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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why SAPP must form the next government of Sabah, Part II

North Borneo (former name of Sabah) became an independent country in August 31st 1963.  That independence was short live because the British together with Malaya had conspired to form a federation call Malaysia.  This federation comprised of Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Brunei and Malaya.  History soon tells us that Brunei refuse to participate and Singapore ultimately separated from this Malaysian union.  Today, this federation is between the three nations of Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya.

The purported goal of this federation was economic prosperity and security.  However, we all know today that the goal had been hijacked by a greedy Malaya.  Soon after the formation of the federation, the Malaya government was hijacked by the ultra Malays who were motivated by race and religion.  They started to have this grand vision of Malay supremacy and Islamization of the whole Malaysian federation.

Thus starts the malicious engagement of indoctrination, interference in the internal politics of Sabah and Sarawak, and later to be followed with divide and rule strategy and Project IC especially on Sabah because it was deemed to be a weaker nation filled with uneducated non-Muslims.  The invasion soon led to incidental progression of colonization.

Quietly, Sabah was referred to as a State; aptly the 12th state in addition to the existing 11 states within Malaya.  Today, our state government are effectively run by Malayans.  Because of the UMNO government at the helm, all final decisions are made in Malaya.  This is how Sabah has surreptitiously become a colony of Malaya; through its assumptions of state.  Without realizing what had hit us, we were invaded overnight; a brilliant non violent coup de etat by Mahathir upon the constitution of Sabah.

Malaya, however, treated us like cattle for the slaughter.  To them we are an ignorant bunch who deserved nothing better than poverty.  In 2010, the World Bank made a startling finding that a majority of Sabahans live in poverty.

Federal statistical department depicted Sabah at the very bottom of the list among all the states making us the poorest state compared to all the other states in Malaya.  After 20 years of UMNO rule, we have now become the pariah of the nation, to be ridiculed and called their fix deposit.  Naturally, the people of Sabah are not happy.  Only a moron would be happy with these circumstances.

UMNO made a mockery of Sabahans especially the Momogun people.  Momoguns were systematically marginalized.  Although, Momoguns equate to 70% of Sabah's population, only a third of Momoguns are employed in governmental entities.  In fact, there were reported cases where non-Momoguns who in recent years had just gotten their citizenship got priority status when it comes to governmental staffing.

When it comes to enforcement agencies such as Police, Immigration and Maritime security, less than 10% of Momoguns were ever employed.  Why is there a high level of discrepancy in staffing vastly to the disadvantage of Momoguns?

Why is the 1st article in the “Twenty Points Memorandum” states that there will be no state religion in Sabah?  This is because the founding fathers of our nation knew that religion begets religious bias.  No matter what religion, it is never an institution that promotes unconditional fairness.  It is with this realization that the 1st article within the “Twenty Points” declaration deals with religion.  This is the most important point, but today this most significant point in the memorandum had been purposely ignored.

Such disregard of the safeguard laid out by our founding fathers had been unwise resulting to much disparity among the citizens of this country.  Those who do not share the same religion with a part of the populace felt marginalized.  Non-Muslim felt like they are living in a third world foreign country.  Momoguns have become a stranger in their own land.  We felt suffocated and suppressed.  This is not what our fore-fathers have envisioned for our nation.  Today, one of the question in people's mind is how can we fix this problem?

Since the time of Harris Salleh's BERJAYA's government, the instrument of government was being used to force people to convert to the government sanctioned religion.  Harris himself was adamant on Islamizing the Momoguns.  It is because of this that Harris Salleh's BERJAYA government fell like a rock.  Harris could not believe that he had lost to a virtual unknown Momogun like Joseph Pairin Kitingan.  He had disregarded the 1st article stated in the “Twenty Points Memorandum,” and the “Batu Sumpah” sworn in Keningau.  This is the reason for Harris Salleh's downfall.

