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Monday, January 7, 2013

‘Christians in Malaysia have rights too’

Queville To

There is an assumption among politicians at the national level that no matter what they say about the Christians, the latter wouldn’t dare respond to assert their rights, says Daniel John Jambun.

KOTA KINBALU: Christians in the country should not be afraid to assert their rights as Malaysians in matters concerning their faith, said Sabah STAR.

In a statement issued here, party deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun said politicians who get involved in the debates on religion in Malaysia were behaving as if the Christians have no feelings and no rights as Malaysians.

“It is ridiculous that many non-Christian leaders are talking about various religious issues as if the Christians are emotionally dead about matters affecting their religious rights,” Jambun said.

He stressed that he has no intention to interfere in Islamic affairs, but just to express the feeling of numerous people who have called him to voice out their grievance over the “spiritual colonialisation” by PAS and the bullying of Christians by some insensitive political leaders.

Jambun said that while he himself respected everyone’s rights to their beliefs and religious practices, the same respect was not accorded to Christians as well.

He noted that there was this popular assumption among politicians at the national level that no matter what they said about the Christians, the latter wouldn’t dare respond to assert their rights.

He cited that it was a clear case of condescension, taking for granted and outright bullying by Muslim leaders
opposing the use of the word “Allah” to prohibit or control the distribution of the Indonesian Alkitab, to arrest non-Muslims in khalwat cases, and to proclaim fatwas (decrees) affecting the non-Muslims.

“Now the situation is reaching a critical level with PAS insisting on the implementation of hudud in the whole of the country and to turn Malaysia into a theocracy.

“Initially, hudud was just for Kelantan and there was assurance it wouldn’t affect non-Muslims. But we all know that the implementation of hudud will definitely affect all Malaysians because as a people, we interact and there will be circumstances in which non-Muslims will be entangled into the syariah law. It’s high time this is stopped,” he said.

He lamented that the Muslims and non-Muslims people of Sabah who have lived in harmony are now being rattled by religious issues raised by politicians and NGOs.

“The fact that the people of Sabah had been assured of religious freedom in Malaysia as documented by the Keningau Oath Stone, is now meaningless. The Christians in Sabah here now feel they are being harassed and denied their rights,” he said.

Jambun thus opined that the government should make a strong stance and treat these inflammatory religious proclamations as seditious and threat to public peace and national harmony.




    "Point 1: Religion

    While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo."

    It is not part of the bargain that Malaya could Malayanise and also Islamise Sabah or Sarawak. This was one of the fears which the above Point 1 reflected.

    In case we do not notice. This is the FIRST point of the 20 Points reflecting the priority of the fear!

    But over 50 years we have seen the deliberate Islamisation of Sabah people through coercion and invasion of illegals Muslims.

    The fear of losing our religious freedom is real. This is to be read with Point 5 which says "the name of the Federation is "Malaysia" not Melayu Raya".

    So now Sabah is being transformed into a Melayu Raya state in breach of all the "safeguards" which Malaya promised to abide by.

    Sabahans and Sarawakians were sold a lemon call "independence in Malaysia".

    We did not buy this shonky deal to be dominated, lose our religion and colonised!

  2. Rakyat perlu mengambil iktibar daripada kekacauan dan ketidakharmonian di kebanyakan negara lain yang bergolak akibat kewujudan ekstremisme serta fanatik agama, kata Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri.

    1. Adad juga golongan yang sengaja mengunkit isu sensitif untuk merosakkan keharmonian antara bangsa dan kaum.

  3. “Negara kita mempromosikan konsep konflik resolusi dan memberi keutamaan kepada aspek perundingan bagi mengelak pergaduhan berasaskan agama dan etnik,”

  4. Beliau berkata penerimaan dan kepercayaan kedua-dua pihak yang bertelagah di Filipina terhadap Malaysia untuk menjadi orang tengah dalam menyelesaikan konflik di selatan negara itu adalah pengiktirafan besar kepada negara.

    1. Isu keagamaan tidak harus dikaitkan dan mengungkit perasaan tidak puas hati.

  5. Abdul Rahim yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kudat turut memuji masyarakat beragama Kristian di Sabah khususnya, kerana sentiasa membantu kerajaan mempromosikan konsep kesederhanaan di kalangan penganutnya.

  6. Rakyat Sabah yang terdiri dari berbilang kaum dan agama perlu terus mempertahankan dan menyemarakkan keharmonian serta keamanan yang dikecapi selama ini. Keharmonian adalah prasyarat utama untuk Sabah muncul sebagai sebuah negeri maju, baik dari segi ekonomi, sosial mahupun pendidikan.

