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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GE13: Former Kepayan DAP stalwart Stephen Jimbangan joining the BN

PENAMPANG: The ‘Tataba Wave” and UPKO’s desire to solve the illegal immigrants in Sabah were the two key reasons for former Kepayan DAP stalwart Stephen Jimbangan joing the Barisan Nasional.

(Pic - Dompok pins an UPKO badge on Jimbangan as a welcome sign to join the BN party) Stephen admitted that he had read all 25 volumes of UPKO’s research and suggestions pertaining to the problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah and the documentation had proven to him just how determined the party is towards getting the government to find a solution that can finally address the issue.

“It is because of that and Gelombang Tataba that I decided to join UPKO. I spoke to a few friends and managed to convince them to also make the move as they can see what it is I saw (about Gelombang Tataba and UPKO’s struggles).

He denied that his crossing over had anything to do with not being the DAP candidate (for Kepayan) but more of unity of the KadazanDusun Murut community.

Stephen also said that he had laid down a condition for UPKO before joining the party and that was for Dompok to defend the Penampang Parliamentary seat.

“(Tan Sri) Bernard must continue his struggles… I assured him and UPKO of our help in the coming election. We need you Tan Sri… you are our leader,” he stressed.

Stephen also called on people in Sabah not to allow a repeat of what had happened in 1999 as it would only bring about negative effect on them.

“Don’t make a decision that you will regret in the future as we will be the ones at the losing end. We must be open-minded when it is the time for us to choose our state and national leaders,” he said.

Stephen admitted to having sleepless nights before making the step to join UPKO

On Saturday, Borneo Insider had reported that trouble was brewing in Sabah DAP and that one of tss Penampang leaders was close to quitting the party, which promoted Teresa Kok, the Seputeh MP to rush to Sabah to try and resolve the matter.

N Sunday, Stephen and 127 other former DAP members formerly handed over their applications to join UPKO.
“I feel at home because it is like coming back home and I am happy to see a lot of familiar faces.

“I hope my entry into UPKO could contribute in a small way in uniting the KDM community. We have been divided for far too long and I believe the ‘Gelombang Tataba’ is the right first step towards a united and progressive KDM,” he said.

Stephen who was DAP’s candidate for the Kepayan state constituency in the 2008 general election added that he is deeply touched by Dompok’s genuine, firm and consistent struggle in finding solution(s) to the ‘mother of all problems’ in Sabah, namely the illegal immigrants in possession of MyKad.

His (Dompok) proposal for all issued Identity Cards to be returned and re-issued only to genuine Malaysians is a very good proposal and deserve support from all Malaysian citizens, Stephen stressed.

By Samantha Rae


  1. HOW MANY $$$$$$$$$ DID IT TAKE?



    1. Sure ma,can contribute to rngt politic & dubious id cards. Shame,shame,shamex2=666;helping the not so hidden enemy to destroy your own race and your religion through the pti. Judas was hung by iblis for 30 pieces of silver thus was thrust into hell.

  2. BLACKMAILERS POLITICIANS are greedy,proud,arrogant & floating in the dark clouds of uncertainty unsure if it would rain or not.In that darkness such so-called politicians await for the highest bidder & so it happens,it rains boiling water.I wonder how much money was stolen from bps in the 90's when it was abandoned by crooks to form their own popati so that they can continue to hoodwink the voters. Money,money o', how strong thou art to thwart persons from integrity,credibility,light to darkness in other that they can worship you.I heard that coconut toddy can be added with water that are used to wash white rice,because the water is colored like toddy,as told to me by late uncles,so that they have more toddy for sale=money=curse.Their progeny are cursed with cheating others by short change in cement & short weight etc.And so the story continues.BLACKMAILERSblackmailers, laugh,smile cunningly while you can..The dragon awaits you.........

  3. Oi tobpinai jimbangan, nohivan nu oh dandi di 2008 kio.

    Nung izou sabaagi do katolik kristian humavan zou do BN sabab au kaanu oh BN monuhung do tuhun kristian ngaavi do tulus mamakai toi momoguno do "Allah" doid malazu. Ogumu tuhun Sabah om Sarawak ih kakaal poh momohou do kinoingan doid malazu do "Allah". Nung au pobulihon iti, poingkuo nodii oh malay verson doid panambazangan(gereja yang menggunakan B.M.) dalam misa. Om nung adadii oh undang-undang do au obuli mamakai "Allah" oontok do tolungku toi danda sabab do 'nakahasa' ka.??
    (kita tidak boleh menggunakan hanya perkataan 'Tuhan' sebab Tuhan bermaksud Tuan kepada segala tuan.Tetapi Allah lebih kepada 'Yang Terutama' atau 'Yang Agung' yakni Yang Sangat Berkuasa kepada segala-galanya termasuk di luar cekarawala(Universal). Jadi renung-renungkanlah.