Illegal immigration has dogged our nation from very early on.  However, it was only when Mahathir came to power that we have seen unprecedented disregard for our constitution.  Mahathir see himself as above the law.  He views the Momoguns of Sabah as an illiterate bunch of 17th century farmers.  At one time telling Jeffrey Kitingan “not to tell the people what they don't need to know.”

For Mahathir (and most Malayans at that), Momoguns are backward homo-sapiens living in the jungle.  He was bent on ignoring their plea.  He wanted to take total control of Sabah.  Thus starts the process of colonization.  To defeat the established Sabah administration he engineered Project IC and use a strategy known as “Divide and Rule” to keep the power of government firmly in hands of Malaya.

Since UMNO came to town, other Malayan parties also took the opportunity to come along, just so they can get a slice of the pie.  Today, Malayan parties such PKR, PAS, DAP, MCA, KITA, GERAKAN are much on the ground in Sabah prostituting for supporters and votes.

Now we have a dominant Malayan institution dominating the political scene in Sabah.  We Sabahans have effectively been invaded by all these Malayan political parties.  They have made themselves at home and now they are ignoring the fact that we are the host in our house.  They are now demanding that we follow their dictates.  They view us with such insignificant disdain.  They demand that we succumb to their wishes or be destroyed.  These are the party party Malaya that we have come to know.  With this option on our plate, what can we do?

These Malayan political parties managed to get many Sabahans to support their agenda.  We are now faced with Sabahans who selflessly defend the rights of these Malayan parties.  Somehow these Malayan parties managed to indoctrinate many Sabahans to fight for their cause.

The largest bulk of these quakes are ignorantly supporting the doctrinaire of PKR and DAP.  A fallacy they equate to fairness and equality.  In the case of PKR, they believe that PKR will be the strongest contender against UMNO.  To them, supporting PKR will mean the end of UMNO.  But such sentiments had not bear an inch of proof that PKR in Sabah will be able to defeat UMNO in Sabah.  Likewise DAP is trying to con the Sabahans with their brand of politics.  DAP, much like the other Malayans political parties is just full of hot air and never a true defender of our Sabahan rights.

However, the larger question is why do we need to rely on a Malayan party such as PKR and DAP to stand for us?  Are Sabahans inferior to Malayan when it comes to political parties?  Are we going to insist to continue this enslavement mentality?  Have we forgotten that we are a nation with a constitution?  Have we forgotten that we have our autonomy as our legal tender guaranteed under our constitution?

In June 6, 1976, a plane (Nomad aircraft 9M-ATZ) carrying the Sabah government cabinet ministers headed by Donald Stephen crashed upon its returned to Kota Kinabalu from Labuan.  Until today, the original findings were never released to the public.

It was just “53 days after Berjaya had won the state election and bombs had been going off in the state;” Malaya pressured the state government to agree to a 5% royalty fee for our oil.

Tengku Razaleigh had clearly said that he was on-board the same flight when Harris Salleh pull him off the plane in the final minutes before take off.  What was most baffling was the fact that it merely took less than a week after the wreckage for Harris Salleh to sign the agreement with Petronas.

The dead bodies had not yet been buried but our government of the day had already sold our soul for a mere token in return.  Where is the justice to our founding leaders?  Where is the respect and honour for Donald Stephens and his cabinet ministers?  Where is the report of the crash?  From what is known, Australia and Malaya knew the answer to that, but they had purposely kept Sabahans in the dark.

We Sabahans are a pitiful bunch; living all this while in the dictates and remote control of a federated partner.  A government who claims to bring good tidings to a lost nation, but in reality they are a devil in disguised.

The Malayan UMNO government of the day is the most corrupt government this history could ever experience.  According to an international monetary watch dog based in America, Malaysia is one of the most corrupt places on earth.

There had been over 200 billion unknown monetary outflow leaving Malaysia in recent years.  In Sabah alone, almost all government departments are well known to practice some form of bribery.  Corruption is an epidemic that flow top down making corruption a silent form of cultural norm.  This is another ills that foster the death of a society as the “rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.”  Is this the country that we have been dreaming about?

