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Saturday, November 23, 2013

IP: Pairin's explanation on Dam project is nonsense

KOTA KINABALU - Pairin’s recent explanation on proposed Kaiduan dam project to 'safeguard the interests of all by providing sufficient water supply' shows that he is supercilious and persistent to bulldoze the rights of the Indigenous Peoples that have rejected it, says Atama Katama.

Atama, a self-proclaimed Indigenous People (IP) activist, said Pairin's appeals not to link this issue as a KDM issue when rebutting Moyog Adun YB Terence Siambun during the Budget 2014 Debate does not make any sense because Pairin is the president of the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association and the paramount leader of the Kadazan Dusun Murut communities entrust to defend the rights of KDMs.

"How can he say that he safeguards the interests of all when in fact that it is the state & mega-corporations that will profit from the water supply business at the expense of thousands of displaced KDM lives?

"As a Deputy Chief Minister and Huguan Siou, Pairin must learn how to separate both in order to stop confusing the people by exploiting and abusing his titles. One way to avoid this is by choosing to engage the community through Adat and the other is through a Referendum where Sabahans can choose to agree or reject this State approved project.

"Pairin who is Sabah Deputy Chief Minister as well as Infrastructure Development Minister must now first explain how he proposes to solve customary & ancestral lands rights, food sovereignty, cultural & biodiversity and basic human rights needs of the villagers. Pairin must also make public a proposal and accessible to the people as soon as possible. Next, his ministry must be prepared to offer full compensation to each affected families including future royalties, similar to the demands of the Penans displaced by the Murum dam in Sarawak if this project bulldozes through.

"To date, there has been no free and prior informed consent, dialogues and negotiations with the villagers of Terian, Babagon Laut, Timpayasa, Tiku, Buayan, Pongobonon, Kalanggan, Timpangoh and Longkogungan regarding this project. This is a violation of the UNDRIP – United Nations Declarations of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As the world watches how Malaysia deals with Indigenous Peoples, Malaysians in Sabah must also keep a vigilant watch on their elected representatives; especially those who claim to be defenders of the community," Atama said.


  1. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has called on all business chambers in the state, to continue supporting the government’s policies and initiatives as well as contributing towards Sabah’s economic and social well-being.

  2. The various chambers in Sabah can play a significant role in helping facilitate the growth and progress of the state especially since chambers can become linkages to the business communities throughout Sabah.

  3. To maintain the state economy’s growth momentum, the 2014 budget will focus more on objectives and strategies, including strengthening the economy, improving basic infrastructures and public amenities, eradicating poverty, raising the people’s standard of living and achieving balanced regional development.

  4. Replies
    1. kalau rakyat berkeras juga, ba biarla.kita tengok sama siapa juga diorang komplen kalau masalah air tambah serius.

  5. If his explanation is not satisfying, what you think is more satisfying?

  6. Improving is part of our lives, really

  7. Jadi apa yang patut diperjelaskan?

  8. A total of 39 civil servants including retirees will face civil or criminal actions if they are found responsible for irregularities revealed in the 2012 National Audit Report.

  9. Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said action had been taken to forward to the federal government the input compiled from various quarters in Sabah to address the Cabotage Policy.

  10. although the committee has yet to make any decision on the issue, the federal government had taken proactive steps to standardise the price of goods in Malaysia through the setting up of ‘Kedai Rakyat’ as well as providing transport subsidy.

  11. tembirang ja kau atama.. sebelum kau buka mulut mengutuk projek2 yang dilaksanakan kerajaan, bagus kau kemukakan dulu cadangan atau idea bernas bagaimana mahu seleasaikan krisis air di sabah.. jangan hanya tahu mengutuk tapi kau sendiri bodoh macam lembu..

  12. setakat ini belum ada dikalangan pemimpin2 pembangkang termasuk aktivis lembu diatas yang tampil memberikan cadangan kepada kerajaan tentang bagaimana masalah air di sabah boleh diselesaikan.. yang mereka tahu hanya membantah, kemudian bila dekat2 pilihanraya, mulalah mereka kitar semula isu masalah bekalan air di sabah..

  13. Pembangunan memang mahal harganya, baik dari segi wang ringgit secara harafiah mahupun pengorbanan berbentuk aspek fizikal seperti penempatan dan tanah, lebih-lebih lagi yang sarat dengan sentimen serta kenangan zaman berzaman.

  14. Masing-masing mempunyai rasional di sebalik pendirian yang dipertahankan – rintihan rakyat lain bunyinya, luahan pemimpin pula berbeza nadanya dengan matlamat mahukan jaminan kehidupan jauh lebih baik berbanding sedia ada.