  7. isu agama amat sensitif, baik ia jgn dimainkan.

    1. Isu agama harus dikendali dengan baik dan bijak agar tidak membawa isu yang tidak terkawal.

    2. Kebanyakan yang timbulkan isu sensitif ni adalah untuk kepentingan politik mereka sendiri semata2.

  8. Rakyat di Sabah sering mengamalkan saling hormat menghormati antara kaum dan bangsa.

  9. We have our own right to chose our own religion. All must be respected.

    1. Rakyat mempunyai kebebasan dan tiada pihak berhak mempertikaikannya.

  10. Masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negeri ini diseru agar saling hormat-menghormati bagi menyumbang kepada pembentukan masyarakat yang harmoni dan sentiasa aman sejahtera.

  11. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab semua anggota masyarakat untuk memastikan keamanan yang dikecapi sekarang berkekalan.

  12. Kalaulah masyarakat kita tidak menghormati agama, kepercayaan atau tradisi kaum-kaum yang ada di negeri ini, sudah tentu tiada perpaduan antara kita. Oleh itu, sikap toleransi amat diperlukan bagi memastikan negeri dan negara kita terus mengecapi kemajuan.

  13. Rakyat negeri ini amat bertuah kerana dapat hidup dalam satu masyarakat majmuk yang terdiri daripada penganut agama Kristian, Islam, Buddha dan sebagainya dan saling hormat menghormati-menghormati antara satu sama lain.

  14. Kita bersyukur kerana perpaduan menerusi faktor keagamaan ini jelas terbukti bahawa kita dalam masyarakat berbilang bangsa dapat berkumpul dalam suasana yang harmoni menerusi semangat 1Malaysia.

  15. Kewujudan pelbagai agama seperti agama Islam, Kristian, Buddha dan pelbagai lagi sebenarnya bukan halangan bagi kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia untuk bercampur gaul sebaliknya ia melambangkan rakyat di negara ini saling bersatu padu serta hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain walaupun kita berbeza anutan agama.

  16. Jangan menjadikan alasan perbezaan agama dan kaum sebagai halangan untuk kita semua tidak bersatu hati membangunkan negara ini sebaliknya kita semua perlu berganding bahu dalam memastikan negara kita terus aman dan damai.

  17. I respect other peoples' rights to practice their religions and to believe as they do. That being said, however, I DON'T respect religious ideologies that oppress someone else in the name of that religion, and I DON'T respect people who engage in actions that stem from those ideals.

    1. As in those who would like to see me as less than a man and would then treat me accordingly. I don't respect those religions any more than I respect that particular mindset in individuals who aren't religious.

    2. I don't respect other religions or philosophies that I don't find respectable. As in religions that promote hatred between races or human sacrifice or just ludicrous thinking.

    3. Why can't you respect other religions like you do with your own religion. You don't have to believe it, just respect it.

    4. I respect others no matter their religious beliefs, as long as said beliefs do not drive them to commit morally or ethically irresponsible choices.

    5. I think a lot of the problems we face socially today stem from our ability to respect others when they disagree with our worldview, and honestly I always find a little kindness and respect goes a long way; a lot of people that seem like very angry opinionated individuals are much more open and reasonable if a little respect is offered when debating issues such as this.

    6. I think you should respect religious beliefs because they are an important part of people's culture and lifestyle. If you respect their culture and lifestyle, you are indirectly respecting their religion.

    7. Criticism is fine as long as it's reasonable and not used with the intent to hurt. Respect does not mean you have to shut your mouth.

    8. People earn respect by the way they treat others, regardless of their religion or beliefs

    9. Maybe it's fine if you can't respect them; all you have to do is show respect and not insult their beliefs.

  18. After all, we never meant to fight for anything.

  19. And being Christians is not something we should be ashamed with.

    1. Yup.what the most important is we practise the right things n not the bad one.

  20. I just dont understand why this thing keep happening in Malaysia.

  21. The question is why make this thing happened again?

  22. Kes sebegini tidak seharusnya berlaku.

  23. Kerana bagi saya, tolak ansur itu penting.

    1. Tolak ansur dan hormat-menghormati perlu diingati oleh semua rakyat.

  24. Yes Malaysia is a multi racial country.

    1. That is what's unique in our country.

  25. And certainly this matter will affect the peacefulness of a country.

    1. Don't let the harmonious state of our country be affected by these sort of controversy.

  26. Ini akan merosakkan keamanan sedia ada.

    1. Janganlah mempolitikkan isu ini untuk merosakkan perpaduan dan keharmonian rakyat.

  27. People of all races and religion are being treated equally in Malaysia.
