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Friday, January 11, 2013

Public hearings on Sabah RCI to begin from Monday

KOTA KINABALU: The five-man Royal Commission of Inquiry panel conducting a comprehensive probe into Sabah's illegal immigrant problem will begin open court hearings from Monday.

The panel, headed by former chief judge of Borneo Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, will begin to hear witness testimonies at a courtroom of the Kota Kinabalu High Court here, the panel's secretary Datuk Saripuddin Kasim said Friday.

The first round of public hearings, the first since the panel was set up on Sept 21 last year, is scheduled for five days until Jan 18, and again from Jan 28, he said.

The panel has so far identified 48 witnesses to testify at the hearings. The witnesses were selected after a special team interviewed and verified claims pertaining to issues of illegal immigrants in the state.

As of Friday, parties from both sides of the political divide continued furnish the panel's investigators with details pertaining to the claims.

Among the panel's terms of reference are determining the number of immigrants in Sabah, investigating if blue identity cards or citizenship papers were issued to immigrants and whether they were registered in the electoral roll, and the abnormal increase in Sabah's population.

The panel has been given six months to complete the probe.



  1. November lalu,sudah ada 48 saksi telah diperolehi.Kelmarin pula dinyatakan naib presiden PBS, Datuk Radin Malleh telah menyerahkan bukti dalam bentuk buku kepada RCI.

    1. Semoga bukti yang diserahkan benar kukuh untuk membuktikan kebenaran.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ketika mengumumkan terma rujukan suruhanjaya itu pada 11 Ogos tahun lalu, Perdana Menteri berkata antara lain, suruhanjaya itu akan menyiasat jumlah pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah yang memiliki kad pengenalan atau kewarganegaraan.

    1. Isu kewarganegaraan amat merisaukan.

    2. Jika isu ini dapat di selesaikan oleh kerajaan pasti akan mengembirakan rakyat Sabah.

  4. Siasatan memberi tumpuan sama ada pengeluaran kad pengenalan biru atau kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang terbabit dibuat berdasarkan undang-undang di samping menyiasat sama ada mereka yang memperoleh kad pengenalan biru atau resit pengenalan sementara (biru) atau kewarganegaraan secara tidak mengikut undang-undang, didaftarkan dalam Daftar Pemilih.

  5. RCI itu turut menyiasat sama ada pihak berkuasa berkaitan telah mengambil sebarang tindakan atau membuat apa-apa penambahbaikan kepada prosedur amalan standard, kaedah dan peraturan untuk mengelak ketidakteraturan dari segi undang-undang.

  6. Siasatan lanjut diperlukan dalam perkara berkaitan prosedur amalan standard, kaedah dan peraturan berhubung pengeluaran kad pengenalan biru atau kewarganegaraan kepada pendatang asing di Sabah dengan mengambil kira standard antarabangsa dan norma yang terpakai bagi Malaysia.

    1. Pihak yang salah menggunakan kuasa dan memberi mykad dengan sesuka hati harus dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.

    2. Sesiapa sahaja yang bersubahat dengan Pati harus di kenakan tindakan tegas.

  7. The minister of plantation industries and commodities said the government was serious in handling issues worrying Sabahans such as the increasing number of illegal migrants in the state.

  8. “The government views this issue seriously, which is why we established a RCI.

    “And of course certain people will say this is a political gimmick, but it is unfair to say so as the RCI has yet to begin.

    “Let the RCI finish its duty and then we can give them credit,” he said

  9. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced the highly-anticipated RCI on Sabah’s illegals on June 1 but stopped short of revealing details of the panel’s composition and terms of reference.

  10. The issue has been bandied about in the media since February 10 when Dompok first announced the Cabinet’s decision to form the RCI.

  11. The unchecked influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah has been a longstanding problem in the BN-ruled state, and frequently blamed for the rise in social, economic and security problems suffered by the locals here.

  12. According to replies provided in Parliament last year, Sabah’s population numbered 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980, the state’s population rose significantly by a staggering 1.5 million people, reaching 2,468,246 by 2000.

  13. Media reports said that as of 2010, this number has grown further to 3.12 million, with foreigners making up a sizeable 27 per cent or 889,799 of the population.

  14. Opposition leaders have long raged against the BN government for this population explosion, alleging that illegals have been allowed into the east Malaysian state, and given MyKads and voting rights to help the ruling coalition cling to power.

  15. I think this is one of the good ways to curb illegals in Sabah.

    1. PATI harus dihantar belik ke negara asal dengan segera.

  16. Semoga apa yang dihajati tercapai.

  17. So the oppositions have nothing to say about this anymore.

  18. Paling penting adalah rakyat Sabah dapat hidup aman.

  19. Saya pasti masalah ini akan selesai.

  20. And it will be forever no more.

  21. Kerajaan mmg sentiasa memantau.

  22. Kerajaan harus ikhlas untuk membukti keikhlasan untuk menanggani isu pati.

    1. Kerajaan sentiasa ikhlas untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah Pati di Sabah.

  23. moga RCI akan berjalan dgn lancar.

  24. semua harus beri kerjasama pada RCI.
