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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jewish link? Just plain utter Rubbish!

Gov't distances itself from Bersih-Jewish link claim

The government has distanced itself from an editorial which appeared in the Utusan Malaysia yesterday claiming foreign Jewish groups might try to use an opposition-backed push to reform electoral laws in this Muslim-majority country.

According to the Associated Press, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's office issued a rare statement late last night directed to the foreign media only, stating it was distancing itself from the Malay daily's allegation.

"It did not reflect the views of the government. Regardless of their political views, it is unacceptable for anyone to stir up hatred and suspicion against any religious group in the way we have seen today," the statement said.

Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia had in its editorial yesterday, stated that Malaysians cannot allow anyone, especially the Jews to interfere covertly in Malaysia's business.

"When the drums are pounded hard in the name of human rights, the pro-Jewish people will have their best opportunity to interfere in any Islamic country," the newspaper said.

"We might not realise that the enthusiasm to support actions such as demonstrations will cause us to help foreign groups succeed in their mission of controlling this country," said the Utusan Malaysia editorial.

Allegation defended

Today, Utusan Malaysia defended its allegation of a Jewish conspiracy when its 'Bisik-bisik' column quoted Awang Selamat, a pseudonym for its editorial writers, said in seeking human rights and democratic practice, there are parties within this country prepared to receive foreign funds.

The main issue, it states, that how can Malaysia prevent them from being paid by foreigners.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that a Bersih 2.0 steering committee member, lawyer Andrew Khoo denied the allegation that the coalition was sponsored by the Jews.

"It's sheer and utter rubbish," said Khoo.

"What this points to is a repeated attempt by some quarters of society... to divide the country along racial and religious lines.

License to spin

Meanwhile, unaware that the government had distanced itself from the Utusan's claims, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang questioned the apparent ease and free license by which Umno-owned daily continued to spew contentious tales and wild claims.

"Either the Utusan spin doctors have the full endorsement and blank cheque from the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to spin their worst, or the Umno spin doctors are totally out of control and neither of them has the power to control them even when they go on a rampage that is damaging Malaysia's national interests and international image.

"Which is which, Najib and Hishammuddin?" asked Lim.

He was commenting on the recent Utusan editorial quoting former police chief Rahim Noor, who alleged the Bersih 2.0 rally could open the door to Jews and Israel to infiltrate Malaysia.

Lim blasted Rahim's revelations as being nothing more than "a very fertile figment of imagination" spun by Utusan into their crafted editorial as the "Jews are coming" scare.

Bersih 2.0 organisers have denied the speculation in the Utusan report.


  1. Inilah yg berlaku jika sekumpulan badut dan org2 bodoh yg diketuai oleh satu pemimpin badut bodoh yg terulung diangkat menjadi pentadbir. jgn hairan jika negara ini tidak diselamatkan melalui reformasi, ia bakal jatuh ke bahagian gelap yg paling dalam. dengan mengaji beberapa individu bodoh sombong yg berimaginasi melampau-lampau, dan disokong pula oleh pemimpin serkas yg langsung tidak lucu utk dipandang, mereka sanggup melakukan apa saja utk mempertahankan sumber kekayaan mereka dgn kroni tercinta.

    saya tidak percaya umno tiada kaitan langsung dgn kenyataan yg dibuat oleh utusan. malah saya sangsi yg press statement yg jabatan najib keluarkan utk meyakinkan media asing dan komuniti antarabangsa terhadap ketidak terlibatan kerajaan umno dlm 'imaginasi bodoh' ini adalah hanya gimik seperti tindakan2 mereka yg terdahulu. buktikan bahawa saya salah dgn cara menarik balik lesen penerbitan akhbar utusan dan menutup akhbar ini. akhbar ini sudah terlalu banyak menyebarkan pembohongan, fithnah agung, spekulasi mengarut serta putar belit fakta yg merosakkan negara ini. jgn biarkan perkara ini berlanjutan.

  2. sudah lama tidak tengokpun utusan

  3. Media seharusnya lebih bersifat linear dalam menyiarkan maklumat kepada orang ramai.

  4. sekarang ni macam-macam isu yang timbul. semua saling mencari kesalahan dan kesilapan. kita perlu bijak menilai sesuatu maklumat.

  5. Saling menuduh tidak akan selesaikan masalah ini.

  6. rakyat kena bijak dlam menilai berita yang disebarkan.

  7. Kesian ini Jewish ... balik balik dikutuk oleh syaitan umno.

    Bukankah Allah suruh kita hormat diantara satu sama lain biarpun apa bangsa dia?

  8. tak habis-habis isu BERSIH...

  9. lebih bagus kerajaan adakan saja pilihanraya dengan segera.

  10. Why they always connect 'with Jewish links'...what's wrong even with or without jewish? The bible said these are God's why the phobia of being aligned to them..afterall, they are god sent.

  11. Susah juga media bila dikawal oleh seseorang. Apa pun Media memainkan peranan yang sangat besar untuk memberikan maklumat yang berguna kepada rakyat. Jadi pastikan maklumat adalah benar dan fakta.

  12. Must it always be about BERSIH??

  13. Can't wait for GE to come!

  14. they will not admit it even the allegation accompanied by proof.
