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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Debate won’t solve problem of illegals having ICs: Upko

Best solution is have RCI to settle matter

KOTA KINABALU: Upko said Monday it is premature for Tan Sri Harris Salleh to pre-empt whether the Federal Cabinet will or will not decide to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the existence of illegal immigrants holding dubious identity cards (IC) obtained via the so-called " Project IC'.

United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun and Murut Organisation Sec-Gen, Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau said the Federal Cabinet has not deliberated on the requests by various parties for setting up the RCI.

"The Minister of Home Affairs has made his opinion known but the fact remained that the Federal Cabinet has not deliberated on it," he said in a statement.

"Given a proper perspective to this particular 'national problem', we are confident many fellow Barisan Nasional component party leaders will seriously consfuier giving support to-this proposal," he said.

He said the matter is no longer fit for merely a public debate, but one of public interest affecting the nations sovereignty which merits resolutions at the highest level.

Madius said Upko also wished to differ on the claim by Harris when the latter said that what was written by Paul Raffaele in the book "Harris Salleh of Sabah"  is the opinion and version of the writer. "The views belong to Harris and Paul was simply writing what he recorded from statements made by Harris himself," he said.

He doubted that paul would have written the following without being told by Harris, which he was contained on page 426 of the book: "Already in Kudat, a PBS area now, over 3,000 Filipinos have their IC cards, and, when they are registered to vote, the assembly seat there will be Usno's for the rest of this century at least. The same pattern could be repeated all over Sabah so that the Kadazans become a small minority ..."

"Besides, this statement had never been refuted by Harris and now, 26 years later, Harris estimates that 90 per cent of the people of Sabah are migrants.

"Is he saying that whatever he has said pertaining to the making of illegal migrants into a citizen in the book was carried out? Is that why the population rate of growth of Sabah is more than 500 per cent?" Madius said.

In this context, Madius said he could not agree more with Dr Chong Eng Leong in that he (Harris) must clear his name for being implicated in the book by MD Mutalib "IC Projek – Agenda Tersembunyi Mahathir"

Haris had said on Sunday that statements attributed to him in the biography by Raffalae and in others were those of the writers concerned.

Meanwhile , Upko also said it welcomed Harris' readiness to testify in the RCI if it is finally set up. "only a RCI can provide a lasting solution to the 'Mother of all Problems' in Sabah ... the existence of thousands and thousands of illegal migrants with dubious I/C," said Madius.

Upko also supports common views on pertinent issues among component parties of the BN, he said, adding there are ways and means to achieve this including having a loose confederation as suggested by PBS Secretary General Datuk Henrynus Amin.

"Upko is all for it (loose confederation). We should immediately work on the mechanism. As for Harris, we have to politely decline his suggestion for Upko to conduct our own inquiry concerning ICs...RCI remains the most effective way of resolving this matter once and for all," he said.

From Daily Express


  1. Semua politikus dalam BN hanya main wayang. Sudahlah cerita dongeng berpuluh-puluh tahun dari BN.

    Rakyat Sabah sudah BOSAN dengan cerita yang sama.

    Lebih baik orang BN sediakan masuk ke lockup apabila tukar kerajaan baru.

  2. Musa Aman have yet to deny the accusation that he is involved in the distribution of project IC mahatai as stated in many books. He should have sued all the author for defamation instead he remain to keep silent on the issue hoping the Sabahan will forget everything about it. Isn't this an admission of guilt. Phuiiiii.

  3. RCI tidak semestinya akan menyelesaikan semua masalah. Jangan hanya mengharapkan itu sahaja. Fikirlah cara yang lebih berkesan.

  4. Sekurang-kurangnya rakyat sabah tahu apa sebenarnya yg berlaku, siapa di sebalik tabir, siapa yg harus dipertanggungjawabkan dan bla..bla.. saya agak hairan, masi juga terdapat org berfikiran kolot dan tidak terbuka tentang isu penubuhan RCI. "RCI tidak semestinya akan menyelasaikan semua masalah".... ini adalah yg paling kerap digunakan. langsung tiada kesedaran. yg layak utk berkata begini hanya org2/individu2 yg terlibat secara langsung dgn isu Projek IC. Takut bau busuk dan kotoran yg berulat terbongkar jadi nak berusaha utk melobi atas dasar "rci tidak menyelesaikan masalah".

    Saya semakin sangsi mungkinkah ramai dari kalangan pemimpin umno/bn terlibat secara langsung. siapa yg mereka lindungi?? mesti ada. jika tidak kenapa susah sangat utk meluluskan penubuhan RCI-lebih dari 3 penggal sepatutnya sudah terlalu lama. jadi Zak, adakah kamu salah seorang dari mereka ataukah anda bertindak melindungi mereka? jika kamu rakyat sabah (orang kita), saya berasa sedih utk kamu.

  5. pekara ini semakin mendapat perhatian, harap usaha yang berterusan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati ini akan memberikan hasil.

  6. Isu RCI semakin hangat. Meragukan juga kenapa RCI masih tidak mendapat persetujuan dan ada suara2 yang membantah penubuhan RCI. Mungkinkah ada yang takut RCI akan membongkar rahsia2 lalu? Sekarang sudah timbul pasal Harris. Apa pula selepas ini?

  7. Immediate action should be taken as soon as possible to overcome the illegals problem. It has been a while since the RCI has been suggested but until now still no answer. Why?

  8. walaupun tak diyakini bahawa RCI dpt selesaikan masalah PATI, tapi tak salah jika kita mencuba. mgkin langkah ini aling berkesan.

  9. That right UPKO. Debate cannot change anything. So the important today, government need to take note 100% for solve illegal immigrant.

  10. It wouldn't solve but at least it could help to brainstorm ideas to solve the illegal problems.

  11. If only it would be easy to just send those illegal immigrants back to their country.

  12. What is the point keep sending the PTI back but the authority manned at those checkpoint keep letting the PTI in?

    To solve PTI problem, 1st thing we need to do is to kick UMNO out from Sabah. This is the only solution.

  13. lebih baik bekerjasama mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk masalah PATI ni daripada terus berdebat.

  14. pihak berkuasa harus bertindak cepat dengan menangkap dan menghantar balik PATI ke negara asal mereka..

  15. bukannya berdiam diri sahaja.

  16. gunakan apa sahaja cara seperti yang dicadangkan. memandangkan masalah ini tidak selesai2 sampai sekarang, lebih baik kerajaan ambil tindakan penyelesaian yang lebih bersifat aggresif. dan ahli2 politik juga perlu lebih aggresif mendesak kerajaan bagi menyelesaikan masalah2 kritikal di negeri ini.

  17. Better think of other ideas rather than just relying on the RCI.

  18. RCI is not the only solution for this issue. Don't be naive.
