries in Europe were being saddled with debts, the United States (US) is facing problems due to its political clashes while countries in the Middle East were undergoing uprisings.

    "Malaysia, on the contrary, is recording economic growth that has received praise from the international community," he said at a Gathering With The People in the Batu Sapi Parliamentary Constituency and the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Kampung Lupak Meluas Mosque, near here yesterday.

    Upon completion, the new mosque built at a cost of RM5 million would become the biggest in Batu Sapi and located beside the Public Housing Project area where 180 housing units are now under construction.

    According to Najib, the country's economic growth rate also received praise from the Chairman of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde whom he had met recently.

    "We have achieved good economic growth, and when the country's revenue increases, the economy improves and we distribute this wealth to the people," he said.

    "That's the principle that I hold on to in the aspect of social justice. The 1Malaysia concept was introduced not merely as a slogan but it has principles and comprehensiveness," he said.

    Najib said the government implemented the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) due to the strong national economic revenue and it is being continued for BR1M 2.0 next year.

    The opposition, on the contrary, organised riots and demonstrations through the Bersih 1.0 and 2.0 gatherings to the extent of attacking members of the security force and damaging police vehicles, he said.

    Even worse, Najib said, the leader of the opposition party sought assistance from the developed nations to intervene in the country's general election.

    "Fortunately, the Australian people know that the democracy in our country was the right that was decided by the people of Malaysia themselves.

    "They did not want to intervene because they knew that in the general election in Malaysia previously, we (BN) won in a fair and clean manner," Najib pointed out.

    He criticised the action of the opposition party leader who had painted a wrong picture of the country to tarnish its image abroad.