Today we are faced with many political parties vying for our votes.  There is so many its hard to decide, perhaps, but in fact it is not difficult to choose among the many.  If you have read all the facts written in part I and part II of this article, you can only come up with one true choice.

The decision is easy if you listen to your heart.  We Sabahans need Sabahans support.  We are the true defenders of Sabah.  We are the souls of the multi-ethnic races of Sabah.  We are the talents that will fight for our future well-being.  We are you!  We are Sabah's new hope!  Give us the chance to prove ourselves and to the world!

Just as we had many good Sabahan leaders in the past that had a vision of grandeur for this young nation, we again have such home grown leaders today that are ready to take the helm of government with a vision to modernize our country to meet the standards and norm of the 21st century.

It was unfortunate that Donald Stephens and his colleague did not have a chance to realize their vision due to their untimely death, but the spirit and vision that they had will continue to live in the hearts and minds of the progressive Sabahans.

It is with this spirit that our local Sabahan political party lays claim that vision of a modern, prosperous and glorious nation.  Sabahans deserved such a country.  We deserved the honour to dictate the direction of our destiny.

There are plenty of talents in Sabah and we ought to give that talent a run for its money.  We ought to give our people a chance to prove themselves.  We the people must give our children a chance to show us the pride and dignity as a people of the land below the wind. We should never succumb to the inferiority jitters as what our Malayan counterparts hope to see us falter.  We must claim our integrity while there is still hope.  Let Sabahans form their own government!

Give unto the Malayans what belong to them, but what belongs to Sabahans must be given to Sabahans.  Sabahans deserved some respect!  We deserved the right to prove our integrity.

As a people and as a nation, we must learn to unite.  Seek the truth and let the truth shine.  Give credit where credit is due.  Speak with honour and integrity.  This is our country.  Let no one take that away from us.

It is with this creed that we must raise to the occasion.  Our history demands of our wisdom to render a just verdict.  We must now make the hero’s call for the pride and dignity that is within our hearts.  After all, we Sabahans are a family.  Family must stick together to fight for its honour.  Make this coming general election a simple one.  Vote local!  Vote SAPP!  Just say NO to party party Malaya.  May God be with us!

By Wilfred Gaban
He is a Director at PIPPA – Progressive Institute of Public Policy Analysis; President of Kadu Foundation – An NGO dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the Momogun people of Sabah.

See .... Part I & Part III





  2. Perhaps we should not jump the gun anaksarawak.


      There are many questions raised by your comment which is taken to mean “Do not jump the gun on the de-colonisation and independence issues”. But why the caution?

      Why endure 50 more years as Malayan colonial subjects?

      What has the Sabah educated elite to gain by being handmaids of UMNO BN or PKR and not lead Sabahans to be independent?

      Does not the 50 years in Malaysia prove beyond doubt that we were conned with many false promises to accept the Malaysia neo-colonial concept?

      What have we got out of this federation?-

      What is the point of continuing this abusive and unequal relationship?

      The SAPP “manifesto” by Wilfred Gaban sets out the reasons. He said:

      “The purported goal of this federation was economic prosperity and security.  However, we all know today that the goal had been hijacked by a greedy Malaya.  Soon after the formation of the federation, the Malaya government was hijacked by the ultra Malays who were motivated by race and religion.  They started to have this grand vision of Malay supremacy and Islamization of the whole Malaysian federation.”

      UMNO BN abused and disregarded the terms of the 18/20 Points and Malaysia Agreements and understandings which formed the basis for creating Malaysia and proceeded to impose its Malay supremacists plan. Sabah Sarawak and Singapore were not treated as equal partners because UMNO was out to dominate all these 3 countries and their people.

      1. The first major breach was the failure to draw up a new Constitution and not just rehash the Malayan constitution. By their casual attachment of clauses referring to Sabah Sarawak they showed that they were only annex our land and territories as the 12th and 13th vassal states of Malaya.

