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Monday, January 9, 2012

STAR: Better good dreams than nightmares under BN

“It is better to have good dreams for a better Sabah for Sabahans than to have actual nightmares under BN parties and Sabahans continue to be poorer and poorer and be marginalized by the Federal Government and the State be deprived of our rights and flooded by illegal immigrants with dubious ICs” replied Guandee Kohoi, Secretary, STAR Sabah Chapter, to the statements by leaders of Upko, PBS and PBRS.

Contrary to the accusations, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan’s stand is clear that the leaders in Sabah must stand united in protecting the State and Sabahans irrespective of their political ideologies.

For 48 years, Sabah leaders have been manipulated and hoodwinked resulting in the slow but steady erosion of Sabah’s rights including the unfair taking of Sabah’s oil and gas resources.  This has resulted because Sabah leaders have not been united and did not prioritize Sabah’s rights and interests over their party’s interests and personal interest.

Dr. Jeffrey has even invited and urged the local Sabah BN parties and UMNO Sabah leaders to leave BN and stand united to safeguard Sabah’s interests in Malaysia.

If the Sabah BN leaders love Sabah and care for the rights and welfare of Sabahans, the Sabah BN leaders should take pro-active actions to safeguard Sabah’s rights.   Under UMNO SABAH’s “Sabah Baru” policy, Sabah is now the poorest State in Malaysia with 40% of the poor in Malaysia.

“The local Sabah BN components are no longer relevant and are no bodies in the eyes of UMNO.   Dare Dompok, Kurup and Mositun deny that Upko, PBRS and PBS are not treated as equals and policies decided without consensus from Sabah components” asked Guandee.

Even UMNO Sabah are seeking to takeover the seats of Upko and PBRS including Kurup’s seat in Pensiangan.

“What is wrong in seeking the restoration of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in Malaysia and seeking a better and more equitable treatment of Sabahans by the Federal Government, higher oil royalties from the current unfair 5%, the resolution of the illegal immigrants and Project IC issue under the Borneo Agenda” asked Guandee, which STAR Sabah is seeking for Sabah.

“Is it wrong to have such “dreams” as alleged when they are good for Sabah and Sabahans.”

“Is Dompok, Mositun and Kurup meaning to say that they and Upko, PBS and PBRS will not fight for Sabah’s rights?” retorted Guandee.

“If Kuala Lumpur leaders want Sabah leaders to be traitors to Sabah’s cause, are Dompok, Mositun and Kurup and their other leaders continuing to be willingly pulled by them?”

Dr. Jeffrey and STAR  Sabah’s vision for Sabah and Sabahans are clear and precise.  “Can Dompok and Kurup say the same of their parties’ vision as their parties are no longer relevant to the people?”

It is not for Mositun or Kurup to decide whether STAR Sabah would be accepted by the people of Sabah.   STAR Sabah have come up with their aspirations for the people of Sabah and will leave to people to decide in the forthcoming general elections.

STAR Sabah strongly believes that based on the people’s feelings mosquito parties like PBRS will be wiped out in the coming elections and become obsolete.

It has never been the dream of Dr. Jeffrey of heading a political party and has never made it his objective of heading the previous parties and deemed it fit to leave the political vehicles for failing to see through Dr. Jeffrey’s political stand.

Dr. Jeffrey has always been consistent in his political stand that there must be “JUSTICE FOR SABAH” to the extent of being a political prisoner under the ISA for more than 2 years.   No other Sabah leader has ever made such a sacrifice.

As for SPF’s response, STAR Sabah would like to state, amongst others, that the Secretary-General was present as the launching of STAR Sabah.

STAR Sabah’s political vision is for Sabah’s rights and for the empowerment of the people in Sabah and invite the Sabah BN leaders and their parties to abandon the BN and unite with STAR Sabah to safeguard Sabah’ rights, interests and autonomy.

Guandee Kohoi is Secretary, STAR Sabah Chapter


  1. Himpunkanlah semua rakyat yang benci akan ketidakadilan ini. seram yang menimpa tidak akan berakhir kalau kita tak mengubah hala pada PRU13 nanti. hanya kroni-kroni UMnO dan proBN yang tidak merasa seram ini kerana mereka berada di bilik-bilik berhawa dingin makan di KFC-KFC dan main game di kelab-kelab mini kasino. Rakyat yang miskin dipinggirkan dan terus-terusan terpinggir. Star Sabah teruskan perjuangan demi bangsa dan rakyat kita di Sabah tercinta ini... Dr.JK teruskan usaha...