  15. Cadangan pembinaan empangan di Kampung Tambatuon, Kota Belud bagi mengairi projek jelapang padi dan empangan Kaiduan di Hulu Papar untuk mengatasi masalah bekalan air sejajar peningkatan jumlah penduduk, adalah antara pengisian pembangunan yang kerap terpampang di dada akhbar tempatan dan alam maya – baik pro mahu pun kontra.

  16. Di Kota Belud, sebilangan penduduk Kampung Tambatuon dikatakan enggan memberi kebenaran kampung mereka dikorbankan untuk memberi laluan kepada cadangan pembinaan empangan (walaupun baru pada peringkat kajian) dan isu itu diketahui ramai menjadi modal pertikaman lidah pembangkang terutama Lim Kit Siang dengan Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

  17. Abdul Rahman dalam blognya menjelaskan, antara manfaat apabila jelapang padi dan empangan berkenaan menjadi kenyataan ialah ribuan petani miskin di Kota Belud berupaya menghasilkan empat tan padi seekar atau 200,000 tan bagi dua musim menuai setiap tahun.

  18. Ia bermakna, jika harga padi kekal sekitar RM1,000 setiap tan, jelapang padi Kota Belud mampu menyumbang pendapatan kasar berjumlah RM200 juta setiap tahun. Angka itu pastinya akan menjana ekonomi setempat dan membuka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan, sekali gus mengikis label Kota Belud sebagai ‘antara daerah termiskin di Malaysia.’

  19. Di Papar pula, penduduk di tiga kampung berhampiran tapak cadangan iaitu Kampung Kaiduan, Bisuang dan Bolotikon sedia menerima kemajuan tetapi mahukan penjelasan lebih terperinci daripada agensi kerajaan, terutama soal membabitkan status tanah selain tidak mengetahui lokasi sebenar empangan yang bakal dibina itu.

  20. Seperti dijelaskan Timbalan Ketua Menteri merangkap Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur negeri, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, adalah tidak wajar hanya unsur negatif dan kontroversi diberi keutamaan dalam cadangan pembinaan Empangan Kaiduan dalam keadaan Sabah bakal berdepan krisis air menjelang 2015, khususnya kawasan ramai penduduk merangkumi Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Putatan, Tuaran dan Papar.

  21. Walaupun bekalan masih mencukupi dengan keupayaan pengeluaran 403 juta liter sehari menerusi beberapa loji rawatan air di Tuaran, Penampang dan Papar, Jabatan Air Sabah perlu merancang persediaan awal mengelak bekalan air tidak mencukupi seperti dihadapi sedekad lalu.

  22. Ketika ini, bekalan air kira-kira 800,000 penduduk di lima kawasan terbabit diperoleh menerusi Loji Telibong dan Empangan Tambalugu di Tuaran, Empangan Babagon dan Loji Sungai Moyog di Kasigui, Penampang serta Loji Sungai Papar di Kampung Kogopon, Papar.

  23. Jika Empangan Kaiduan dibina, ia mampu membekalkan sehingga 500 juta liter sehari, JLH iaitu lebih sekali ganda daripada jumlah air yang mampu dibekalkan Jabatan Air di lima kawasan terbabit pada masa ini.

  24. Dengan momentum pembangunan yang semakin rancak, Sabah membuka pintu seluas-luasnya untuk pelabur meneroka peluang di Negeri di Bawah Bayu dan sebagai kerajaan bertanggungjawab, antara kriteria utama yang dijanjikan ialah prasarana sempurna termasuk kestabilan bekalan air.

  25. Pembangkang tidak akan berhenti memomokkan rakyat supaya menolak empangan di Kota Belud dan Kaiduan tetapi pada akhirnya, mereka kembali ke kediaman selesa dengan air mengalir tanpa henti sebaik kepala paip dipulas dan nasi terhidang tanpa menghiraukan keringat petani yang mencurah. Demi jaminan dan kesejahteraan masa depan, kita tidak boleh terus berpaut kepada sentimen atau kenangan.

  26. Pada hemat saya, pembinaan empangan ini penting sebagai simpanan air dalam menghadapi masa-masa krisis kerana kapasiti simpanannya bersamaan 3 kali empangan Babagon. Kalau ia tidak dibina, apa sumber alternatif lain yang boleh menyelasaikan krisis air yang bakal tiba. Kita hanya ada baki 4 tahun lagi untuk berhadapan dengan krisis.