      2. They then breach the 18/20 Points Agreement by imposing Malayan central control over Sabah Sarawak (and Singapore) through Malayanisation instead of complying with the Borneonisation plan agreed to,

      This led to the Constitutional Crisis in Sarawak and removal of CM Stephen K Ningkan in 1965. It was no coincidence that this move to assert UMNO Malay supremacist control caused to Singapore separate from Malaysia in 1965.

      Similar in Sabah the UMNO backed parties were used to assert Malayan domination and led the removal of CM Donald Stephens.

      3. The new documentary film "SILENT RIOT" reveals that when USNO lost the elections, Mahathir and Tun Mustapha were in the fore front of the 1985 incidents to engineer an emergency situation.

      Watching the film the strongest impression is that they could cynically use instant crowds of Filipinos in a series of demonstrations where bombs were set off. The demonstrators were armed, organised and directed by people behind the scenes and openly led by USNO members. The ordinary citizens were at their mercies as the organised crowds went on the rampage. 5 innocent people were killed. As in the Najib Mongolian case, questions are raised as to who was behind all these events and who had the control of and distribution of weapons and explosives.


    2. 4. The first UMNO major grab of Borneo wealth was seizure of our oil resources under the Petroleum Development Act 1974 supported by traitors like Taib Mahmud (A key man in this robbery) and Harris Salleh.

      5. The explosive RCI hearings is exposing and confirming many of the dirty tricks used by UMNO to dominate Sabah and Sarawak which they have been accused of for over so many years. Mahathir himself has dealt the major blow to UMNO by confessing his role in rigging the electoral system with the mass importation of instant voters from Indonesia and the Philippines.

      The drama that is unfolding across the 3 countries in Malaysia has a strong tinge of karma. UMNO has for 55 years dominated Malaya and 50 years in Sabah and Sarawak in a vile and corrupt fashion. Its days of supremacy and dictatorship is drawing to an end.
      (conclusion of above comments)

      Today the facts and figures are falling into place and making sense.

      Over 50 years ago our predecessors and not a few who are still alive opposed the British/Malaya proposals for the Malaysia Federation Plan and warned that this was a plan to re-colonise us. This is what the younger generation Wilfred Kaban is also saying. The younger generation can see and analyse the events better because of the emerging details which have been kept as secrets for many years.

      50 years as 50 years overdue on the Sabah Sarawak de-colonisation question.

    3. Agree with you anaksarawak, but do you have a plan.


      Thank you for your support. There are many people out there who are still patriotic to the land of the birth despite having grown up in colonial environment.

      In fact many young people are expressing their thoughts in the Internet on the unequal union with Malaya. The facts of this exploitative relation are clear to see. Many also express the desire to see their 2 countries Sabah Sarawak become independent one day such as the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia movement.

      So is there a plan for independence? We are guided by the events of the past. A couple of plans are suggested.

      You may have read about the Borneo Federation Plan from the 1960s which is still on the agenda. As long as the Malayan colonisation of our land continues the agenda is alive. It is necessary to understand this Plan in context of our history.

      1. Even before the "Malaysia plan" was jointly announced by Britain and Malaya, the people in the 3 British Borneo colonies were discussing the concept of a Borneo Federation for independence. This was to federate Brunei Sabah Sarawak into the new State of North Kalimantan.

      There are many positives for such a federation which would accommodate the the 3 territories in an equal and democratic relationship. All 3 countries are part of the resource rich Northern Borneo land mass and share a common history.

      Historically North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were offshoots of the Brunei Empire from the 15th Century to the 19th Century. During that 500 year period, Brunei existed as an independent entity. The Sultanate was weakened by internal rebellions and for various reasons the Sultans gave away or leased out territories towards the end of the empire.

      Sarawak came into being when James Brooke helped the Sultanate in the 1840s to suppress a local rebellion and was given the south west part of present day Sarawak as a reward. The Brooke Dynasty was borne and it saw the territorial expansion at the expense of Brunei territory to what Sarawak is today. Sarawak existed as an independent state from 1841 to 1941.