  2. All the party malaya either UMNO or PR must be kicked out from Sabah in this GE13.

  3. Star Sabah (SS) should cooperate and work with local opposition party rather than calling for leaders from BN to join in the fight for Sabahans' rights. Such act would be futile, and as a result SS will only revise and create to repeat history of the past when Sabah under BN.

    These Bn leaders have their master to serve in putrajaya and they are not relevant party or fit to fight for Sabah causes.
    SS should have their own clean and matured candidates and cooperate with the local opposite party to fight against Umno/BN.

    Depending on corrupted BN leaders to join in the fight for Sabah causes would make Star Sabah a weak party and cannot be treated, and eventually SS will end up just like those corrupted Umno/Bn leaders fighting for their own personal agenda.

    SS must form an alliance with the local opposite party if they are sincere to fight for Sabahans' rights as Sabah has suffered and deprived from our rights and autonomy under the Umno/Bn regime.

    We have to fight for meritocracy to bring Sabah to a greater high, and we have the resources.

  4. Ni Kurup jadi timbalan menteri kerana hakim pilih kasih bukan daripada undi rakyat. Bodoh!!!

  5. Batu Bersumpah!

    Rakyat Sabah kini matang dalam menilai parti2 politik! cuma yang menggangu kacau ialah rasuah umno, pendatang pengundi hantu tanpa izin mahathir dan ketamakan dan kerakusan yb2 bn yang gila dengan kuasa dan wang!

    Teruskan Dr.Jeffrey usaha mu yang berjuang dengan semangat kental dalam pelbagai rintangan untuk rakyat tulin Sabah.

    Kurup banyak cakap saja tapi setitik pun tiada jasanya untuk memperjuangkan hak rakyat tulin sabah selain terus dolak dalik dengan perjuangan peribadinya untuk poketnya.

    Teruskan usaha mu Jeffrey..


  7. Star is still new in the states, they have to prove their potential to all Sabahan voters before the next GE.

  8. Hope that the Sabahan voters will be able to cast their votes to the best party in the states.

  9. Again, but when the GE day comes the situation will be change...

  10. Changes can be made if only you really want it happen.

  11. The future is in the people's hand. Vote wisely!

  12. This is the time where we must evaluate each party wisely.

  13. Satu lagi taktik untuk memecah-belahkan rakyat Sabah.
    Selagi semua tidak bersatu padu, akan terus dijajah & segala kekayaan akan terus diambil & dicuri.
    Rakyat Sabah akan terus hidup dlm kemiskinan & dipandang hina.
    Kebanyakan org semenanjung yg dtg ke Sabah mentertawakan kita semua kerana mereka anggap kita semua ni bodoh, kuno & senang diambil kesempatan.
    Jika rakyat Sabah masih mahu terus bodoh & percayakan pemimpin2 sekarang yg telaj membelot & jual bangsa sendiri, Then we all deserve the shit that we are getting. U reap what u sow...

  14. sejauh mana sokongan rakyat kepada STAR?

  15. adakah UBA akan menjadi realiti, bukan sekadar mimpi?

  16. apakah sabah akan mengalami tsunami politik pada pru13 nanti?

  17. pilihan di tangan rakyat...kita tunggu dan lihat sama ada STAR akan ada peluang atau tidak pada pru13 nanti.

  18. yang pasti pru13 akan memberikan banyak kejutan.

  19. Semua bising mahu cakap itu ini. Tengok saja nanti BN juga tu menang.

  20. Saya malas sudah mahu bising sebab yang saya tahu tak lama lagi PRU dan itu sajalah peluang yang ada utk 'balas dendam'.

  21. Saya malas sudah mahu bising sebab yang saya tahu tak lama lagi PRU dan itu sajalah peluang yang ada utk 'balas dendam'.

  22. Jadi tunggu sajalah kejutan next GE nanti. jeng, jeng, jeng...

  23. I hope the best party win this coming election.

  24. Hari ini hari terakhir hantar borang utk dapat RM500, so dalam bulan depan kena bagi wang maksudnya hujung bulan Feb atau bulan Mac la ni PRU. Dekat dah tu.

  25. Makin dekat dengan PRU maka rakyat haruslah extra hati-hati dengan gimik politik pihak2 tertentu. Biasalah kalau mahu dapat perhatian konpom ada saja hal yang dibangkitkan.

