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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Harris doesn't admit what's written

Harris again says not responsible for what’s written

KOTA KINABALU: Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh has reiterated that he is not responsible for whatever is written in papers or books on the issue of identity cards.

He maintained that the issuance of ICs and conferment of citizenships are the prerogative and responsibility of the Federal Government.

However, being a Malay and Muslim just like other leaders, he was doing his duty helping his fellow Malays and Muslims in what problems and whatever ways, he said.

"This is also the practice of the leaders of Chinese, Kadazan, Bajau, Brunei, Bisaya and so on," he said in a statement, Monday.

He said during the exercise of late registrations for the whole of Sabah out of 50,000 reportedly only 5,000 were Malays and Muslims.

"Ten of thousands were given late registration certificates in the Tenom and Keningau districts," he said, adding that he had pointed this out some years ago but there was not a single statement from the so-called the champions, of racial leaders denying his allegations.

Harris also felt strongly that since the Royal Commission of Enquiry is not possible, it is best for those who continuously make allegation after allegation to organise a public debate.

He confirmed that he would be gladly attending and participaters in the debate on any subjects.

"The subjects should include issue on dubious identity card, late registration of birth certificate, the 906,330 acres reserved for 60,000 landless Sabahans and abolition of Yayasan Sabah shares," he said.

From DE


  1. Bila harris tukar bangsa dia jadi melayu? Dimana ada melayu di Sabah?

    Kamu tunggulah ketulahan anjing bin harris.

  2. buang bangsa ,.........?????????? lupa diri . mana yang lebih berharga : 906,330 ekar atau satu negeri tergadai oleh tindakan menjual negeri Sabah dengan mewarganegarakan rakyat asing secara tipu dengan perniagaan ic............ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  3. Harris=Asshole. Harris=Bullshit. Harris=fucking shit. Harris=Jackass. Harris=Goddamned.

    Inilah contoh sesorang yg sudah lupa diri. bangsa sendiri pun lupa. Bila masa harris lahir berbangsa "MELAYU"? Hai teman2, siapa melayu yg pernah menjejakkan kaki di kota belud sebelum malaysia.? kalau betu harris adalah melayu, bermaknya dia ini bukan berasal dari Kota Belud. dia juga bukan warga tulin sabah kerana sabah tidak mempunyai bangsa yg dipanggil melayu. melayu hanya menjejakkan kaki di bumi sabah selepas malaysia. jadi selayaknya, orang tua nyanyuk ini harus dihantar ke semenanjing utk menjadi orang meloya di sana. tengok jika kalangan org2 meloya ini menerima haris sebagai meloya. bikin muntah. perbuatan tua kerepot ini terhadap sabah sudah cukup meloyakan semasa dia menjadi KM. Pun masi belum puas2. nak tutup labu yg sudah bocor ya pak? bagus ko mampus cepat2 lg senang nak tutup kesalahan. kalau ko dh ko, paling2 pun nama ko saja yg kena kutuk. hack thui.....!!!! saya jamin, tiada juga rakyat sabah yg sampai nak gali ko punya kubur nanti utk kasi tunjuk nda puas hati. paling2 pun dorg sanggah ja baru ludah. hack thui.....!

  4. Siapa yang makan cili, dia yang merasa pedas.

  5. Ini sudah jadi buah mulut di kalangan Sabahan dari dulu sampai sekarang.

  6. tindakan Harris ni hanya menimbulkan kontroversi saja tapi bukannya penyelesaian.

  7. Harris, Harris..sejak bila anda di'melayu'kan? Berdebat bukanlah suatu cadangan yang bernas apatah lagi untuk menyelesaikan masalah2 yang telah lama menyelubungi Sabah. Kita perlukan tindakan. Usahlah nak mengubah topik dan mencari kesalahan pihak lain. Umum mengetahui apa yang telah anda ke atas rakyat Sabah. Kebenaran akan tiba suatu hari nanti dan masa untuk bertaubat sudah suntuk.

  8. Mengaku sajalah Harris. Bertaubat macam Datuk Conrad.

  9. nampaknya ramai penduduk Sabah yang tidak puas hati dgn Harris.

  10. hmm..buat saja perdebatan awam..tengok siapa menang/kalah.

  11. kesian Harris..tak habis-habis kena kutuk.

  12. Ex-CM menjadi tumpuan atas apa yang berlaku dahulu. datuk Harris tidak ada kuasa untuk mengubah apa yang telah berlaku. Apa yang penting sekarang ini kita mahu Sabah dapat dimajukan dan semua hak rakyat haruslah diberikan dengan adil.

  13. Harris is the cause of sabah destruction.

  14. Its about time Harris come clean. No point hiding now.

  15. I thought the book wrote about him & the statement were taken from him by the author...why he is still denying it?

  16. God will show the truth.

  17. bagus Harris tidak payah buka mulut.. buat statement yang baik ka atau buruk ka, respond rakyat tetap sama..

  18. Of course he won't admit anything. Why don't Harris stop meddling with politics.

  19. Who would admit to such a thing? Agreed with Carson, its better Harris go into retirement.