      Sabah's historically was slightly more complex. It was a territory which was leased out by the Brunei Sultanate to various foreign companies (US, European and English) who traded this Lease among themselevs and it eventually came under the control of one major trading company. The east coastal area of Sabah was ceded to the Sulu Sultanate around 1658 giving rise to the present day spurious claim on the whole Sabah by the Philippines. It is a shame people do not read history accurately. Brunei probably has a more legitimate claim on Sabah.

      We can see how arrogant it was for Malaya which did not even exist as a unitary state until 1957 to harbour its Melayu Raya supremacist plan to take over our respective countries.

      It was against this background that in 1962 the Brunei People's Party led by Dr. A.M. Azahari proposed the idea of federating the 3 Borneo colonies as an independent federation called “North Kalimantan”. This was welcome by many in Sabah and Sarawak. To this day many people still talk about the possibility of this union.

      In August 1962, the BPP won the first free elections ever held on any of the Borneo colonies. It won all the seats in the Legislative Council except one.

    5. (cont'd from above)


      On Dec. 5, 1962, these three proposals were submitted to the Legislative Council:
      i) Reject the idea of joining Malaysia
      ii) Restore Brunei sovereignty over Sarawak and Sabah
      iii) British grant of independence to the Borneo federation by1963.

      However despite its electoral victory, the BPP was outnumbered by British appointees in the Council and its call for independence was rejected. The anti-Malaysia Brunei independence uprising broke out on December 8 1962.

      Exploiting the situation the British used the uprising and subsequent guerrilla war in Sarawak as reasons to quickly push through the formation of Malaysia by 31 August 1963. Brunei chose not to be part of this federation and it was a wise decision which led to Brunei independence and preservation of its resources for the country. Singapore joined and left. Again it was a stroke of luck for Singapore to be independent alone. Sabah and Sarawak fared less well.

      Since our countries are militarily occupied by Malaya, we are not free to determine the independence issue at present. This does not prevent us from discussing it as we do now.

      We can treat the GE13 a practice run for a referendum by the way we vote. If we all can vote against returning UMNO BN to power, this would be an indication of what we want. At this stage no local party has called the people to take this view and approach.

      2. The second Plan probably should come first. The Plan is for a peaceful de-colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak in a UN supervised independence referendum. If the people choose independence we will see 2 new states come into being. If the people are enthusiastic they could revive the Borneo Federation. May be it could take the form of a Borneo Union like the European Union.

      This again is unlikely to happen as seen in how PM Razak had brushed off Donald Stephens for a review of the Malaysia Agreement in 1973. This does not mean we give up. There are still many old people out there who have not given up independence.

      We should still go for a referendum or review? Does review allow us to choose independence? To review means going over the terms of the malaysia Agreement and rectifying the breaches. We had 50 years of blatant breaches so we have to decide whether we want to be in Malaysia or not. An independence referendum will determine this question.

      As peace loving people we should work together to press for an independence referendum. This will be a decision which will involve the people who never had a say in the whole thing.

      3. The system of government? This has to be discussed by all concerned.

      We should all actively discuss and promote the idea of independence widely.

    6. STAR Sabah, harness the PEOPLE POWER. Where is Samson's jawbone for moral suasion?


    Hasil "kecekapan" pentadbiran Yong Teck Lee selama dua tahun, GLC Sabah iaitu, Warisan Harta bukan sahaja mengalami kerugian besar dalam tahun kewangannya sebanyak RM114 juta kerana kejatuhan harga saham tetapi juga kehilangan dividen daripada MISC. Kejatuhan ini adalah disebabkan oleh keputusan YTL (ketika itu Pengerusi WHS) mengarahkan ‘share swap’ pemilikan saham WHS dalam MISC sebuah syarikat.


