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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GE13: Those who registered this year cannot vote

PETALING JAYA: Only the 13.3 million Malaysians who registered as voters before Dec 31 last year are eligible to cast their ballots in this general election.

Election Commission (EC) deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said those who applied to be voters from Jan 1 this year would not be able to vote this time around as there was not enough time to process their names for inclusion in the electoral roll that is updated once every three months.

Wan Ahmad said that the commission's special meeting tomorrow to decide on nomination and polling dates would also confirm that the 2012 fourth quarter electoral roll will be used for GE13.

The roll was gazetted on Feb 22 this year and contains the names of 13,291,385 voters who registered by Dec 31 last year.

“This matter has been finalised. Only those who registered by the end of last year will be able to vote in the coming polls,” Wan Ahmad said.

He said the roll would be verified during the EC special meeting before it is gazetted for use the following day.

The electoral roll will, however, be updated to remove the names of those who have died in recent months before it is gazetted, said Wan Ahmad.

The general election will see an unprecedented jump of 2.4 million new voters, about a third of whom will be casting their ballots for the first time.

Selangor recorded the biggest increase in new voters with the electorate growing by 486,214 voters or 31% from 1,565,494 in 2008 to 2,051,708 as of Dec 31 last year.


  1. Banyak pengundi muda berlayak mengundi. Harus juga mengundi dengan bijak.

  2. To those who qualify to vote, please do so. We have our right to vote for our government.

  3. EC harus memastikan semua pelaksanaan PRU dijalan dengan lancar dan terbuka.

  4. “This matter has been finalised. Only those who registered by the end of last year will be able to vote in the coming polls,”

    Jalankan tanggung jawab sebagai warganegara di PRU14 je.