  26. We are the people of Sabah and we must fight as to make preeminent choice.

  27. The best choice is in the hands of the people.

  28. We should all vote wisely to implement possible change.

  29. Hopefully this year will be better than last year.

  30. Let’s pray and vote prudently for a better tomorrow.

  31. When will Jeffrey stop moving from one party to another?

  32. The people would have to decide from the choices of parties in Sabah. Vote wisely during the next GE.

  33. Biar rakyat yang menentukan segalanya bila PRU-13 menjelang di Sabah.

  34. You may say I'm a dreamer..but I'm not the only one - Imagine, The Beatles.

  35. Time will tell whether STAR are accepted among the people or not.

  36. laluan Star tak begitu mudah di Sabah.

  37. pengaruh parti2 lain yang lebih lama lebih kuat dari Star.

  38. STAR parti baru untuk Sabah yang digabungkan dengan pemimpin dari Sarawak. Apa pun kita tunggu sampai mana kekuatan parti ini untuk menawan Sabah,

  39. STAR cuba untuk menarik parti tempatan lain untuk menyokong mereka. Namun SAPP seperti memberikan sokongan kepada parti baru ini.

  40. JK menubuhkan STAR yang kununnya untuk memperjuangkan hak Sabah. Tapi mungkinkah penduduk Sabah memberikan sokongan kepada parti ini atau tidak keputusan akan terjawab pada PRU13 nanti.

  41. BN Sabah rasanya sudah mencukupi untuk mentadbir pentadbiran di Sabah. Harap BN Sabah akan terus memberikan yang terbaik untuk penduduk Sabah.

  42. STAR diketuai oleh JK yang merupakan bekas ahli BN dan juga pernah menjadi presiden PKR di Sabah. Namun semua itu tidak bermakna bagi beliau dan keluar parti dan cuba untuk menubuhkan parti baru yang dipanggin Sabah reform party(STAR).

  43. semua parti sedang berusaha untuk memenangi hati rakyat Sabah.

  44. biarlah rakyat sendiri yang menentukan parti mana yang terbaik untk mereka.

  45. any STAR achievement in Sarawak??

  46. I don't think STAR should be contested as a party in the next GE. STAR is still new in Sabah.

  47. anyway, I still support any effort from our Sabahan leaders to fight for Sabahan's rights.

  48. Breaking news for today. STAR is not registered under ROS. What's going on?

  49. Jeff sememangnya rindu akan perjuangan politiknya.

  50. I wonder if STAR could really survive in Sabah.

  51. Jangan yakin sangat. PRU13 belum tahu lagi nasib Star macam mna.

  52. STAR Sabah bikin kasi pecah undi di Sabah saja.. selepas gagal di negeri sendiri, parti itu terpaksa melebarkan sayap di Sabah..

  53. STAR masih baru di Sabah..kita tunggu dan lihat bagaimana penerimaan rakyat terhadap Parti ini..

  54. Semua nya terletak di tangan rakyat.

  55. JK memang suka lompat parti..macamana mau percaya beliau.

  56. PRU13 pasti memberi banyak kejutan kepada kita...kita tunggu sahaja..

  57. Pilih Parti mana yg benar2 layak memerintah sabah.

  58. Susah untuk STAR untuk menambat hati orang Sabah kerana masih baru dan tidak tahu keupayaannya.

  59. Kami tengok sejauh mana STAR boleh pergi.

  60. STAR come in to fight autonomy Sabah, people rights? Hope their dreams and our dreams come true.

  61. UMNO mengalami cabaran giat kali ini.

  62. Tiket undi di tangan rakyat, harus juga rakyat pandai menilai dan membezakan siapa yang berkebolehan dan berkeupayaan.

  63. There are alternatives, it depends on the people. Everyone should be honest with their votes in the election.

  64. People should not be tempted with free gift and more, there will be unfairness in making decision.

  65. BN harus memperbaiki prestasi dan kelemahannya. Ramai rakyat di Sabah makin mengecewa dengan BN kerana gagal menunaikan janji yang dibuat.

  66. Mungkin juga rakyat memberi peluang kepada STAR selaku parti baru di Sabah. Rakyat menantikan perubahan, mungkin beri peluang juga.

  67. Nasib semua parti di Sabah berada di tangan rakyat. Semoga PRU dijalan dengan lancar dan bersih, yang menang dapat melaksanakan kerja dan tanggung jawab dengan baik.

  68. JK masih mendapat sokongan dari awam, harus juga beliau membuktikan kebolehan untuk menyelesaikan masalah di Sabah.

  69. STAR harus membuktikan keupayaan dan kebolehan untuk memimpin.



  71. Masalahnya you will land amongst the TONG SAMPAH!