    1. buat keputusan dengan segera dan sebaik mungkin.jangan sampai terlambat pula nanti.rakyatla yang betul2 rasa

  27. Lagipun, Pairin juga telah menegaskan bahawa semua penduduk di kampung atau kawasan yang bakal terjejas akan dipindahkan ke lokasi bersesuaian selain diberikan tanah dan infrastruktur.

    1. ada pihak yang sengaja mempolitikkan dan membatu apikan penduduk sampai perkara ni jadi lebih besar.

  28. sekiranya tiada penyelesaian, mungkinkah kita terpaksa bersaing/beparang untuk mendapatkan air bersih? Mungkinkah kita hanya dapat mandi 2 kali seminggu? Mungkinkah tandas kita akan berbau busuk? Mungkinkah tida pembangunan dapat dijalankan? Mungkinkah harga air akan semakin mahal? Mungkinkah, dalam keadaan terpaksa kita terpaksa gunakan air tidak terawat?.....

  29. Semua kemungkinan-kemungkinan ini boleh berlaku kerana ia telah berlaku dikawasan yang menghadapi krisis air. Mahukah ia berlaku kepada kita. Fikirlah sendiri sebelum bertindak….Dulu, kalau tidak ada Babagon Dam (Penampang), saya fikir masa el nino dan sebagainya, kita di sini akan hadapi banyak masalah, tapi oleh sebab Empangan Babagon ada dan telah dirancang, semua kita selamat. Jadi kita harus lihat perancangan Kaiduan ini dengan cara yang sama..

  30. pembinaan empangan ini penting sebagai simpanan air dalam menghadapi masa-masa krisis kerana kapasiti simpanannya bersamaan 3 kali empangan Babagon.

  31. Kalau ia tidak dibina, apa sumber alternatif lain yang boleh menyelasaikan krisis air yang bakal tiba??

  32. Atama Katama mau jadi Huguan Siou yang baru.kekeke

  33. Although there has yet to be a decision on the controversial Kaiduan Dam, the State Government maintains that the proposed Kaiduan Dam is needed to overcome the shortage of clean water supply which is expected to happen by 2015.

  34. In view of this, the State Government will take into account the needs of millions of other Sabahans, other than “the few who will be directly affected by the mega dam project.

  35. It’s not that we dismiss altogether and don’t consider the opinions and doubts of the affected communities at all. But as a responsible government, they need to acknowledge that the state will face a shortage of clean water supply in a couple of years and take pre-emptive measures.

  36. This has always been a debatable issue. In any country, with any project, there will always be those who would agree with the project, and those who will oppose to it, for various reasons.

  37. But sooner or later, a decision has to be made, and rest assured that whatever decision the State Government is going to make, it will be in the interest of the people first. the Social Impact Assessment initiative that was disrupted by the Anti-Kaiduan Dam Task force, was in no way illegal and should have not been opposed.

  38. Just like a good doctor would examine patients thoroughly to determine what’s best and to achieve the best results, the SIA is needed to determine the best result. So we hope that those who oppose would bear in mind the responsibility that we have for the benefit of the greater good.

  39. the Water Resources Management Council should not be politicised as the State Government is merely taking scientific approaches to identify the locations and means of conserving water catchment areas and water supply conservation.

  40. the conservation of water resources and wise utilisation of water resources, while also protecting the environment. So I hope that the people will understand and won’t panic when it comes to this issue, because what the government are trying to do is to finalise the feasibility studies for the benefit of the greater good.

  41. Nobody likes to be scolded. But like a responsible doctor, even when scolded, we will go ahead and do our best to determine what’s best for our people.

  42. The people must understand and accept the fact that Sabah will soon face a shortage of clean water supply in a few years, and the State Government is trying its very best to ensure the problem is resolved. In respect of this, they should see that the proposed Kaiduan Dam was only a logical consideration with the purpose of benefiting the whole community in Sabah.

  43. it was unfair that only negativity was seen in the controversial dam, and not the overall picture and the objective of planning the dam as a pre-emptive measure. Although it has not been finalised because it is being studied or a 'feasibility study' being carried out, we are all aware the idea has already created sentiments among the people, especially the villagers in the area involved, to oppose the project.

  44. Water supply by 2015 will face a shortage due to the density of the people, increase in population, industries and consumption. So, we cannot allow a water shortage to disrupt our daily routine.

  45. I feel this is a very important aspect of the objective of the Kaiduan dam which we all must share ...and I hope this will receive positive response from the majority of our people, including those who are affected.