    YTL juga mengarahkan BOD Amanah Saham Sabah (SAS) membeli saham-saham NBT dan Sugarbun, sehingga SAS mengalami kerugian teruk dan sehingga hari ini nilainya merosot dengan teruk. Kesannya, Lebih 55 ribu pelabur Sabah, yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pesara dan yang berpendapatan rendah kehilangan pelaburan mereka (pada 1996) akibat kejatuhan saham SAS.


    Selama tempoh dua tahun YTL menjadi KM Sabah, banyak dasar-dasarnya tidak popular termasuk memperkenalkan Forest Management Unit (FMU) yang mengasingkan 2 juta hektar kawasan balak negeri Sabah kepada kurang daripada 20 syarikat untuk tempuh 100 tahun.


    Selain itu, hak-hak rakyat juga telah dinafikan oleh YTL, dan antaranya adalah: geran-geran tanah untuk kampung-kampung seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai dan Menggatal tidak diluluskan bagi tujuan pemilikan kerajaan negeri (untuk keuntungan peribadi). Tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputra dan tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputra.


    Hak rakyat lain yang dikatakan diambil oleh YTL ialah 1 juta ekar konsesi balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan, Tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas bernilai lebih RM500 juta, Tanah persisiran laut di Tanjung Aru bernilai lebih RM500 juta dan Tanah-tanah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Sabah (SLDB) bernilai lebih RM2 billion yang diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.


    Wang saham rakyat dalam Koperasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD) bernilai RM60 juta diambil melalui Benta Holdings, Duit rakyat diperbendaharaan negeri berjumlah RM36 juta setahun melalui Angkatan Hebat Sdn Bhd, kontrak sewa kereta kepada semua agensi kerajaan, dan Merobohkan rumah-rumah kerajaan di Tanjung Aru untuk pembinaan resort oleh sebuah syarikat kroni.

  9. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sendiri mengakui berlaku pertikaian dalam soal pembahagian kerusi di antara parti gabungan PR dan SAPP menjelang PRU13 akan datang.

  10. Menyifatkan permintaan SAPP untuk bertanding di lebih 50 peratus daripada keseluruhan kerusi di Sabah sebagai tidak realistik, ketua pembangkang itu menggesa supaya ia dikurangkan kepada satu jumlah yang boleh diterima Pakatan.

  11. Jumlah yang diminta itu tegas Anwar adalah satu jumlah yang tidak boleh diterima oleh PKR, PAS dan DAP justeru menyeru pimpinan ‘parti yang tidak terlalu besar’ itu mengukur keupayaannya di dalam berhadapan BN pada pilihan raya.

  12. “(Perbincangan mengenai kerusi di Sabah) Agak berlanjutan kerana ada penyertaan SAPP. Ada rundingan terakhir antara (Timbalan Presiden PKR) Azmin (Ali) dan SAPP yang menjelaskan kita sedia bekerjasama supaya ada satu lawan satu. Tetapi minggu lalu kita dapat maklumat SAPP minta kerusi yang terbanyak..setengah, hampir 50 peratus atau lebih kerusi.

  13. "Kalau 50 peratus kerusi, maka ketiga-tiga parti (PKR, PAS dan DAP) merasakan sukar untuk memberikan laluan kepada parti yang tidak terlalu besar tapi minta lebih daripada setengah daripada kerusi."

  14. "..Jadi saya minta kalau boleh SAPP turun betul-betul supaya realistik dan kita boleh bersetuju."-Anwar Ibrahim

  15. Mengulas mengenai pembahagian kerusi di Sarawak, Anwar berkata rundingan di antara sekutu mereka masih berjalan di mana soal pembahagian ini telah 90 peratus selesai.

  16. “Soal rundingan di Sabah dan Sarawak ini masih diteruskan. Sarawak hanya melibatkan tiga parti, PKR, PAS dan DAP..hanya satu atau dua sahaja yang masih lagi bercanggah, tapi 90 peratus selesai,” katanya.

  17. Sebelum ini Anwar berkata PKR bersedia melepaskan beberapa kerusi yang pernah ditandingi parti itu pada pilihan raya umum lepas untuk memberi laluan kepada SAPP bertanding pada PRU13.

