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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Important Documents Shredded Before Raid

The Sarawak Report has alleged that communications chief in the Prime Minister’s Department, Paul Stadlen has been spending the past fortnight shredding documents at his offices.

1. Key Documents Shredded Before Raid

An informant allegedly told The Sarawak Report that Paul Stadlen, the communications chief in the Prime Minister’s Department had shredded key documents in his offices at the Bangsar Menara building:

"…man with shredder seen coming in and out in days before raid. Stadlen office shut up just before raid…. am thinking Stadlen getting tip off before SRC / NCT office raids. His office not getting raided that day because nobody there. So Stadlen saves his own skin and doesn’t share his tip off with others."

The deed was apparently done just  before the raid was carried out down the corridor on the SRC International office, which is run by Jho Low’s close contact Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil.

2. Stadlen Laying Low For Now

The Sarawak Report stated that  disgruntled colleagues of Stadlen’s were wondering about his whereabouts as the communications chief was no longer be found at his Menara office:

"He is still in KL for now but gone dark. Not working from Bangsar office, but spotted in PMO and PM’s KL residence."
The report said that Stadlen is still working for the Prime Minister, but the man had elected to lay low as he removed “National Communications Team Prime Minister’s Office” completly from his business card.

3.  Stadlen Penned “Open Letter” To New Your Times As  Anifah Aman

Sarawak Report maintained that they were reliably informed on the matter of Stadlen penning the “open letter” on behalf of Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman.

They claimed that Stadlen masquerading as Anifah Aman had written the letter that lashed out at the former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir for criticising 1MDB and corruption issues associated with the present regime - GreaterMalaysia

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