  18. PKR berpendapat pembangkang akan mempunyai peluang lebih cerah pada PRU13 jika wujud perlawanan satu lawan satu dengan BN.

  19. Rakyat Sabah memang perlu belajar dari kesilapan-kesilapan lalu, tetapi tidak semestinya dengan memilih parti yang sudah pernah diberikan peluang memerintah. Pentadbiran kerajaan BN hari ini dilihat semakin baik, malah jauh lebih baik dari ketika SAPP masih bersama-sama BN, atau ketika Yong Teck Lee menduduki kerusi ketua menteri Sabah.

  20. Hasil pentadbiran Yong Teck Lee selama dua tahun, GLC Sabah iaitu, Warisan Harta bukan sahaja mengalami kerugian besar dalam tahun kewangannya sebanyak RM114 juta kerana kejatuhan harga saham tetapi juga kehilangan dividen daripada MISC. Kejatuhan ini adalah disebabkan oleh keputusan YTL (ketika itu Pengerusi WHS) mengarahkan ‘share swap’ pemilikan saham WHS dalam MISC sebuah syarikat.

  21. YTL juga mengarahkan BOD Amanah Saham Sabah (SAS) membeli saham-saham NBT dan Sugarbun, sehingga SAS mengalami kerugian teruk dan sehingga hari ini nilainya merosot dengan teruk. Kesannya, Lebih 55 ribu pelabur Sabah, yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pesara dan yang berpendapatan rendah kehilangan pelaburan mereka (pada 1996) akibat kejatuhan saham SAS.

  22. Selama tempoh 2 tahun YTL menjadi KM Sabah, banyak dasar-dasarnya tidak popular termasuk memperkenalkan Forest Management Unit yang mengasingkan 2 juta hektar kawasan balak negeri Sabah kepada kurang daripada 20 syarikat untuk tempuh 100 tahun.

  23. hak-hak rakyat juga telah dinafikan oleh YTL, dan antaranya adalah: geran-geran tanah untuk kampung-kampung seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai dan Menggatal tidak diluluskan bagi tujuan pemilikan kerajaan negeri (untuk keuntungan peribadi). Tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputra dan tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputra.

  24. Hak rakyat lain yang dikatakan diambil oleh YTL ialah 1 juta ekar konsesi balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan, Tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas bernilai lebih RM500 juta, Tanah persisiran laut di Tanjung Aru bernilai lebih RM500 juta dan Tanah-tanah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Sabah (SLDB) bernilai lebih RM2 billion yang diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.

  25. Wang saham rakyat dalam Koperasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD) bernilai RM60 juta diambil melalui Benta Holdings, Duit rakyat diperbendaharaan negeri berjumlah RM36 juta setahun melalui Angkatan Hebat Sdn Bhd, kontrak sewa kereta kepada semua agensi kerajaan, dan Merobohkan rumah-rumah kerajaan di Tanjung Aru untuk pembinaan resort oleh sebuah syarikat kroni.

  26. Ahli-ahli SAPP kini sedang giat melaksanakan aktiviti "turun padang" untuk mencari bahan yang boleh dipolitikkan untuk bekalan mereka pada PRU13 nanti.

    1. Sejauhmana kredibiliti bahan-bahan politik itu pula, tidak dapat dipastikan kerana kadang kala boleh berlaku penyelewengan fakta atau maklumat bilamana niat mereka adalah untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

  27. Sebelum ini Yong Teck Lee pernah membuat kenyataan bahawa bukan mudah untuk parti pembangkang di Sabah menumbangkan BN. Sebab itulah Yong Teck Lee bersungguh-sungguh bekerjasama dengan parti pembangkang yang lain bagi menumbangkan kerajaan BN Sabah walaupun ada beberapa parti pembangkang di negeri ini yang tidak berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan beliau.

  28. anak anak Borneo are ready to get down onto the street to voice up demanding the RESTORATION of our RIGHTS under MA 1963 !

    pls join:
